______10: My favorite anime. You should watch this; if you like what I like. ______9: Top quality anime. Very few flaws. Would recommend. ______8: High quality anime. A few flaws. Would recommend. ______7: Good anime. Lacking in a few areas. Would recommend. ______6: Satisfactory anime. Lacking in more areas. Might recommend. ______5: Mediocre anime. Lacking in many areas. Would not recommend. ______4: Bad anime. Lots of bad points. Would not recommend. ______3: Terrible anime: Everything is bad. Would not recommend. ______2: Irredeemable: This is barely watchable. Would not recommend. ______1: Why? Don't watch this. Seriously. You madman.
My ratings are primarily based on my enjoyment of the show as a whole, and how complete the plot is; those two points hold the most weight in a rating. I have ignored some flaws in other aspects solely because the plot was so good or I enjoyed the show so much (new Berserk).
Other aspects I consider are the soundtrack, the pacing, character development and interactions, cinematic techniques to some extent, and animation (key frames). These are what I mean when I say a show was missing something or had flaws. One of these aspects was probably not up to my standards.
I follow the MAL ratings as closely as possible. That is to say, the definitions of the words that accompany the ratings are what I try to apply my verdict to. I also occasionally come back and change my score if I felt it was incorrect. I find my scoring can be a bit skewed after just finishing a show.
In general, I tend to rate on the higher end. This is probably due to a number of factors. Mainly my preference for watching shows that I think I will enjoy. I simply don't watch shows, outside of the ones for anime challenges, that I think will be bad. I am also easily entertained.
I don't score shows until I finish them. I think scoring them early is selling them short and influencing the final score you give. I do score manga if it's publishing but I think those are two different things.
I score manga pretty much the same just on manga terms.
10 (Masterpiece): "a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship".
A masterpiece is a masterpiece in my eyes. I enjoyed it to the highest extent. If there were flaws then the rest of the show went above and beyond to gloss over them. I rate other shows based on the shows I rate as 10's. You could call these constants.
9 (Great): "of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average".
This usually means I didn't feel a show was quite as good as the shows I've ranked 10. There might be a flaw, but in general these shows are probably some of the best anime in their genre. I would recommend these.
8 (Very Good): "having the better qualities required for a particular role".
Similar to 7, the show might have a some flaws but nothing that really took away from my enjoyment. The difference between 7 and 8 for me is purely my enjoyment. If I felt that I enjoyed the show more it might get an 8 instead of a 7 provided there were no outstanding flaws. I would recommend these.
7 (Good): "having the qualities required for a particular role".
If a show is good then I couldn't say it was bad when I finished. There might be a few flaws, but nothing that stopped me from enjoying myself to some extent.
6 (Fine): "in a satisfactory or pleasing manner; very well".
A show ranked 6 was satisfactory. A bit like getting a C grade, middle of the road. You tried but really could have done better on a few things. Some flaws that interfered with my enjoyment. I might recommend these. (I also rank most OVAs and specials here unless I felt they were of the quality of the original show)
5 (Average): "of the usual or ordinary standard, level, or quantity".
This is your generic anime. Similar to the participation awards you got in school. It doesn't go out of its way to revolutionize anything and there are not outstanding points. Lots of flaws. I probably didn't enjoy watching this. I would probably not recommend these.
4 (Bad): "of poor quality or a low standard".
This is below average territory. Numerous flaws, probably some that were very detrimental to the show overall. I would not recommend these.
3 (Very Bad): "of an even poorer quality or a lower standard".
This is far below average territory. Every aspect of the show is sub-par. I did not enjoy watching these. I would not recommend these.
2 (Horrible): "very unpleasant".
There was at least one redeeming quality that spared these shows from the abyss of 1. I did not enjoy watching these. I would not recommend watching these, except in the case of satire.
1 (Appalling): "causing shock or dismay; horrific".
A show ranked 1 not worth watching, it probably shouldn't even exist. Spare yourself. Watching them will probably kill brain cells and add nothing to your life experience. In fact, you'll probably be a better person by not watching them. Absolutely would not recommend.
Here's my spoiler dump.
2017 Emperor Completed 2016 Participant
1st Anime: Cowboy Bebop
50th Anime: Jin-Rou: The Wolf Brigade
100th Anime: Nichijou
150th Anime: Bungou Stray Dogs
200th Anime: Trava: Fist Planet
250th Anime: Yume ga Sameru made
300th Anime: Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
350th Anime: Grand Blue