Der All Anime Fanclub [German] sucht...
[Size=400] Dich! [/size]
Unsere Vorsätze zum neuen Jahr beginnen dieses Mal bei uns besonders früh. Um den Clubaktivitäten neben alltäglichen Dingen wie den Quizspielen und Comments neues Leben einzumachen, brauchen wir nun dich um dies zu bewerkstelligen!
Doch fragst du dich bestimmt, was suchen wir? Welche Aufgabe hast du zu übernehmen? Ganz einfach
Der AAFCG sucht:
1) Eine/n Moderator/in für den Anime des Monats Award (bei Bedarf auch Charakter des Monats)
Deine Aufgaben und Qualifikationen?
Hauptaufgabe ist es die Nominierungs- und Votingrunde aufzustellen, wobei die Themen deiner Kreativität überlassen sind und die Ergebnisse zusammenzustellen.
Hilfreich dabei wären Kenntnisse in Photoshop und Besitz dieses Programms um den Gewinner am Anfang jeden neues Monats im Clublayout einfügen zu können. Eine Voraussetzung ist dies allerdings nicht! Adminposten.
2) Eventleiter des AAFCG
Deine Aufgaben und Qualifikationen?
Dir macht es Spaß, Dinge wie den Animangathon oder das Musikturnier zu erleben und würdest diese gern häufiger sehen? Oder hast du selbst eine neue, gar verrückte Idee in deinem Ärmel? Dann ist diese Stelle genau richtig für dich!
Allerdings ist auch dieser Job voller Organisationsverantwortung. Die meist über mehrere Monate verlaufenden Events brauchen sorgsame Planung und viel Geduld! Adminposten.
3) Diskussionsführer im Clubforum
Deine Aufgaben und Qualifikationen?
Liebst du es dich über die neusten Kapitel und Episoden der heutigen Anime und Mangawelt auszutauschen und führst dabei auch gern mal die Diskussion an? Denn genau das wird hier verlangt. Öffne neue, spannende Themen und besuche diese Threads mindestens einmal pro Woche um nach dem Rechten zu sehen und den Ball wieder ins Rollen zu bringen. (Thematisch gern auch andere Themen wie Games oder Movies) Adminposten.
4) 3-4 Newsletter Beauftragte
Deine Aufgaben?
Verkünde das Wort und die Neuigkeiten des Clubs! Beliefere die Clubmitglieder mit einem, vom Adminteam vorgefertigten, Newsletter. Offiziersposten.
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Oh lol good thing I didn't get it yet :P I know right, I hate updates, you can never even tell what it is they actually updated, it's like nothing changed in the first place. You mean you were about to click the "submit reply" button?
Hmm if it takes really long with just 30 minutes a day, then try an hour or an hour and a half...if you have that much extra time anyway. Yeah, I guess :P You must've had your ming on other things.
Well, the racists aren't scary, for one XD It's ok ^_^
Yeah, it's pretty interesting. Yup, that part was great, how they made Infinite relate to the first Bioshock.
Oh yeah, I've heard a lot about the sales Steam has XD How people get sucked into buying a bunch of games they'll never play.
Yup ^_^
Ohh I see, so your degree is based on how many grades you've completed. That's pretty interesting.
Sooo what fall anime are you planning on watching? (if you're watching any)
9 hours?? Ok, yeah, that sounds pretty difficult, then...
Auditory training? You mean like learning how to recognize notes? How long does the training take?
Oh cool so did you work on your book and stuff while you were in the hospital?
Ohh nope, Tales of Symphonia isn't difficult. Some boss battles might be hard but overall, it's not difficult.
Yeah, I agree ^^ I guess Infinite feels more relaxed cuz you aren't hunting zombie-people in a cramped city underwater XD Haha I could hardly even understand most of the quantum physics stuff in Infinite. I still don't get how the city can float even though they explained it :/ I completely get the parallel universe thing, though. Haha, yeah, you can learn physics even in shooter games.
2.5 games a month?, 3, maybe? You can't really buy two and a half games XD Oh so they're pretty cheap. And yup, the currency is called real.
That's pretty worrisome >.< Good thing nothing happened.
You mean the highest and second highest grades? Yeah, I guess.
True..maybe if you manage your time properly you'll be able to do all three. But yeah, I get it if you don't feel like drawing.
Did you just start composing? Do you have a teacher or anybody to help you?
Yeah, it's not much, but at least it's better than nothing :D
Haha, well, maybe there's a PC port or something? You mean is Ni no Kuni difficult? Uhh I actually haven't started it yet. I have it but I haven't played it so I don't know :/ I liked Bioshock's story (the plot twists are great :D) and the atmosphere but the gameplay irked me :/ There are too many fetch quests and those hacking minigames and I was always running out of ammo, which was always hard to find >.< Infinite is my favourite Bioshock game :D I liked the story and characters more than Bioshock and the gameplay didn't annoy me. The ending is amazing. God bless Ken Levine :D
Over 300?? That must've cost a fortune. Oh cool ^_^ What was your very first game, do you remember?
Blood poisoning? That sounds pretty bad >.>
Oh cool so you get to go to college for free? Do you have to pay for college there in Germany? Yeah ^_^
Why not all three? XD Cool so you compose songs? What kinds of songs? Oh yeah, has writing for your book progressed?
I'm currently playing Tales of Symphonia but I've been stuck on this one part so I'm too lazy to play it >.> I already finished Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite.
What PC games do you have? :D
You went to the hospital?? o.O What happened? (If you don't mind telling me)
So you're basically working as an intern, then? If you don't get money, then what do you get? Oh, so it's not a really big company, then. That sounds pretty fun, though! So you guys just hang out and do work.
That's good, then :D
Yeah, because of school, and I've been drawing and playing video games (I got a PS3 :D) so I end up not watching anything that often.
When you say "ill" you mean like, depressed, or physically sick? Well at least you're better now! That's cool, so you're working now. Is it a famous company you're working for? XD
Oh hey, I wasn't expecting a reply so soon :D You're welcome. Oh no, well hopefully everything's better ^^ Everything's fine over here. I've been sort of busy so I have barely watched any anime in the past month :/ Wbu?
Das Musik-Turnier der ~80'er & 90'er vs.2000'er~ geht in die nächste Runde! Dieses Mal kommt auch die Joker Nominierung zum Einsatz. Stimmt ab bis zum 16. Mai 2015 welche Songs eine Runde weiter kommen sollen!
Der All Anime Club German wird 5 Jahre alt! Zu diesem Anlass könnt ihr Special Member Cards erwerben. Die Karten sind limitiert und können nur bis zum 2. Mai bestellt werden.
Außerdem veranstalten wir zum 5. Geburtstag des Clubs einen Chat Nachmittag/Abend (2. Mai 2015 ab 16 Uhr). Wir würden uns freuen, wenn viele alte und neue Mitglieder vorbeikommen würden! :) Wie ihr in den Chat kommt erfahrt ihr hier. Wenn ihr Hilfe braucht, meldet euch einfach in den Club Comments.
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
Leider war die Beteiligung an den Events Anime des Monats und Charakter des Monats zuletzt nicht mehr sehr hoch, weshalb die Events vorerst pausieren.
Habt ihr eine neue Idee für tolle Events oder generell Anregungen für den Club? Dann her damit! Unsere Clubbox steht jederzeit offen für neue Vorschläge.
Außerdem freuen wir uns immer über neue (und alte) Gesichter in unserem Chat!
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
Endlich wieder da ist auch unser AniMangathon, in dem ihr Anime- und/oder Mangaempfehlungen von anderen bekommt und ebenso anderen einen Anime und/oder Manga empfehlt. Meldet euch gleich an!
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
Ohhh :O I never noticed that! Yeah, she acts like a tsundere sometimes...haha, I never thought about it but yeah, I guess she is one :P
I don't know if they sell those here, though :/
Oh, that's good, then, so they're expanding the anime market :D
I see, I didn't know that :O
Haha you're out of practice cuz you haven't been able to go on mal for a long time XD And nope, your grammar and spelling's fine this time!
Ooh sounds like a Final Fantasy game *o* So it's magic vs. technology? So what kinds of stuff happen during this war? How many books are there going to be?
So since we're almost out of stuff to talk about, what winter 2015 anime are you planning on watching? (if you're gonna watch any).
Das Musik-Turnier schreitet weiter zur dritten Runde! Wählt mit, um eure Lieblingssongs zu unterstützen!
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All Comments (123) Comments
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
Hmm if it takes really long with just 30 minutes a day, then try an hour or an hour and a half...if you have that much extra time anyway. Yeah, I guess :P You must've had your ming on other things.
Well, the racists aren't scary, for one XD It's ok ^_^
Yeah, it's pretty interesting. Yup, that part was great, how they made Infinite relate to the first Bioshock.
Oh yeah, I've heard a lot about the sales Steam has XD How people get sucked into buying a bunch of games they'll never play.
Yup ^_^
Ohh I see, so your degree is based on how many grades you've completed. That's pretty interesting.
Sooo what fall anime are you planning on watching? (if you're watching any)
Auditory training? You mean like learning how to recognize notes? How long does the training take?
Oh cool so did you work on your book and stuff while you were in the hospital?
Ohh nope, Tales of Symphonia isn't difficult. Some boss battles might be hard but overall, it's not difficult.
Yeah, I agree ^^ I guess Infinite feels more relaxed cuz you aren't hunting zombie-people in a cramped city underwater XD Haha I could hardly even understand most of the quantum physics stuff in Infinite. I still don't get how the city can float even though they explained it :/ I completely get the parallel universe thing, though. Haha, yeah, you can learn physics even in shooter games.
2.5 games a month?, 3, maybe? You can't really buy two and a half games XD Oh so they're pretty cheap. And yup, the currency is called real.
That's pretty worrisome >.< Good thing nothing happened.
You mean the highest and second highest grades? Yeah, I guess.
Did you just start composing? Do you have a teacher or anybody to help you?
Yeah, it's not much, but at least it's better than nothing :D
Haha, well, maybe there's a PC port or something? You mean is Ni no Kuni difficult? Uhh I actually haven't started it yet. I have it but I haven't played it so I don't know :/ I liked Bioshock's story (the plot twists are great :D) and the atmosphere but the gameplay irked me :/ There are too many fetch quests and those hacking minigames and I was always running out of ammo, which was always hard to find >.< Infinite is my favourite Bioshock game :D I liked the story and characters more than Bioshock and the gameplay didn't annoy me. The ending is amazing. God bless Ken Levine :D
Over 300?? That must've cost a fortune. Oh cool ^_^ What was your very first game, do you remember?
Blood poisoning? That sounds pretty bad >.>
Oh cool so you get to go to college for free? Do you have to pay for college there in Germany? Yeah ^_^
I'm currently playing Tales of Symphonia but I've been stuck on this one part so I'm too lazy to play it >.> I already finished Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite.
What PC games do you have? :D
You went to the hospital?? o.O What happened? (If you don't mind telling me)
So you're basically working as an intern, then? If you don't get money, then what do you get? Oh, so it's not a really big company, then. That sounds pretty fun, though! So you guys just hang out and do work.
Nah, it's fine. I couldn't even tell XD
Yeah, because of school, and I've been drawing and playing video games (I got a PS3 :D) so I end up not watching anything that often.
When you say "ill" you mean like, depressed, or physically sick? Well at least you're better now! That's cool, so you're working now. Is it a famous company you're working for? XD
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Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.
I don't know if they sell those here, though :/
Oh, that's good, then, so they're expanding the anime market :D
I see, I didn't know that :O
Haha you're out of practice cuz you haven't been able to go on mal for a long time XD And nope, your grammar and spelling's fine this time!
Ooh sounds like a Final Fantasy game *o* So it's magic vs. technology? So what kinds of stuff happen during this war? How many books are there going to be?
So since we're almost out of stuff to talk about, what winter 2015 anime are you planning on watching? (if you're gonna watch any).
Falls du diese Nachricht in deinen Profilkommentaren nicht mehr erhalten möchtest, schreib mir doch einfach eine PM oder hinterlasse einen Kommentar in meinem Profil.