Happily taken.
I just want people to Grow the
I speak my mind.
I'm a bitch and I don't deny it.
I don't smile much and when I do I'm either
faking, Or really
happy,Can you tell the difference?

My personalty is Compared to Becker. lol.
I have a childish liking to stuffed animals
a lot.
I'm a good girl, with a lot of
bad habits ;).
I have a
Low Bull shit Tolerance.
My Happiness walks on all fours.
I value My close friends. But more than anything..
"Music Moves me, and the sounds of my heart breaking to the beat of life."
I'm not the person to smile because I'm
happy, I smile When something is
wrong. I love to sleep but not past Noon, unless its Sunday. I'm not skinny I'm not the prettiest Girl. I laugh because your
stupid not because your
I lie. I cry so hard I laugh not the other way around. I like walking In the rain because no one knows I'm crying. Kiss Me I'm Irish. I sit on roofs in bad weather.
Because of him I cant trust not only me but everyone around me. I used to watch the stars but now I watch my ceiling.
I love wolves & Pandas I'm the kind of person that listens to what you don't say. I know every smile hides something and that every tear falls for a reason.
I hate people, I can see threw them, you can't fool me. I'm old fashioned in a modern way. I turn the music up so I can scream. If I don't talk to you its not because I'm shy. I take aspirin even if I don't have a headache. I find spoons annoying. I
hate people I don't know and I don't care that I do.I try to care but my give a damn is
busted. I'm sorry that sorry is never enough. I walk with a limp because of my
bad knee.
Johnny Depp Is mine thats that. I know every line to both lion kings. I'm Compared to Becker.
I have a Sister that annoys me, But I love her anyway, I don't say love much so Kana enjoy that last statement. I go by
Berlios. My sister calls me
Onee-Chan But only she can call me that.
I can proudly say that if you don't like me I probably hate you. I'm very opinionated and harsh, but honest. Fuck with me or someone close to me than your dead. I'm
very protective over
Kanashimi so don't be stupid and do something you'll regret because I'll find out I always do.
Story of my life..
All Comments (608) Comments
You don't want to believe me, fine, it makes no difference. But don't you dare say they weren't real! Anessa was a great woman! And GS, he was like a brother. How Would you feel if I said your dad never did anything to you. Hu? How would you feel if I said you whole life was a lie?
Yes I like those shows, but I haven't even seen very much of them! I hate Anime! I really do! I love the machines and ideas of what we may be able to make some day, but thats it! So don't say I built my life around some fucking fantasy!
As for Jackie, I just wanted to be a friend. Help her realize that she is building a very poor life for her self, and help show her a better way. You can only be shot so many times, so Fuck it. I don't even care about it anymore. If she was truly a good person, she wouldn't let some prick she hardly knows control her, then regurgitate cruel things about another person because he doesn't like them. She can live in her lovely little world and be ignorant of the better life she could have if she just opened her eyes.
As for the whole not remembering thing, well it happens more frequently now then least once a week I black out...but I can't get help cause I would be locked up and tested I don't know you pain and you don't know mine, not because one is greater then the other, but because it is different.
Merry Christmas, Natalie!