Alright well lets see.... to start with I am a big music geek. Everyone likes to listen to music but I am one of the insane ones that has decided to become an actual musician. I am currently a college student studying music performance of the classical (yes classical as in Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Vivaldi, etc. the kind of music many people believe to be boring) variety. If you are at all interested I play the bassoon (if you don't know what it is google it :p) and my favorite composer is Gustav Mahler (yay for amazingly epic symphonies :). Although classical music dominates my iPod I do enjoy other types music ( Muse, Nightwish, sometimes Enya, various anime OST's as well as other random groups and songs). During my free time if I'm not practicing my instrument (which is at least a couple hours a day, usually) than I'm most likely watching anime or playing video games. I'm a big fan of RPG's and have played every Final Fantasy up to XII minus XI (although I haven't beaten III, VIII, or XII yet) oh and I'm also a fan of the Zelda and Metroid series and am possibly addicted to Super Smash Bros. Brawl, because it's awesome. As far as anime goes I started really watching it when I was around 14~15ish but never really watched it too heavily. It usually ends up that I find an anime I really like and finish within a few days and then can't find anything for a while. Well that's all for now, I may or may not add more later if I think of more to add.
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You won't see such blunders in Galactic Heroes XD