Anime Stats
Days: 174.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries306
- Rewatched51
- Episodes10,660
Last Anime Updates
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Manga Stats
Days: 155.1
Mean Score:
- Reading18
- Completed174
- On-Hold19
- Dropped38
- Plan to Read11
- Total Entries260
- Reread56
- Chapters15,128
- Volumes1,773
Last Manga Updates
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All Comments (22) Comments
haha thnx for laugh.
that's bad if it's true .
wbu? have u read latest chapter of opm?
btw what's meaning of this Aug 9, 1930 ?
actually i have re watched this show .
an advice for u : don't get attached to any characters i mean just don't so u don't regret it .
well u will see for yourself, if you decide to read or watch share your thoughts later .
the manga apparently is following the same route
the other anime that u mentioned i have in ptw list.
what the name of anime?
beach each day but wifi sucks here lol .
but that's ok too , taking a paus from anime isn't bad .