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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka IV: Shin Shou - Yakusai-hen
Jul 17, 2024 4:51 PM
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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka IV: Shin Shou - Meikyuu-hen
Jul 17, 2024 4:50 PM
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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Jul 23, 2023 5:11 AM
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Entendi, daora então HUSUHSUH
acho q to indo pro quinto ou sexto filme. vi poucos ainda. Ah, a Haibara é bem melhor q a Ran mesmo, mas faz sentido ele ficar com a Ran. HUSAUHSA
AHAHAHHAHA Daora, Soul Eater assisti bastante tb na epoca. Depois comecei a Baixar os animes em RMVB e usar um conversor para gravar em dvd os animes, eu nunca gostei de assistir anime no PC (ate hoje nao gosto).
HHAHAAAHA é muito boa mesmo essas! Monogatari tem uma Ost maravilhosa mesmo. Monogatari é muito atemporal, acho q é uma obra que todo mundo devia ver. Cara, eu assisti Bakemonogatari quando lanço mais ou menos, nao entendi nada, nao gostei muito, depois de um tempo reassisti ele denovo, ai eu gostei, assisti ate o Hanamonogatari, e eu ficava assim "ah, monogatari é muito bom pq ele é confuso e tem dialogos inteligentes" sabe aquela vibe bem adolescente de querer curtir algo diferente dos outros? HUSAUHSAHUSAUHA ai depois de mais velho, falei "po, vo reassisti tudo pra ver o Owari Second Season" Ai reassisti tudo denovo, e foi ai que eu vi a grandeza da obra HAHAHA Ai que vi como a obra é bem feita, detalhada, trabalha muito bem a ação e consequencia, tudo interligado. As historias dos personagens sao muito boas. Muito bom mesmo. Ai virei fã descarado.
Uma das coisas que eu mais aprecio em uma obra, é quando trabalham bem a Ação e Consequência, quando acontece coisas e trabalham bem as consequencias disso (por menor que seja o acontecimento) e Monogatari faz isso MUITO bem, coisa pequena como o Araragi querer volta no tempo pq esqueceu de fazer os exercicios da escola desencadeia um evento enorme, ele volta muito no tempo sem querer, aproveita pra salvar a Hachikuji so q descobre q se a Hachikuji nunca morreu, ele nunca falou com o fantasma dela, e aquele pequeno acontecimento q tem na primeira temporada onde a Hachikuji comenta com ele q a Shinobu tava zanzando pela cidade e q fez o Araragi querer ir procurar pela shinobu nunca aconteceu, entao ele nao procurou por ela, nao pensou nela enquanto era morto pela Black Hanekawa, logo a hanekawa mata ele a Shinobu volta a ser a Vampira mais poderosa do mundo e destroi o planeta pq nao lhe resta mais nada. Isso é so um exemplo de um arco, ele faz bem isso toda hora, se ve como ele trabalha bem as coisas. Nada é gratuito, tudo tem um porque, tudo faz sentido. Existe uma expressao usada em Cinema e teatro que eu gosto q chama "A Arma de Chekhov" q ela fala assim: "Se no primeiro ato você colocar uma pistola na parede, no seguinte ela deve ser disparada. Em outro caso não coloque ela lá", essa ideia é de q todo elemento na obra é importante, e isso é muito dificil de se trabalhar (Sem ficar forçada) e Monogatari faz isso com maestria.
Um adendo só: nao acho q toda obra tenha q seguir essa ideia, gosto de muita coisa que nao segue isso. mas eu curto bastante quando seguem e fazem bem feitinho. HAHA
UHASUSAUHUHSAHSA pior que curto memo instrumento de corda. Sempre quis tocar violino.
UHSASAHUUHSAHSUASAUHHSAUSAUH CARACA, vi aqui teu comentario no video SAUHSAHU bom demais esse velho.
I don't know where those commenters were from, but they were talking in English. Probably the same people who got triggered because Tita has feelings for Agate.
As you can guess by my anime mean score, I don't like using them, and given how important the whole series has been for me for many years, I'd place its every game above anything else. If you're interested in my other favorites, in case my fanboyish evaluation of Kiseki looks uncouth (ha-ha), then they are: Muv-Luv, Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu, Full Metal Daemon: Muramasa, Valkyria Chronicles, Sekiro, Touhou Project, Utawarerumono, City Hunter, Higurashi, Musicus and the ones I haven't finished yet: Rance and Ys. So all in all I'm usually impressed more by visual novels and video games rather than anime.
Yeah, I hope for great things in Kai for her. But even if she'd end up as a minor character, I'd continue to love her the most. As a matter of fact, I've made a post where I express what she means to me, maybe you'll find it interesting in the context of how great of an influence this seemingly niche series can have on people.
Kanami is great, although the one I liked the most from the games I've already played is Shizuka. I really enjoy her dynamics with Rance.
As a side note, yesterday I've updated my Kiseki Sorter site and I meant to tag all the people I know on MAL who like the series, but somehow forgot to tag you, so here's the link. Maybe it'll be of some use to you.
Tendi, nao conhecia esse game, vou pesquisar sobre ele depois. As ost q vc mando sao bem bacanas, tem uma vibe meio daora. Ele fez a lingua do zero ou fez igual o Nier? (um alfabeto novo, porem nao tem uma gramatica própria, feito meio aleatório pra soar bonito. O que ainda é muito maneiro HAHAH)
HUSAHUSAUHS pior que faz por ai tb que eu conheci Conan. To vendo os filmes do conan que eu nao tinha visto ainda esses tempos, vo ver ate o equivalente ao ep q eu parei.
SIM HAHAHA Eu curto bastante a primeira temporada de School Rumble. Eu tenho um fator nostalgia brabo com ele, quando eu tinha uns 13 anos eu tinha comprado 2 Dvds piratas numa lojinha da minha cidade, era a primeira temporada do School Rumble e o anime Onegai Teacher, e mano.... sem zuera.. eu devo ter assistir esses dvds umas 100 vezes HUSAUHHSUAUHSHUHUASHU Sempre que dava, eu botava pra ver. E o dvd do school rumble era so a primeira parte, tinha so uns 13 eps da primeira temporada, e eu via e revia. Entao so de ver a Op dele, ja da ate um arrepio. (mesma coisa com o Onegai Teacher que mencionei)
Gosto BASTANTE da OST de Monogatari. O tema do Kaiki é meu toque de celular tem anos ja ( HAHAHAHAHA A OST da primeira temporada é classica pra mim ja, mas uma das que mais escuto é a OST do Nisemonogatari. tipo essa ( As musicas no anime se encaixam muito bem nas cenas. bom demais, Monogatari no geral é maravilhoso, cheio de detalhes e muito bem feito. Muito legal que tu curte tbm.
E mano, pesquisando a ost de monogatari aq, achei esse video e tive que compartilhar com alguem ( HAHAHAHA
Sim, fico muito triste que nao tenha continuacao. Eu vi apenas o Anime, nao vi o manga ainda. Mas gosto demais dele, no comeco ele é bem divertido e "bobo", mas com o passar das temporadas, vc ve q é bem feito a historia, tem desenvolvimento muito bom e os personagens sao muito legais HAHAHA
In my opinion, Kuro II has the weakest antagonist and its plot is probably the least coherent of all Kiseki games; however, it's by no means "bad" and anyone who is genuinely immersed in the game's world and cares about its characters is going to enjoy it greatly.
As for me, I've been already madly in with Shizuna when I've played through Kuro I, so Kuro II, which has more of her, might as well be my favorite game just by this merit alone.
True, Rance is legendary. I think what I like the most about this series is its adventurous spirit, "man vs the world" type of story where nothing is off-limits. So far, the most memorable event for me in the whole saga is when Feliss was randomly summoned by Rance in Rance 02.
The ones I have finished are: The Quest for Hikari, The Rebellious Maidens, Rance 5D, The Collapse of Zeth and Sengoku Rance. So there is still plenty left for me to explore on the Rance journey. It's been quite a while since I've immersed myself in it the last time, however.
I didn't expect much from Musicus, but it ended up being one of my favorite visual novels ever. Not as breathtaking as Muramasa, Muv-Luv and Utawarerumono, but very good nonetheless and Mikazuki is really good.
A do seu perfil nao conheco, é daode?
Mano, Detective Conan é maravilhoso. Adoro demais. Eu dei uma pausa nele, pq eu queria ver os filme e especiais, so q tem um especial que é Detective Conan vs Lupin III, ai eu pensei na epoca "Hummm, vou assistir Lupin III antes de ver issae", ai fui pra uma missao de assistir TODAS as temporadas de Lupin e os TODOS os Filmes. Ainda nao terminei isso, e por isso ainda nao voltei a terminar Detective Conan (onde parei no ep 695 acho, por ai). E Lupin III é muito bom, é bem divertido, recomendo.
Harima é muito bom mesmo HAHAHA Desenvolvimento dele é masterpiece. Cara vai de Valentao, para um guru amante de animais que vira um Mangaka careca. Uma coisa que gosto bastante no School Rumble, é como todos os personagens sao bem trabalhadinhos, cada aluno ali da classe tem uma historia, principalmente no NIgakki, que trabalha mais os secundarios. e o desenvolvimento da historia é muito bem feita. Gosto demais (tenho ate a colecao do manga importado do japao HAHAH e nao, nao sei ler japones.)
Se tivesse um remake da ultima temporada seria bacana mesmo. Precisava de uma temporada inteira nova.
Vi que vc tem nos favoritos tb o The World God Only Knows HAHA assisti somento o anime dele, e gosto MUITO dele, acho bem subestimado tb.
For a second, I thought it was Hanai Mikazuki on your Hakuchuumu no Aojashin cover.
hey leo... i remember...
Regarding Sakuuta, in what aspects -particularly- do you consider it a "disappointing story"? For me, it's quite the opposite. The main reason why many people are disappointed by the work from what I've seen is the "prolonged slice of life content" (including comic scenes), which is quite current in the common route. However, to me it has value, it has narrative value even. It's a way to connect with the characters, you end up feeling attachment. Even if you don't empathize with SCA-DI's sense of humor or slow pace, all you're seeing in the journey is "ordinariness" in its pure state. Even this aspect then takes on a retrospective value later. I may sound too "defensive" but I don't know what a lot of people expect in the first few chapters when there is constant exposition of the school life of Naoya and his friends. It's the "mundane and everyday side" of the story. And regarding the message you mention, I don't know what to say since it's not like there's a "pointed message" or it can be synthesized and it also doesn't have a "conclusive epitome" like it did in its predecessor SubaHibi (with the iconic 幸福に生きよ). Sakuuta consolidates into a subtle construction. It doesn't feel pretentious or demanding. I can only characterize it as personal and intimate. It's about art, addressing the mimetic theory, aestheticism and anti-mimesis, the receptive focus, etc. However, I always consider it the "surface layer" of the work. Sakuuta talks in the background about life, and especially about 神.
Regarding the soundtrack. For me it's good, but I understand your point, memorable OST's are a few. My favorites are: "美しい音色で世界が鳴った", "舞い上がる因果交流のひかり", "この櫻ノ詩の下", "空を舞う月 空を舞う翼" and "天球の奇蹟".
I like Imouto sae Ireba Ii for personal reasons. It fits my standard, I love those "everyday life" stories where everyday difficulties are captured. It even has the kind of humor I like and the interactions are great, and the main character being a tsundere made it very funny in terms of dynamics. There are episodes where nothing very "wow" happens, like playing a "board game" or just the "delivery of a volume". I love the cast in general, but the most memorable characters for me are Mitsuki and Hashima. I'd say it's a very refreshing work, Idk what term to put it in. And the final episode even though it seems a bit abrupt gives a lot of background and closes very warmly. I know the siscon element seems off-putting to a specific audience (maybe the majority), but this never becomes an ecchi scene device, so it doesn't bother me.
I'm glad that you also love NHK ni Youkoso. It's an anime that I appreciate more as time goes forward. For me it's a work with a cynical but "comical" focus on hikikomori people. Free of euphemisms or considerations, yet always maintaining thoughtful undertones. Beyond this, in retrospect, I like to see it more simply as a story about "looking for the missing piece". At the time, I thought the ending didn't fit so well with the style the anime maintained, but currently, I feel it was an efficient ending about moving forward in life in company. Maybe it's a bit idyllic for some persons but not for me.
Seto no Hanayome is a simply great comedy. I laughed too much watching it. It's still one of my favorite comedies. The anime never seeks to be melodramatic or deviate from its great power: the comedy. The cast of characters has great charm and I adore Seto even if she borders on the cheap moe standard. I feel like an idiot but I died laughing with the idiot Masa-san, the gay jokes about him with Nagasumi made me laugh....
I adore Oregairu a lot, it had a big impact on me.... I can really guess that many people identify with Hachiman and sympathize with his "cold and lonely attitude", but that's not exactly my case. I quite empathized with his "search for something genuine", which may seem shallow to some, but I understand his quest. It's a story of a jerk who shuts himself in his own caparace with his edgy monologues but deep down harbors resentment against his inability to connect with anyone. It's just very personal.
Btw, I didn't read the Gotoubun manga, I just watched the two anime seasons and nothing else. But from what you say it seems like a connected and good structured story, I appreciate that.
I loved Onodera... ;)
Fruits Basket is still on my wishlist for now. A few friends have recommended it to me.
I'm honestly not interested in reading the manga, just watching the anime. Maybe one of the next few days I'll be immersed in it.
Here it's:
I have recently made it public. I've got arbitrary criteria and I don't have agendized some nukiges that I saw some time ago. I honestly don't carry a large amount of titles read. I read things that interest me really, although depending on my mood I may read some moeges. But equally, my quest is focused on finding "kamiges". The last one I read was MUSICUS! thanks to a friend here, who also gave me a push to read C+C, a work in which I have quite high expectations. However, it's possible that SakuToki will be the next kamige I finish. I can't say for sure, but I'm on IV and it's... just masterful. So far in my reading I've already read beautiful passages that again show the masterful brilliance of SCA-DI. There have already been more than memorable sequences. My favorite so far is Kenichiro's conversation at the end of Misuzu's route. There's also a sequence in Kibou (Makoto's route) that I can't forget. Anyway, has been pretty solid for now and I have hopes. But well, I'd rather keep the details to myself, I should finish it after all.