Howdy everyone? You guys had a lovely 2016? anyways we're back at it again with another newsletter.
This time for 2017, yes a new year is to be upon us, joy.
Thank you for participating in club event and games ^^
New member? Welcome to our humble tearoom.
Or have never had the chance to get to know everyone?
You can always introduce yourself here.
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
As a welcome to 2017, we bring you our first event of the year!
Oh bummer to baka staffs - we named the event Happy New Year!
Throughout the month of January, we'll be having...
Our first group watch of the year! And hopefully there will be more to come :3
We have 4 suggested anime: Mai-Mai Miracle - Only Yesterday - A Letter to Momo - The Tale of Princess Kaguya
But feel free to suggest more before the event. Do sign up so that we know how many people are interested though you can still join even without signing up~
New year's coming and you haven't prepared anything for your friends?
Don't worry, we are here to help you out so everyone can have a happy new year!
We brought to you a delivery service especially for your New Year greetings.
Customize it however you like, we're your postman ;)
31 Days Prompt
We're back with another 30+1 days anime prompt baby!
How it works? We ask you a question, and you answer them ~ hoho it's super simple!
The catch is that you can only answer them within the time given. Try it out, it's a load of fun :3
As an effort to get to know each other better, we bring you the dramatic party game to our forum.
It'll be done throughout the month of January.
Challenge other patrons to a fun dare or ask them a hard truth question. Spicy ones are most welcome too ;)
So to start the new year with a happy face why don't we share some funny and hilarious things together?
It may it be a joke, a history, a image or even a gif, anything is valid as long as it's funny and doesn't offend anyone!
Then let's all help each other out and create a funny and hilarious collection so we can start the next year laughing all together!
A game brought to you by our new and refreshing staff member, Watermelon-chan!
Participants will be given a list of four anime characters. Three of them share the same quality which the fourth doesn't. Your job is to say which character doesn't share the quality and why.
♨ Help Wanted ♨
BTW, we're short of staffs, if you would like to make a difference and change this club, or just help manage it, contact us at the link provided below: Help Wanted ^~^
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ TEAROOM"S UPCOMING EVENT Coming Soon
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ 2nd Ad
[u]BTW, we have a discord and skype that you guys can check out,If you wish to join the SAPT Skype chat, PM thereapersedge or spay97 your Skype details through MAL.
If you wish to join SAPT Discord server, click here.
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
P.S, if you want to receive more of these sugoi news stuff, pls subscribe to the newsletter thread. 乂❤‿❤乂 Thank you for taking the time to read this and akemashite omedetou gozaimasu. 乂❤‿❤乂 Have a delightful 2017
Some more interesting activities have been going on since last few months.
We've been working hard, but it's all thanks to you guys that this works.
Thank you for participating in club event and games ^^
New member? Welcome to our humble tearoom.
Or have never had the chance to get to know everyone?
You can always introduce yourself here.
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
♨ Best Character Competition ♨ Since mid-July, we've been organizing a Character Contest. Nominations were placed during June by some of our lovely members. Some tough pairings were met during Match 1 and Match 2. The competition is still it the early stages of Round 1. Be sure not to miss it!
You can find the main thread here for updates. Don't forget to ask for 'alert' do that you don't miss a single round!
⚜ Daily Stamps ⚜ Starting from this month, we've been working on making Daily Stamps for all our loyal patrons. You may request the stamps once per day. Those who managed to collect all the stamps in a month will receive points awards to be used in future card editions. Don't miss it ;)
You can find the thread here.
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
♨ Anime Challenge and Manga Challenge ♨ We included an Anime challenge and a Manga challenge in our threads. Completing these challenges would grant out patrons points. Which could be saved up to be used for future card editions. So try to participate and make it a success. Looking forward to your participation ^~^
delivered by Samuelkun
please thank him for his hard work
included here are all the cards I didn't/couldn't deliver from a long while back
another WIP delivery. slow internet as usual. almost done with naming a claim thread too
yuki nagato se @ scs: design was inspired from GoldenWitch (bigtime requester of her cards that time lol)
christmas se @ amcw: kinda gave extras... special reason if anyone can guess <3
250+ members se @ lh: fav cards were 2 and 1 ('2 actually' meant 2 cards~) they're all official art, and yeah they're also grayscale and doing a pose of some sort... Orseb, Zheng1991, RainyRai and Evian all get something for trying. as for the something, I was thinking an extra claim/card or an edition request or gfx request... still thinking~~
card1: matantei loki || card2: majutsushi orphen || card3: world end lights(light novel) || card4: glorious hearts(light novel) || card5: chaos dragon
1000+ se @ lux:
design came from an old cardmaker. was browing my card collection and decided to try a bit of learning from others heck I've been into that alot lately
Hello dear members from SNOWY AND PASSI'S TEAROOM! We are here to tell you that the club is going to become active again, and we would be elated if you could come back there as well!
It's true that it has been a long time, so you may notice that lots of things have changed and some new faces have appeared and all........
So why not introduce yourself again and try to make some new friends here?
We also have lots of new threads, new games, and a lot more things are coming soon!
So come join us again in our tearoom.....
Here are some interesting and useful threads!
Introduce Yourself!
Come here and introduce yourself so we can know you a little better! Our Tearoom!
Come here to participate our epic RP story! create your own character and be anyone you want in our tearoom! Official Member Cards!
Come here to retrieve your own Member Card! Created by our awesome designer Ayase! Personality Thread!
Do a simple test to determine what's your personality then post and find out who is like you!
"✦✦✦Card Editions and Anime Discussion Gallery✦✦✦
Right now these are the following editions that are coming up.
- Stella Vermillion
- Blowing a Kiss
- Haifuri: May 7
- Holding Hands: May 14
- Wake Up Girls: May 21
- Cherry Tree: May 28"
As our 3 year club anniversary gets closer I wanted to to think and remember all the wonderful 3 years. To celebrate I decided to do a mini competition where all users have to do is vote on what show they want the next layout to be. Voting would last 2 weeks.
First of all, I want to apologize for the amount of time you had to wait for this delivery. No internet and then huge load of work made me quit editing pics. My skill got a lot worse so these cards and claims may seem lame to you and I'm sorry :D Anyway, I feel proud of myself - I finally did it!
Very Important News!
Ok I want you all to take a deep breathe~ 1, 2, 3 *inhale* 3, 2, 1 *exhale*
The club is going to change their name! Yes, it will be quite unfortunate BUT!
we hope you guys won't leave just cause we've changed our name D: We'll still
be having the same concept and providing you with many card editions from here
and there. Alongside our Loyalty Card system. There's not a real reason to change
the name but just wanted a mystical if this is even the right word for it.. feel~
Continue to keep a look out of the club for new stuff coming your way ヽ(^Д^)ノ
It's still open huh? (ಠ_ಠ)
Well believe it or not, it is because we always want members like YOU to
help our club whenever we needed. We've also added additional jobs to the
application. Jump right here to find what you're interested in and apply.
Don't be shy, be fly \(^o^)/ That.. made completely no sense at all but hey, I
wrote this newsletter very late so don't blame me for writing weird shenanigans (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Breaking News: Auntie Shey have retired from the Bingo Event?? NOOOOOOO (*´Д`)
Please give her a huge thanks for helping and managing the BINGO Event for you guys~
Exciting News: We are going to CONTINUE the BINGO Event as long as more than 10 people
are participating! If you LOOOOOOVE cards, join the fun and see if you're lucky enough to win
and be able to give us a card edition and be able to request ALL those cards that are made in
that winner's edition.
Without further ado:
Congratulations to Ascheherz for winning last month's bingo!
Not to forget 2nd to 4th place goes to:
2nd Place - Hime-sama
3rd Place - EvianBubble
4th Place - Haruchan-
Want to be the new winner? Come play with us and snatch that 1st placer ┌(☆o★)┘
Follow this thread to sign up monthly~
Anime Challenge: Highest Score
Another Breaking News?! ಠ▃ಠ
Indeed.. I decided to want to close the Anime Challenge.. for several reasons.. even
if they're not a good reason, I'm honestly really happy that some of you joined the club
just for watching anime on other people's list ^^ We'll take a break from the anime
challenge and will be planning for extra events to make up for the loss. Don't go away
just yet cause you'll be missing quite a few thrillers~ The youtube video has nothing related to the upcoming events...
again.. it's late and I'm supposed to be sleeping ;_;
Card Editions && Claims
Pokemon Collector Edition is still ongoing?! ఠ_ఠ
For the time being, yes. It will end when 53 pokemons have been out in the field.
There's just too many pokemons out there to do so I'll need a break from it </3
Those that have been collecting them, you will be receiving a certificate. It may
come in handy, who knows.
What's coming next month?
Kamisama Hajimemashita Limited Edition
Aura Kingdom Rare Edition
Fire Emblem Rare Edition
Sci-Fi Limited Edition
Staff Favorite Manga Rare Edition
Club Comments
Making a thread seems kind of pointless so I'll want to liven up the club comments with
the following: (Let us know your thoughts. Share your ideas.)
• General Topics for members to discussed about
• Games: Fresh ideas that haven't been done in order clubs or what you think most people would enjoy playing.
• Events: Something like what we've had in the past like Bingo & Anime Challenge
• Cards & Claim themes are most welcomed
Do not be afraid to be the first to post.
Blog Entries
Seriously guys.. Is Blog Entry the new trend around here? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Can't stress this enough that we understand you would like to separate comments &
blog entries for deliveries or if you disabled everything but I beg of you to at least clean
them. We don't have the right to tell you how to run your blogs BUT it's really
troublesome for people that deliver. It's best if you just save your cards and delete the
deliveries from existence or a new blog entry if you want to keep them.
Putting this out there as I've mentioned in the club comments before, I do not want
to see people copying off each other's work UNLESS you got permission. (╬ಠ益ಠ)
It's unpleasant to see others copying and pasting or trying to replicate the same
content. As much as I want to ignore this, it just keeps happening and people
do notice the comparison. I'm saying this nicely but please just stop it already.
Newsletter Option
• Re-made the newsletter thread so if you would
like to receive these awesome lame newsletters from me, don't forget to subscribe!
• If you wished to unsubscribe anytime, message Dear_Clouds_Bot
and he will removed you from the list.
Visit us often & don't forget to take care of yourselves.
Good luck to those that are taking examinations and for
everyone else that's not studying hardcore, have a wonderful
day and enjoy the fresh air~
- DC Staff
We've discussed amongst ourselves that are in charge of Loyalty Cards that it's time to reset.
Yes. You read it right. We wish to have done this in the beginning of the year but it's not too late so we want to implement
this first and foremost. We're proud to know that we've been keeping up with the Loyalty System for as long as possible.
We came to this conclusion because we thought it would be fair to people who are new to the club to start fresh with
everyone that has been with us ever since we were open. It'll also help us organized better for those that actually use their
Loyalty Cards rather than using them once in a while. Resetting the Loyalty Cards will start on the1st of March.
New threads will be added and you'll have to request from scratch. We know that some people that have already
reached the Master stage would not be satisfied with this new fact. Unfortunately, there will be no excuses.
We're going to stick with this but we do hope that you stay with us like you've always been. Each and every one of you are
loyal to us and we're happy to have you request our cards daily. Please continue to do so. We are thinking of new ideas
that we can do with Loyalty Cards especially that we've been having the same templates for more than a year.. so stay tune :)
Any further information, we'll let you know asap!
Questions or inquiries, you can PM Dear_Clouds_Bot and he will answer your concerns about the change.
All Comments (784) Comments
Tea Edition ● Cards [62]
Sasha Braus Edition ● Cards [128]
Please save and/or rehost
Ctrl + f to find your cards
If you've got any problems, contact me.
January 2017 Newsletter
Dearest patrons,
Howdy everyone? You guys had a lovely 2016? anyways we're back at it again with another newsletter.
This time for 2017, yes a new year is to be upon us, joy.
Thank you for participating in club event and games ^^
Or have never had the chance to get to know everyone?
You can always introduce yourself here.
As a welcome to 2017, we bring you our first event of the year!
Oh bummer to baka staffs - we named the event
Happy New Year!
Throughout the month of January, we'll be having...
We have 4 suggested anime: Mai-Mai Miracle - Only Yesterday - A Letter to Momo - The Tale of Princess Kaguya
But feel free to suggest more before the event. Do sign up so that we know how many people are interested though you can still join even without signing up~
Don't worry, we are here to help you out so everyone can have a happy new year!
We brought to you a delivery service especially for your New Year greetings.
Customize it however you like, we're your postman ;)
How it works? We ask you a question, and you answer them ~ hoho it's super simple!
The catch is that you can only answer them within the time given. Try it out, it's a load of fun :3
It'll be done throughout the month of January.
Challenge other patrons to a fun dare or ask them a hard truth question. Spicy ones are most welcome too ;)
It may it be a joke, a history, a image or even a gif, anything is valid as long as it's funny and doesn't offend anyone!
Then let's all help each other out and create a funny and hilarious collection so we can start the next year laughing all together!
Participants will be given a list of four anime characters. Three of them share the same quality which the fourth doesn't. Your job is to say which character doesn't share the quality and why.
Help Wanted
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
delivered by Samuelkun
please thank him for his hard work
included here are all the cards I didn't/couldn't deliver from a long while back
another WIP delivery. slow internet as usual. almost done with naming a claim thread too
-|| part 1 of 2: # to h ||-
◈ ◇ Important Announcement ◇ ◈
Card Maker: VanityStar || Card Deliverer: Hysteria
Namine's Cafe
Blue CE>>>Cards here:'s%20cafe/Blue%20CE/
Shishio's Affiliation 2nd Edition>>>Cards Here:'s%20cafe/Shishio's%20Affiliation%202nd%20Edition%20Namine%20Card/
Witches HE>>>Cards Here:'s%20cafe/Witches%20HE/
Kimono HE>>>Cards Here:'s%20cafe/Kimono%20HE/
Save and rehost, if you have any problems please contact Yorium.
★ Kiri & Sunny's Coffee House
★ Pizza ME ★ Cards ★ 63
★ Mikoto Mikoshiba SE ★ Cards ★ 43
★ Kittens SE ★ Cards ★ 47
★ Dear Clouds
★ Happy Birthday Echo Special Edition ★ Cards ★ 65
★ Happy Birthday beautifullyou Special Edition ★ Cards ★ 70
★ Happy Birthday Nishinoya Yuu Special Edition ★ Cards ★ 48
★ Happy Birthday Xeiph- Special Edition ★ Cards ★ 68
★ Happy Birthday -Vienna Special Edition ★ Cards ★ 66
no need to send me "thank you" you're welcome in advance <3
Je ne désespère pas, j'ai vu le coffret de Psycho-Pass dernièrement. Shigatsu finira bien par arriver. o/