Hi profile viewing person,
I'm just an average anime and manga fan usually interested in the more relaxing types of animes. I enjoy music immensely and movies too. I read and attempt to draw and I also play the guitar and love to sing (though I honestly believe I'm only a good singer to my family and friends)
I really enjoy playing mahjong online with my friends. I also have a PS3 and play it online whenever anyone wants up for something. I play just about every genre including shooters and RPGs (though mostly JRPGs as I haven't the capacity for WRPGs). Send me a private message if anyone wants me to add them to PSN ^_^ More gaming buddies is always good.
I translated a bit of Hikasa Youko's blog that you can find at
here. Did it for a few reasons. To improve my grasp of the language. To pass time. And to help any fan of hers who is interested in reading her blog but cannot read or understand the language. I sort of took an extended break and for some reason or other, never went back to translating it.
I nerd out pretty hard when it comes to Hikasa Youko and Toyosaki Aki for both their ridiculously hyper personalities (Even more so together). Aki has got to be the fluffiest person in the world. Even Hiyocchi calls her the "World Hokkori Representative".
You can read Aki's blog
here. This one isn't translated nor run by me. Just thought a plug of it would be nice. I don't even know who runs it.
I am currently part of a scanlation group that's working on Amano Kozue's manga Amanchu. Find us here
Teatime Scans
To those who actually read all of this little wall of text, I thank you. To those who didn't, well, you wouldn't read this bit anyway but I bet you tried your best. ふんす(`ω´)!
My Top Shows
My Favourite Side Characters
People I couldn't fit into the ← list

All Comments (73) Comments
'Aria the avvenire'
Yeees, indeed they are awesome!
When I first stumbled upon Aria it was't as highly rated/popular as it is now, so I was extremely surprised by how awesome it is. Amano Kozue is a huge inspiration for me, she must be a great mom =) I hope someday she'll recieve another anime adaption for one (Amanchu...) of her works :D
Oh and I just read on your profile you're part of the scanlation group - impressive *-*
I wish I could understand/write japanese :<
and iv heard alot of good things about amanchu.
im just not too much of a manga reader lol
being in australia it would have been a problem usually due to region coding, but i invested in a region free bluray player quite some time back which also works for dvds, so it worked out well.
if they do release a bluray set and its as nice as the current dvd boxset, you can have my current dvd boxsets if you want.
and nah i havent picked up either Silver Spoon or Uchouten Kazoku
ill have a look into it.
but to be honest, the aria boxsets are some of the best ive ever bought, the slipcase is really nice, they all come with a really interesting little booklet with sketches, art and episode summaries, and each dvd case has great cover art (5 in each set)
only other boxset i own that comes close is the TTGL bluray boxset lol.
i did consider waiting for it to release on bluray, but as i said before. i havent been able to find any info about it for months
hopefully it still happens though, i can just buy the bluray as well and send the dvds off to another aria fan :)
is there some info ive missed regarding the blurays coming out next year?
amazing boxsets though.
By the way, you should check out Ritou no Umi. I believe it would be right up your alley. Shocking that it only has 100 members.
Also, your profile has reminded me that I need to continue watching Aria.
The sentence on the right set up the mood pretty well.