I like anime.
From what I've seen, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann has the greatest conceptual depth of any anime, and Gintama has the greatest conceptual breadth. I love anime that do everything, and these two excel without equal.
Here's a breakdown of my rating system on a 10-point scale.
10/10: Awesome with negligible faults (changes my understanding of media)
9/10: Consistently amazing with notable problems
8/10: Thoroughly engaging with significant problems or all-around great
7/10: Enjoyable and functional, but not outstanding (minimum for "liking" something)
6/10: Barely worth watching (I can accept it. Still net positive to the lowest degree.)
5/10: Net neutral experience (I can tolerate it)
4/10: Good traits outweighed by mediocrity
3/10: Boring and offensive
2/10: Difficult to find anything good
1/10: Appalling, repugnant, and may invoke depression
I will watch to completion any entry that is 6/10 or higher, and I'll usually drop anything 4/10 or lower. At a 5/10, a work is riding the line, and I may drop it at any point. I do rate things I dropped to categorize how strongly I felt of the material I'd seen. After all, the only anime that "gets better" is Gintama.
My evaluation for ironic enjoyment does not generally factor into my ten point scale, so please read my tags for those opinions.
P.S. My anime litmus tests include the following:
Mentions of Schrödinger's cat
Moons that are less than full with stars shining through the dark portion of the face
A character primarily in chibi when most other characters aren't
Hypothetical ecchi scenes
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