All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 597.8
Mean Score:
- Watching21
- Completed1,489
- On-Hold41
- Dropped395
- Plan to Watch194
- Total Entries2,140
- Rewatched188
- Episodes36,369
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 580.6
Mean Score:
- Reading39
- Completed951
- On-Hold159
- Dropped134
- Plan to Read561
- Total Entries1,844
- Reread93
- Chapters72,789
- Volumes8,333
All Comments (99) Comments
Are you reading DNA²? I love Katsura's drawing style :)
Yesterday I started reading Barefoot Gen, I think you know it, it's really sad...
Ok, 70/30 offence/defence seems nice to me :)
I noticed the elemental weaknesses, I think I'll switch Xelha's elemental cards every now and then, maybe 2 elements at a time is the best choice.
Oh you like Shiro, he was really powerful in early game. Nanami is also an odd choice, I don't see often fans of her haha Viktor is one of my favorite Stars too, along with Flik and Odessa. Sierra is also really cool! I also like Luca Blight, I think he is a really well-written villain, don't you think so? :D
Yeah, I played Suikoden Tactics, actually I played all of the Suikoden games expect for Tsumugareshi and the second Suikogaiden, visual novel tends to bore me soon haha anyway, you should play Suikoden V, is the best Suikoden after II and I (for me), I'm sure you'll like it :)
Absolutely, Ginga has a lot of legendary moments, from start to finish. I need to watch the remake someday, I hope is good but I don't like the new character designs so much...
Thanks for the advice, I'll keep it in mind! For now I'm still at the beginning and is not so hard but I wished there was a complete tutorial in game for the battle system instead of an npc explaining 2/3 things haha anyway, I really like the battle system, I find it really fun and the mechanic of the photo is original! Btw, do you have some tips for the decks? They are pretty limited with only 20 cards and for now I'm not too focused on defence (I think I only have 5 defence cards in each of my decks), is it fine like this or I should build up my defence more?
Thanks, I love Suikoden (I made my anime list customised entirely on Suikoden haha)! Is my favorite video game franchise and I'm really fond of Suikoden II especially, is still my favorite game after so many years since I discovered it. It's so sad the original creator died some days ago, I think you heard the news... it's so unfortunate he'll never see the release of Eiyuden :( I'm sure it will be an amazing experience.
Will you play Eiyuden? Which are your favorite Suikoden's Stars of Destiny?
Btw, I find it funny you have Reinhard in your favorite characters while I have Yang Wen-li haha