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Days: 103.3
Mean Score:
- Watching124
- Completed401
- On-Hold0
- Dropped122
- Plan to Watch57
- Total Entries704
- Rewatched4
- Episodes5,899
All Comments (58) Comments
Just go edit ur profile, then u have to put a code at the end of ur tekst.
*what u typed on ur profile*
the code is like this....
[*color=pink] *nothing here* [/color]
u can put [*i] around it if u want it italic, and u've also got [*b](bold) and [*u](underlined) , u can also use a size:
[*size=150] *nothing* [size]
theres also this: [*center] *nothing* [*/center] or u can use right as well
if u wanna use them at the same time, u have to put them al together like this:
[*size=200][*color=red][*i][*center][*u][*b] *nothing* [*/b][*/u][*/center][*/i][*/color][*/size]
WITHOUT THE " * " obviously...
it will be like this:
just like that, if u dont understand my explanation i'll just give you the link from a thread i got this information from,...might be easier xD
-please explain what reformat means =w=;;-
Omygosh! It's halloween!
Are you trick or treating yet?!
I don't celebrate Halloween here, as we got another date like Halloween on the novembre 11th~ Those days I would go around with some friends and sing a song with a lantern and get candy ~! (If the peoples are that nice)
Thats why, the lantern! (We dont go in kimonos though!)
Here am I to wish my dear members a Happy Halloween<3
Hmm, but! u wanna join my club ;D?
Y know, cuz of fb, i almost forgot i got u on MAL, im forgetable and a attentionseeker. indeed.
So, wanna join?
the only fanservice i can think of was the maid costumes, i didn't see any panty shots and even if there were they looks natural enough that i didn't notice
Ahaha, yea but im from china, and idk how many % peoples got that last name... =__=
Yu know,, Easles are also really smart.
Wait,,, my bird healed after we took him/her in, but then our stuff and bird in the house got robbed, thats the tragical part..
I see, we only got chinese and pizzaria's i suppose, oh and greek ones........... ._.
WHAT NO CODE GEASS IS FRIGGIN NOT FOR SOMEONE LIKE ME< bakemonogatari is funny,, i can accept that, but Code Geass is to much drama, not enough funnyness, though the art is gorgeous... (1st reason i tried it.)
Oh thats what it means... u like a lot of colors, greattt~
Yes i got facebook~ i sen u an invite, hope u dont mind my real face (hahahaha *facepalm*)
yep sorry, as i said im repetive, cant help it! Then do you know Gone?
I see... so u dont prefer doing a sport cuz u like it, and want to improve??
What no my BFF, is totally ASIAN, shes 70 something % Indonesian 25% Chinese And other % shes english swedish and stuff idk really...
UHm about the glasses.... I NEEDED A PAIR< im stupid without them... i know it was stupid to do though. my mom isnt really smart either. she didnt finish middle school >_>;;
lol u being sarcastic? with easy stuff i meant a shirt or top with a vest or just a t-shirt... with pants... =.=
And i am normal(DOT)
why? politicans can argue and fight with words, is that not awesome? and i need money, cant help it >_>
ahaha, ur image of a paper deliverer is way to nice, i cant throw them, i have to politely put them in their postthings, and some even want me to close the fench thing, before leaving...their garden,... so annoyin...
LOL, xDD rollercoasters are awesome!! They make you have goosebumps and feel weightless, so weird, and scary that its awesome.
GOSH THATS SCARY,. i ... yea i dont really watch horrors, cuz mostly, there is no comedy in it...
I once watched an animated serie thing, and in it green stuff came out of the shower room, i was afraid to shower alone and let my mom help me, until i was ....10-12 or something.. i know thats... childish >_>
Yes, Im a stalker. (Im not, to be clear.) (I said i cant lie much)
Reason i want to know: I had something to talk about+ To get to know peoples better, or to let others get to know each other better :)
Ahaha, Friedrich? Man such a cool name xd, im living besides Germany :D , and have been there this summer for 4 days :>
(Im rly just like a stalker unconciently..mistyped: unconsciously)
Hey we got the same surname!! Lol... Were not family by any chance? xDD
Oh i meant ur fav animal, not which one u had xDD, ah i btw, once had a bird, found, wounded on the doorstep, and then... after some time, it got stolen (SO TRagicaLLLLL)
-Curry huh? I never had that b4... only the sauce,Curry.
-------------------MEXICAN?? o-o lol... i cant help but to ask why. ive never really thought about mexican food, have i ever had it? Are taco's mexican?
U dont got a fav tree? xDDD, i meant it that way, may it be a xmas tree, or an pink one...or just green =w=
Oi,,,, i think that guys also need a pillow or plushie sometimes!! (Guys cry atleast sometimes too right??)
Hmm, u like Code Geass?? When i watched that, a few yrs ago, i got scared to death, still completed the 1st season. but didnt want to watch the second, as the pretty pink haired sweet girl died!
I seeeee, but... one piece.. y know, they got powers and stuff, reason why maybe?
..who are "ROYGBIV" and "ARGESFWDERF" (sarcasm ><,, i learn from you xDD)
I asked the same questions? Oh sry... i am quite repetive, cuz i forget fast, haha..
Me needs Counseling? noooo, i donttt. i think logically, if theres a planet lik----------------Reminds me, i also wanted to ask what ur fav planet was: ------e the earth with humans then there might be an univers with unicorns, its not impossible right?
Aha, Hunger Games, i did not know it either until i saw the movie, and the movie gave me chills, even after it..
but my fav it Percy Jackson, U know know it? (i know, i typed know twice, i mean three times)
Humm, ur a spotive person! Cool! and what u mean, azns do not only play piano, cello and violin! My bff, plays/learns electric guitar, and shes indonesian ;D , im learning piano too though =.=
Me telling stuff bout myself: (thats not on my profile)
I got 2 pair of glasses, a milk-white one and a black-red one, my eyesight got worse after i wore my moms glasses for a few months, cuz my glasses broke..
Uhh, i dislike homework...thats a duh. but i o like going to school, except for the early mornings..
the 1st dance i learned was the ChaChaCha, i mostly wear easy stuff and pants, but i also like wearing skirts and stuff in a much info? not interested? bear with it. im a girl. i talk about clothes.
Im interested in mythology and stuff, i wanna become a politican or an fashion designer, who writes books once in a while and is a painter at the same time-- and stuff.
I still havent made my homework...i ..dont wannaaaaa. still hafto do it, i got 1-2 hours left!
So uh.......Oh, i know something! Im scared of Spiders and Heights, what about you? Btw, i wont scream like a lil girl when she suddenly sees a flying spider in the air, i would just open my eyes widely and scream GODDAMMIT FUQ, and back of, and carfully (with papers (im a paper delivererr) remove the spiders web... about heights, im scared but still clib stuff. im stupid? kind of. ...reminds me of a time i was in a tree and fell down =___=
and a time i was jumping on my moms bed and fell--> blood--> operation .. sounds unlogical if u look at the height of the bed -.-
Oh u got any hobbys?
btw this is the longest comment uve ever gotten right? xDD i did my best! and i did not accidentally close the window this time!!
well okay, lessee, what to talk about~ i had decided to ask some questions~ they aren't hard for real:
Ur name~:
Fav color:
Do you prefer a pillow or plushie?
Do you got a fav plushie?
Whats ur most faved anime/manga?
Which drawingstyle do you prefer?
Do you know the colors of the rainbow?
(write them above)
Whats ur fav color out of these?
Do you believe in Unicorns? Or atleast in Santa?
Got any fav book?
lets keep it like this?
U can ask something(s) too :) (to much questions to take? That was my intention)
u, ure calling me a stranger ..
a stranger... Im not that Strange!
Im really average. Really.
Not weird. Oh u meant as in not knowing each other..
well, =_= does it matter? i actually know u. =I KNOW WHERE U LIVE....!!!= No i dont , i almost never lie.
(no im not weird.)
Ib is a game , pixeled, with a story., i saw the walktrough from Pewdiepie. It's such a ...scary game if u ask me, but the story is sweet, depending on the ending. Wanna see?? owo
U like the word "Obligation"? Well, i don't really mind having you getting more obligations
*(evil)big smiles*