Greetings, whoever you are, reading my profile.
I've been an "official" Otaku since I was 15, but have watched them around childhood too, namely Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Lady Lynn (I'm one of those rare breeds that has never watched Pokemon). The first anime I watched while knowing it was anime and which got me into anime to begin with was Inuyasha. I try to keep up with this hobby of mine, but I feel like I've fallen behind by quite a lot, so if you have the time to check my list and notice a crucial anime title is missing completely, please do not hesitate to recommend it to me.
I'm also very open to new friendships and friend requests, but please don't add me just to never speak to me, I don't fancy friend collectors. I'm a great listener, a loyal friend for those that stay true and people tell me I'm insightful with advice.
I sometimes can enter a gaming phase where I don't really do anything else aside from... gaming. I've had these phases with Eden Eternal, Allods Online, NosTale, TERA, Guild Wars 2, Tibia etc. and a few others. But my grandest hobby is reading. I can share my Goodreads profile with you if you're interested.
Have a pleasant day and perhaps, who knows, you and I will end up being good friends someday if you dare bump that first PM forward.
All Comments (23) Comments
Now, that's surprising haha
In relation to what tho? 👀
Ai studiat și japoneza și ce îți place cel mai mult la Ghost in the Shell?
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2 0 2 4 🎉
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023!! 🎉🎉
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022!! 🎉🎉
Come and check out the Anime Watching Challenges club.
A fast growing community with many challenges for our members to enjoy.
You can visit the Introduction thread, our exclusive Beginners' Guide
or the New Member's Guide while you look around~
Alternatively, if you are more interested in manga, please visit our sister club.
The Manga Reading Challenges club also has many challenges for our members to check out.
The challenges can be completed at your pace or with a time limit!
So I'm sure there will be something for you to enjoy.
Inteleg, eu mi-am luat la fel burnout cand am facut binge la Naruto, binge-urile nu sunt sanatoase pt creier. Eu am luat un race bundle si am realizat ca tot nu imi plac race-urile dupa pauza de ani, vreau sa incerc dupa Nier Automata, Resident Evil 2/3. Spiral Knights, hm vad ca este MMO. Eu nu pot juca MMO-urile singur fara un grup.
Imi place Claymore, Hellsing Ultimate la favorite~
Iti place si gaming hmm, de curiozitate care e jocul tau favorit sau genre?
But as I said, it seemed like it was a positive feedback of a sort, so I'll just take that out of it
Have a good day, and don't stay a stranger!
HGCノ ᴺᴸ#8122 my discord kitty <3