Anime History Last Anime Updates

Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka V: Houjou no Megami-hen
Mar 9, 12:19 PM
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Manga History Last Manga Updates

Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei
Jul 23, 2024 10:36 PM
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All Comments (168) Comments
yeah i am okay. just not active here much. what about you?
that's nice. may i ask what happened?
i havent watched anime in ages
project went well, i passed, it was great.
how have you been?
yeah that's understandable.
nothing interesting. just living. what about you?
i was like that too during my busy days of university. i started torrenting on my phone. i would always download few episodes then whenever i get time in class or in hallway, i would sit and watch. sometimes while waiting for teacher to come. it doesnt seem like that much time but i could easily finish 5 to 10 episodes sometimes. same i did with manga, i downloaded this tachiyomi app and download mangas. whatever little time i get i would read them. it relieves stress. maybe for few moments but its fun. like if there's an interesting part but now its time for class. it would get so hard to wait but atleast i had something to look forward to. ahhh it reminds me of my gintama days. it was really really fun.
wow. congratulations!! wish you all the best!!
i dont know. sooner the better.
ah i see. that's great. wish you all the best for you future!
ah that's great. you can always make some time. even one-two episodes a day should be enough.
how did it go? the contract.
nothing. just stay at home as its for the best. its burning hot outside.
we are at start. we wanted to buy the equipment but then the market closed. they opened a few days ago and i bought all the stuff. will start soon. actually software part is almost done, its just the hardware part that is left.
yeah i figured but like how? i never met anyone who's doing a job history related.
my life is extremely boring right now. i use to watch anime but now not feeling like watching any. its hot so cant even go outside. and internet is been acting up so now have to sit without internet for many hours everyday. what about you? anything interesting?
i dont have vacations. not of any kinds. most probably semester will start again.
final project for university. a dog robot.
oh great. do it. its great.
wow history. what your job would be like?
ah i see. well im on holidays for months now. yeah same. at home since march.
same same. my summer will start soon. probably my last semester.
nothing fun. just wakeup, browse internet, and go to sleep. im not even watching anime these days. i have to finish my final project, when its done i will finally be free. yeah a while back, i finished assassination classroom, gintama, chihayafuru, katoura-san. i also started that kaguya-sama anime but then didnt continued.
yeah i had 6 exams and 2 presentations in only 2 days time. i made it.
have you seen gintama? i highly recommend it!
sorry but i forgot what are you studying. can you remind me? wish you all the best for your internship. though because of corona, job market will be worse.
what do you mean by The holidays are close and I can't wait. And with you?, sorry am dumb. didn't get it.
i dont have vacations. university didnt give any free days. but yeah im home so thats a vacation. what about you?
im doing good. how are you doing?
i started the second season of assisanation classroom but then got busy in other animes. i finished gintama, chihayafuru, katoura-san. i also started that kaguya-sama anime. its been fun. though exams are about to start next week.
its been really long time though. i will check out Natsume Yuujinchou. i already have it in my plan to watch list. thanks for the recommendation.
how are you doing? any interesting in life? i will try to answer quickly this time.