All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 401.8
Mean Score:
- Watching91
- Completed2,068
- On-Hold1
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch868
- Total Entries3,028
- Rewatched11
- Episodes24,549
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 716.9
Mean Score:
- Reading666
- Completed1,079
- On-Hold0
- Dropped0
- Plan to Read327
- Total Entries2,072
- Reread0
- Chapters100,597
- Volumes12,037
All Comments (698) Comments
Also, give this one a try
The chapters are short, and make sure you don't read the description anywhere.
anyway your taste is quite similar to mine ( 52% shared anime) so I was wondering if you wanna suggest me some manga???
your manga reading time is too great....
Though I haven't started reading manga yet. I'm really impressed by ur manga reading time, so if possible suggest your top 10 manga so that when I start reading manga, I can pick up from your suggestion. ( my personal preference: regular romcom - like Love is war or Horimiya, also like fruit basket type)
btw looks like out taste is quite similar
and I'm actually coming from ur review about One Hundred Thousand Years of Qi Refining (Lian Qi Shi Wan Nian)
I'm kinda new in donghua world
would u like to recommend me ur top 10 donghua??
This one doesn't have much of a story, so I think you'll like this one (it was too slow paced for me)
Oh, yeah. Stuff like Nichijou is funny to me in bits and pieces, sure. But most of the jokes simply don't land for me. And I don't think comedy has an age-expiry. If you enjoy it, you enjoy it. I can share 1-2 funny manga with you, if you're interested.
Are most of the reviews terrible or are you talking about the manga themselves?
Interesting how the genre varies according to the day of the week. For me, if it's a holiday, I might watch a subbed movie or series, but I avoid them completely on weekdays bc I'm just so tired from work that I don't want to read and strain my eyes anymore, you know?
Ah, outside of BL I enjoy comedies (SFW but not the kind 12 yr old boys laugh at) or thrillers that keep me on the edge of my seat. A good example is
What's your fav genre in reading when it comes to manga?
Yes, we definitely have very loose laws when it comes to food and drinks, which is why major companies get away with so much shit which, ideally, should be illegal.
But you like the Indian version more, right? I'm guessing it's stronger than the British Fanta.
Ahaha. I used to like Fanta as a child. Been avoiding soft drinks for 2 decades now. They're just so unhealthy. Amazing how the same item from the same brand can taste differently based on where it's sold, isn't it? Have you tried the Indian markets there for Fanta?
I'm surprised to hear your get Thumbs Up there. I've always read that it's a drink unique to India. It's also my fav drink, bc Coke is way too sweet for me. Dunno how people like it.