My favourite anime/manga/whatever product that is connected to anime (loose order):
Hunter x Hunter(all versions)
Attack on Titan
Princess Mononoke
Rokka no Yuusha
Ghost Hunt
My Grading scale:
10/10 - Something that has resonated with me deeply and personably to the extent that I would spend hours thinking about it.
9/10 - Something that I've enjoyed greatly and clicked with.
8/10 - Something really good, but with a few glaring things that brought it down for me. Nothing major, and something that I would recommend, rewatch and the such, but enough to be noticeable and affect my feelings and experience of the show.
7/10 good, something that I would watch, and would find myself invested in continuing usually or something that I like but would drop to watch something else if pressed for time or something.
6/10 - Fine, watchable or something that I struggle to say too much positives about, but that there are things that I like about the story, or found watching it ironically fun in its own right. "So bad its good" if that makes any sense.
5/10 - watchable, but mediocre at best
4/10 - dull or boring
3/10 - a waste of time to sit through
2/10 - horrible, horrendous, and repugnant to sit through
1/10 - something that I felt actually INSULTED my time to watch.
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