All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 39.6
Mean Score:
- Watching16
- Completed155
- On-Hold3
- Dropped54
- Plan to Watch119
- Total Entries347
- Rewatched9
- Episodes2,309
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 16.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries94
- Reread1
- Chapters1,069
- Volumes285
All Comments (3) Comments
You can talk about whatever you like (honestly, it doesn't have to be anime-related, but it often is). :-D
There are also a couple games that we play in the discussion, and you can also order cards, etc :-)
Ah, there's also a Skype chat if you're interested!
Well, that's basically it. I hope too see you around in the club :-D
Would you like to join the Open Discussion Club?
If you don't want to, of course, that's fine, but if you'd like yo join, we'll welcome you with open arms :-D