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zamuel31 Sep 11, 2024 1:16 PM
Happy Belated Birthday! I'm sorry I haven't gotten to your last message, but I plan to do so soon! Hope you're doing well.
Weebookey Apr 5, 2024 5:35 PM
Thank you, brethren.
Kongou and Nanachi are my favourite of these edits.
zamuel31 Sep 6, 2023 10:33 AM
Happy Birthday, my friend. Hope you're doing well!
zamuel31 Apr 19, 2023 11:03 AM
Yeah I agree with you about manga. For the last couple years I’ve been much more interested in manga over anime. Haven’t been reading much manga though. I’ve been reading a lot more Western comics and novels in the last year. I definitely agree that comics as a medium is really underrated, though. I like reading Western comics because of nostalgia for superheroes and keeping up with the universe and so on. The quality is very inconsistent but I don’t really read them for the writing lol. I’ve been reading comics for many, many years at this point so it’ll always be a comfort zone for me. I personally wouldn’t say Western comics have just the “odd graphic novel here and there.” Outside of DC and Marvel, there are tons of comics coming out every week that are not superhero comics. Entire companies like Image, Boom Studios, Dark Horse, etc. are doing pretty well selling Indie comics. These comics range vastly in genre and tone. The quality is still inconsistent but there are a lot of creator-driven works, as well as some truly artistic, literary and interesting works like The Sandman, Watchmen, etc. as well as historical and powerful stories like Maus and Persepolis. Horror comics are really popular at the moment and they are doing some interesting things.

I definitely feel you on the Golden Age. It’s so perfect and self-contained and I sometimes feel that about stories - where I feel satisfied enough to not need to continue. However, I highly recommend continuing someday. The later arcs are all amazing and debatably up to par with Golden Age. I see the Golden Age as the prequel to set up the actual story of Berserk.

Sansho the Bailiff is great! As I mentioned in my last comment, Ugetsu is another great film from Mizoguchi. I’ve seen 6 or so from him and those two are the standout. But The Life of Oharu, Street of Shame, and The Crucified Lovers are worth watching too. The Story of the Last Chrysanthemum I haven’t seen but that’s one of his more renowned ones. I’ve seen 12 of Kurosawa’s films but haven’t seen The Bad Sleep Well yet, but I plan to. You can’t go wrong with diving into Kurosawa’s filmography. He has produced a ton of great films and you could pick any one of them at random and enjoy most of them. That being said, you should watch High and Low :) I haven’t carved out time for The Human Condition yet but it’s one of my most highly anticipated film(s) to watch.

Wild Strawberries is a good introduction. I wouldn’t say it’s drastically different from his filmography but it does have its differences. Most of his films are darker and more concerned with religion than Wild Strawberries, even though it does touch on it a little bit. His films are intense, existential dramas that are grounded with some surrealism. Bergman’s filmography is a whole beast. I’ve seen 14 and I still haven’t seen half of his films lol. The Seventh Seal is a classic and I definitely recommend Autumn Sonata. Those two with Wild Strawberries are the best films to start with Bergman.

I love Fire Walk With Me!! Sheryl Lee as Laura Palmer is honestly one of my favorite, if not my favorite, female performances ever. I think her emotional trauma was incredibly well acted. I love Lynch, I think the ending of The Return was brilliant. After the emotional scene of Cooper saving Laura because he became so attached to the town and its story, the final episode becomes so mundane and slow. It becomes lifeless in a way that is such a stark contrast to the world of Twin Peaks, that it becomes deeply unsettling. And then it leaves the audience in an uneasy suspense for so long until the very end. I think it’s the perfect way to end the series. Like you said, The Return was really ballsy for Lynch. He could have easily fallen onto nostalgia bait and it would have honestly worked on me lol. Whenever we did get references back to the original series, it was highly impactful. But he didn’t lean on that and set out to do something extremely weird and unconventional and only feels right for the series. The only Lynch films I haven’t seen as The Straight Story and Dune. I saw Inland Empire a few weeks ago and it’s one of the wildest films I’ve ever seen lol. Definitely watch Mulholland Drive!

Do you have a Letterboxd I can follow? Always exciting to see someone get into cinema and I'm always excited to recommend movies. We've only talked about a small handful of directors. Some interesting ones that you should check out someday are Abbas Kiarostami, Edward Yang, Wong Kar-wai, and Krzyztof Kieslowski. What kind of directors/eras/films are you most interested in exploring?

I personally wouldn't take my top 100 rankings too seriously, I change them like every week lol. I think ranking movies becomes too arbitrary at a certain point and it's mostly just what I'm in the mood in at the moment. That being said, I've only seen The Sacrifice once but it feels like a perfect blend between Bergman/Tarkovsky and it's a stunning looking film. Stalker is a better, more experimental movie but you can't really go wrong with any Tarkovsky film. My ranking with him depends on my mood. These days I'm feeling Andrei Rublev and Solaris more. Have you seen any Tarkovsky other than Stalker? I actually do need to rewatch Paths of Glory. Funny that you mention that one since I've been thinking about it a lot. It's a near perfect movie but it's missing a little of that Kubrick weirdness and boldness that I like. His filmography is too consistent. I think Paths of Glory would be most director's best film.

Oh cool, what Eastern-European country are you from? Stalker is an enigmatic film that still alludes me at times. But I love all those things you point out. It feels like a subconscious deep dive into Tarkovsky's head. Tarkovsky is better than anyone else as utilizing film as a medium to manipulate time. His movies have a dreamy quality but he's able to make you lose track of your sense of time. He can make 15 minutes of film feel like years. His film, Mirror, is under 2 hours but effectively captures an entire life. Stalker felt like I was dozing in and out of sleep for 5 hours lol. I like the Wizard of Oz parallels. The original world is in sepia and joyless, and then we are transported into a world with color. It parallels Tarkovsky's feelings about living in Russia, wanting to leave, and seeking freedom and meaning elsewhere. He ultimately left Russia but often wrote about how homesick he was of his home country. His film, Nostalghia, is all about that feeling. Stalker is a truly great film and one of the best ever. I feel like I need a third and a fourth watch to understand it more.

I see you started Texhnolyze! How is it? It's another one that I think about in terms of your question about enjoyment vs. quality. I think it's a little rough on the edges but a really unique tone and style in anime. Very bleak and at times very beautiful. It was an excellent experience for me.

No problem with the long text or late response. It's a pleasant surprise to hear back from you, hope you're doing well.
zamuel31 Feb 9, 2023 11:29 AM
Yeah I'm a bit tired that anime doesn't have as much variety as I would like. Which is why film has always been my favorite medium. It's a blend of different cultures, styles, and stories for kids and adults. A lot of anime, even more mature ones, are geared towards kids/teens and there isn't much experimentation in the medium. I think these days I'm more interested in reading more manga than watching more anime. Not sure which one I prefer, I go back and forth because anime at its best is pretty great. What manga are most interested in reading? You never continued Berserk huh.

That's cool! What are some of your favorite Japanese films? Here's my letterboxd btw:
You've mentioned all great films. Twin Peaks I love as well, The Return in particular is incredible. I don't know what you've seen but if you loved Twin Peaks, be sure to check out more of Lynch's filmography. You absolutely have to watch Mulholland Drive. Ugetsu, Tokyo Story, Harakiri, and Seven Samurai of course, are classic Japanese films from four different Japanese directors that are very different. None of these are deep cuts though, so you might have seen them already. I think you might Wong Kar-Wai's filmography. Watch In the Mood for Love and if you like that one, try Chungking Express!
Have you seen any Bergman? He has many great films. If not, I recommend Persona.

Sorry if you've seen all those already but once I know what you've seen and what you're interested in, I'll know where to go from here. What kind of films are you hoping to explore more of? So yeah, I feel like you have to watch Mulholland Drive, Persona and In the Mood for Love. Oh, lastly I recommend Cure from Kiyoshi Kurosawa for a creepy, disturbing Japanese horror film that's more moody than jump scares. I'm interested in your thoughts on Stalker. I loved it but I'm always curious on what people think about the film since it's so enigmatic and cryptic.

I think Umineko is a fantastic story with excellent characters. I loved the music, atmosphere, and I think the nature of VNs actually really benefits the story. Which is why it's by far the best first experience compared to the manga. I would say it's worth the time investment if you have the time lol. Or take it really, really slowly. But it's ultimately up to you. If you get a few hours into it and just hate the VN experience, it's not worth continuing. Fata Morgana is great too and significantly shorter, but it's still a huge time sink.

Shame that you're meh on AoT. I thought the final arc was not up to par but I still think the series as a whole is great. But then again, I've always had some problems with it so nothing's changed on that end. I haven't had many anime that captured me in the last year or two, but I did really like Legends of the Galactic Heroes, and Texhnolyze. Those are the two newest additions to my top 10. Rose of Versailles are pretty good, too.
Uhhh that's a good question. I sometime have a tough time separating quality with my enjoyment. I know it's all subjective at the end of the day, it's just problems with technical or writing quality really irk me. But I guess JoJo's I love even though I feel like it's such an uneven and rough experience. I feel like that's my prime example. Code Geass is very questionable at times but I think it's just such a fun and surprisingly emotional time. I think the film, The Florida Project, is definitely a quality film but I seem to love it a lot more than my friends, or most other cinephiles. I can see why because I don't think objectively it does anything too incredible but a lot of it is personal preference. I just vibed with the characters and setting.

I personally wouldn't call the adaptation meh but I suppose it wasn't as good as parts 4 and 5. I did find some fights are little underwhelming though. C-Moon and Underworld felt like they were missing something, as I wasn't as hyped as I thought I would be. Same with Bohemian Rhapsody. The final Made in Heaven fight was amazing though and one of the best fights of JoJo's.

You have to read Steel Ball Run, it definitely meets expectations. I also read part 8 which was an awesome experience. I didn't like the final fight and villain as much but maybe I need to reread. Everything before that was great.
zamuel31 Feb 6, 2023 1:35 PM
I get it man. Last couple years have been crazy and I also lost a lot of interest in anime for awhile. It's still hard to get back into it because I've always been more invested in film, and there are other mediums that have more that I'm excited for atm. So what are some anime (or other stories in other mediums, if any) that have become strong favorites for you since we've last talked?

The only VNs I've read were Umineko and Fata Morgana, both were great! I'm not sure if I will read any other VNs except maybeeee Fate. But I just don't enjoy the medium very much, I only endured it for Umineko and Fata Morgana because I really wanted to experience those stories.

I feel you on that, my tastes have changed so much over the years and I've appreciated certain stories a lot since then. What are some other anime that your opinion has changed drastically on, for better or for worse?

Also what did you think of the Stone Ocean anime adaptation? And I see you still need to read Steel Ball Run!
zamuel31 Dec 29, 2022 1:05 PM
Yoo!! I’m good, what’ve you been up to?? I didn’t think you’d ever come back online lol.
Orion007 Sep 6, 2020 10:51 AM
Happy Birthday!
zamuel31 Aug 19, 2020 5:56 PM
hey man it's been a long time! Just checking in making sure everything's ok. You haven't logged in in a very long time, so was just a bit worried. Hit me up anytime on here or add me on discord if you have one! :) zamuel31#2518
zamuel31 Feb 17, 2020 9:49 AM
I'm definitely excited to experience the Marley arc and beyond. I really do want to just read the manga, so I might do that, but I love the anime so much. It's likely that my feelings will change, but so far reading the manga isn't great. I just really appreciate the direction and the little details that made seasons 1 and 2 so incredible for me. Season 3 onwards was when the plot and characters got better, so I think the manga will be better for those parts. Especially since direction for season 3 was alright. So we'll see if I continue reading.

Stone Ocean getting adapted would be insane. C-Moon and Made in Heaven would be amazing. I liked Pucci, I think he was interesting, had a good backstory, and really served the plot well. That being said, he's not nearly as good as part 3 Dio, and definitely not Kira. Still better than Kars and Wamuu imo.

Yeah that's one of my bigger problems with part 5. I don't like how disconnected it is. I like that the series, despite being different parts, it still feels part of a greater whole. There's a sense of legacy. Part 5 has initial tie-ins in the beginning, but I guess Koichi and Jotaro just disappeared? Polnareff was a huge waste of potential honestly. I wanted to see him do more. Plus, literally no reference to part 5 whatsoever in later parts...

I finished Steel Ball Run and it was really great. Really great. Definitely my favorite part in the entire series. My favorite JoJo, and JoBro. The villains and side characters are excellent too. It's also the best plot, and the stand battles work better for the pacing - it feels less forced. The fights are more character focused than ever. Overall, really amazing stuff, pretty much does everything I want in a JoJo's part, and more. I can't imagine it getting adapted, with all the horses. Might have to be two 2-cour seasons, like part 3. But I'm cool with that if it gets adapted well, because if it does, it has to be among some of my all-time favorite anime. Where did you last stop?

I have one more YYH arc to go, but I put it on-hold again. I just don't have as much time or stamina to watch a ton these days. And yeah you definitely have to be in a certain mood, so I want to come back to it later. It gets more interesting and there's some really good ideas, but there's plenty that I don't care for as much either. The cast is really endearing though.

Vagabond is good! I like the art and I'm surprised by the introspection to Musashi's character. I agree that the formula is repetitive, but it's an easy read and a good time to get through.

Yeah...poor Phos. I hope the story has an happy ending, because the time skip broke me. It seems like we're approaching the endgame soon, I can't wait.

How was Promare?
Siran22 Feb 15, 2020 11:03 AM
I figured that I enjoy reading Dorohedoro as much as I enjoy watching so I went and start reading it ahead.

People are people, I think Isayama said in many of his recent interviews that he abounded the original ending that he intended to and that he wants to end AOT in a way that will satisfy his audience. anyway let`s believe in Isayama and wait

You`re damn right the coolest mecha`s ever not just mechas but one of the best character designs ever in anime. Spoilers did nothing to affect my enjoyment on everything in the end of Eva I was horrified, mesmerized and still blown away by it. I want to take a break and spend my thinking about how good NGE and the end of Eva are, there are lots of things I want to understand that I didn't and also I know the rebuilds are a bit different from the original series I`ve seen the new character in the rebuilds that hotty with the glasses so I'm keeping that in mind, thanks for letting me know.
GlennMagusHarvey Feb 15, 2020 7:11 AM
Oh! How did I forget that...
GlennMagusHarvey Feb 15, 2020 6:22 AM
True; "amazingly cute" is sorta redundant.

That said, where is that pic with her with glasses from?
GlennMagusHarvey Feb 15, 2020 5:53 AM
That is an amazingly cute Erika avatar you have there in the forums.
Siran22 Feb 13, 2020 9:43 AM
I think that is the appeal of Dorohedoro for me too, You can`t help but love these characters Nio and Shin are the best duos in Dorohedoro. as someone who read ahead of the manga, ep5 was super good it even elevated the source material a bit for me and also you made the right choice to wait until the animes finishes. the manga has a better world-building when you compare it to the anime.

I enjoyed it quite a lot it was an amazing chapter and also I think this kind of chapter was needed, I`ve heard that a lot of people didn't like the last chapter too and I don't understand it either why didn't they like it but we have faith in Isayama so we don`t need to give a damn about that lol

Evangelion is a super good and I'm enjoying it a lot, I love the direction and the aesthetic of the show they are a feast for my eyes, I'm excited to watch the End Of Evangelion although I'm spoiled on the ending but ehh I`ll still enjoy the experience and also Asuka is best girl.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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