•Hard-score gamer, anime & manga fan. Bass music fan
•To my eyes, it's quite difficult to rate anime objectively.
In most cases, you have to separate two types of anime:
_Those you're watching in one time, shows you began when they're already finished, and that you can watch entirely if you want.
_And those you're watching episode by episode, every week, from spring, winter... falling.
Actually, you can't rate the same way a show that you've been hyped, and that you've watched in a row than a show that you've been waiting every week to see next episode.
You always be more objective with a show that you'll follow every week.
According to me, it's obvious that you'll rate better a show (better than the score he really deserve) when you're hyped by and when you've been watching it in few days. It's normal.
That's why I consider that few of my rates could be higher than they have to be.
(and that's also easier to stop or watch entirely a show week by week, than in a row, because you can make some pauses, and give more chances to it...)
•How I rate for mangas?
10: Masterpiece
9: One of the best manga I've ever read. Must read & must have.
8: Excellent.
7: Very good.
6: Good
5: Average
4: Average (-) (-)
3: Bad
2: Very Bad
1: Piece of shit
Nevertheless, it's not because lot of mangas have the same score, that I put them on the same level. Indeed, for exemple, I've rather much enjoyed "Inu Yasha" than "Naruto" by I give them both a 6. Because of the fact that I consider them as "good", not "average", not "very good". Just "good".
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It sucks and takea toll on mind but comfortable enough, let's see how long it lasts and then i hopefully die.
How about you?
There are a lot of different places.
You will surely love the food.
You can seriously go anywhere but obviously check tourist places on Google before deciding or you might come in some boring part.You can go to Goa if you like partying and beaches.
I live in Delhi.
I feel so bad for you.
Nice to meet you :)
Anime is awesome because it helps to pass time each day making me less bored than i already am.
Don't play video games mainly ps4 as its expensive and even if i buy one,i will have to keep buying games which are expensive too plus i don't have much interest in them.Can buy in future when they are really cheap.right :p
Just go to gym each day,not an awesome body made right now since its been just 2 months but i have researched a lot on google and youtube for months so,trying my best to eat a good diet to grow muscles.
So,you into Dragon Ball Z these days..nice.