Annyeonghaseyo! Welcome to my profile! ^.^ I'm AwesomeAmari, but please call me Amari! :3 I do accept random friend requests, because why not? But, I'd be really happy if said "hello" first! XD
About Me
I consider myself "not-the-best" at writing, so this is going to more of a mash up of random sentences about myself, rather than a "traditional bio". (Honestly who'd want to read that? I'm a really boring person.)
Well, I've been on the anime and manga train for almost a year now! I can almost get rid of my noob status! L(^o^)/ Woohoo~
My first anime was School Days! I know, tough anime to start out with, but somehow I decided to continue watching! I actually want to watch it again! Maybe I'll have a better understanding of it now...maybe it will be like one of my favorites... you never know!Naaaawwwww
Back in the day(lol), I would watch Pokemon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, DragonBall,ect, but I didn't really pay attention to them, nor did I even consider them anime. I'd only watched it because it happened to be on TV, or my brother was watching it.!
I LOVE BACON!!~~~~~~~~~~~~
Other than Anime and my bacon obsession, I enjoy other things, as well, like, computers, biology, books, video juegos, languages( as you can see), bacon, SOME TV shows, drawing, J and K pop, baking, music in general, YouTube people, Korean dramas.... yeah honestly this list could go on for days. I way too much free time on my hands.
Rating System...
Or lack thereof! Yeah, I don't really have a rating system! And honestly, my rating system would be of no help to you, lol. I think all animes are awesome.. well most of them, and all of the animes on my list are rated pretty high, or not rated at all! I'm not a very critical person and I feel I don't know enough about anime or manga to give a 'good' rating system! :) I think all animes are worth a shot!
Maybe this'll change in the future, you never know! :)
I really did enjoy all the animes I've watched so far! If I didn't, I wouldn't have watched all of them! lol! But these are the 3 that stuck with me the most and I think always will! ^_^ ( Not in any particular order!)
~ Clannad and Clannad: After Story
~ Death Note
~ Code Geass( all of 'em)
Other Memorable Favorites:
~ Sword Art Online ( Needs to happen IRL, minus all the killing and bad stuff)
~ Baka to Test ( Too dang funny!)
~ Major Series ( Made me like baseball! <3)
~~~~My favorites on MAL's favorite thingy are pretty much the favorites that I've watched most recently!~~~~~
To sum it all up: I pretty much like all the animes I've watched! :)
Need'a read more! But the ones I've read so far are pretty good! :)
Other Random Crap!
~ I also have a My Drama List!
~ I play online games and I have a Steam( Same as my username, pretty much everything is my username...well except for like one thing.), but haven't been on in a while b/c I need a better computer... honestly, don't we all?!
MRW Bacon is near...
Also, bacon is amazing! Just thought you should know...that again.
The Awesomest Club Badges!
Thanks For Reading this... or not! Well, either way you're reading this, so yeah! <3
This will be our very newsletter we are sending so sorry if it looks messy. We are one of the sister club's of Namine's Cafe to start off. Kawaii Express is a kawaii club that adores the kawaii characters. We provide everything that is kawaii. Our newsletter we are sending is to just remind you guys to not forget about us and to also share the many things that are happening in our club. Below you will find the different stuff that you can guys can take a look at or can participate in.
We are having an increase of Card Editions at Kawaii Express now that there are new card makers working hard to provide kawaii cards. If you would like to see what card editions have passed then click below to find out.
Kawaii Express will also host a Biweekly picture contest. Users post pictures depending on the theme given. The winner will get a prize which will be sent to their profile. Prize content has yet to be determined but we the staff are working on what to give. Cards, Kawaii Character of the Week? Be sure to participate.
-------> ~ Biweekly Picture Contest ~
[b]For those who use Photoshop you can visit the Creativity thread. Here you can talk about how you got an original image into your final image and also give tutorials to new members who are into Photoshop. Don't be shy, we want you to feel comfortable in our Express. Show us Your Photoshop Skills.
Newsletters will be given out on a monthly basis. So be sure to follow up on any updates. Have a nice day, SweetKotomi.
yeah... me,too.. didnt even watch anything the past week! only kagepro and shuuen pro vids XP lol.. that's for expecting... i knew it was an ova so... hahahaha... i thought it was epic!!
yeah... the last episode was great and goro is just the cheesiest guy character ever! XD
yeah... after 'ten' years of waiting! we finally see them... have you seen Major: Message?? Goro's son, Daigo is the most adorable thing in the world... i dont get why i have things for shortstops in this show (except maehara-season 1 and season 2 shortsstop XD Roy and Taiga FTW!!)
yeah.. you see them go up... and when you return to the first episode i was like 'Awww... baby pa si Goro' or something like that XD
lol.. now watch cross game and touch and ookiku furikabutte and one out -- new baseball anime ace of diamond coming up too ^^ all of them are about baseball XD
I'm planning to... there's no way i'm staying here in the Philippines... i guess... but my mom saw that show on tv about english and japan and she was the first one who actually said 'Learn Niponggo, nak. So you can work in Japan.'.. Ohh!!! hahaha.. i would end up probably only in london, korea, japan or my old high school XP
Lol... but sometimes, the tagalog script is a bit corny XD
nope... not really... 154 nights might be too long for my undivided attention XP
I swear to you I'm really going to Koshien... i will.. it's a lifelong dream XD and maybe Kyoto or Hokkaido too ^^
lol... i wanna go to japan so bad i might apply a job there XD
I know... watch out for season 6's finale!!! wahhh!!!
cant believe that happened.. I laughed lot during that episode!!!
I know... Major's showing on TV right now with Tagalog dubs (although I prefer Jap better, the dubs were pretty decent) and I'm watching it every night again! Just started with season 2 XD
lol... me, too! Mayumura~
S3 still gave me the best thrills though... maybe I just have a thing for Koshien... someday, I'm so going to go to Koshien and watch a game there even though I dont understand a thing XD
I know... I'm not a fan of Junior but the first time I saw a broken bat upon contact with Goro's ball, I was like 'Damn Cool!' XD
Yeah XD glad you understand XD bwahahaha
Yeah! I love the first two episodes of season 5 with GoroXShimizu and how goro was able to forget baseball for a second there worrying over her... kyaa~ fangirl scream!
Lol.. My College Team's name's Green Hornets! soooooo happy ^^ you'd understand when you reach season six XD
I know right?? Drama!
Me, too.. this is my first too XD and rewatched it... recently and wow... mindblowing now that I know the rules ^^ help spread the word of major~
me, too! that's Free! right? I know we're all gonna expect that to be 'cool' XD though I've read a swimming mang before by the author of cross game ^^
Yeah.. Darn.. I realized I have a weakness for epic batters and shortstops (except Maehara... Roy is also okay-looking XD)
All Comments (345) Comments
Here you will find all the weekly Kawaii Character's. It's great to have a list of who has been chosen for the week as it's easier to choose the next character. Think of this like a Hall of Fame.
We are having an increase of Card Editions at Kawaii Express now that there are new card makers working hard to provide kawaii cards. If you would like to see what card editions have passed then click below to find out.
---------> Follow here for Previous Card Editions.
---------> Here you can find the Upcoming Card Editions. The dates for their opening have yet to be decided but the club frequently for updates. We can tell you that card editions will be out more frequently now that the Express has staff to help around. If you would like to request a theme, then leave a comment in the club and we'll add it to our to do list.
-----------> Kawaii Express also is recruiting staff members. If you would like to be part of the staff then visit the Staff Recruitment thread. Follow the format then you'll receive a PM by one of my admins if you got accepted or not.
Note: For Card Makers and General Admins: Please state your experience or works(cards/badges). It's a plus, if not then we will teach you.
Kawaii Express will also host a Biweekly picture contest. Users post pictures depending on the theme given. The winner will get a prize which will be sent to their profile. Prize content has yet to be determined but we the staff are working on what to give. Cards, Kawaii Character of the Week? Be sure to participate.
-------> ~ Biweekly Picture Contest ~
[b]For those who use Photoshop you can visit the Creativity thread. Here you can talk about how you got an original image into your final image and also give tutorials to new members who are into Photoshop. Don't be shy, we want you to feel comfortable in our Express.
Show us Your Photoshop Skills.
Newsletters will be given out on a monthly basis. So be sure to follow up on any updates. Have a nice day, SweetKotomi.
You're Welcome :D
I hope for the same.
Glad that you're back.
Would you like to join?
yeah... the last episode was great and goro is just the cheesiest guy character ever! XD
yeah... after 'ten' years of waiting! we finally see them... have you seen Major: Message?? Goro's son, Daigo is the most adorable thing in the world... i dont get why i have things for shortstops in this show (except maehara-season 1 and season 2 shortsstop XD Roy and Taiga FTW!!)
yeah.. you see them go up... and when you return to the first episode i was like 'Awww... baby pa si Goro' or something like that XD
lol.. now watch cross game and touch and ookiku furikabutte and one out -- new baseball anime ace of diamond coming up too ^^ all of them are about baseball XD
I'm planning to... there's no way i'm staying here in the Philippines... i guess... but my mom saw that show on tv about english and japan and she was the first one who actually said 'Learn Niponggo, nak. So you can work in Japan.'.. Ohh!!! hahaha.. i would end up probably only in london, korea, japan or my old high school XP
I Have changed it to ANITambulleta!!
Lol... but sometimes, the tagalog script is a bit corny XD
nope... not really... 154 nights might be too long for my undivided attention XP
I swear to you I'm really going to Koshien... i will.. it's a lifelong dream XD and maybe Kyoto or Hokkaido too ^^
lol... i wanna go to japan so bad i might apply a job there XD
yeah!!! yeah!!
cant believe that happened.. I laughed lot during that episode!!!
I know... Major's showing on TV right now with Tagalog dubs (although I prefer Jap better, the dubs were pretty decent) and I'm watching it every night again! Just started with season 2 XD
lol... me, too! Mayumura~
S3 still gave me the best thrills though... maybe I just have a thing for Koshien... someday, I'm so going to go to Koshien and watch a game there even though I dont understand a thing XD
I know... I'm not a fan of Junior but the first time I saw a broken bat upon contact with Goro's ball, I was like 'Damn Cool!' XD
Yeah XD glad you understand XD bwahahaha
Yeah! I love the first two episodes of season 5 with GoroXShimizu and how goro was able to forget baseball for a second there worrying over her... kyaa~ fangirl scream!
Lol.. My College Team's name's Green Hornets! soooooo happy ^^ you'd understand when you reach season six XD
I know right?? Drama!
Me, too.. this is my first too XD and rewatched it... recently and wow... mindblowing now that I know the rules ^^ help spread the word of major~
me, too! that's Free! right? I know we're all gonna expect that to be 'cool' XD though I've read a swimming mang before by the author of cross game ^^
Yeah.. Darn.. I realized I have a weakness for epic batters and shortstops (except Maehara... Roy is also okay-looking XD)