Hey it’s Avary thanks for visiting.
I love anime, manga, light novels and the beautiful story’s and art that make them so special.
I am just an Otaku girl doing what she does best when I am in and that is chilling watching and reading as much anime and manga as possible.
I am massive fan of Fate Franchise and go full on weeb 😍 just thinking and talking about it. If you love 💓 Fate leave a comment happy to chat. If don’t like Fate 🤜🏻 that fine 😂, happy to chat about other anime and manga so hit me up.
Looking for that master piece! Recommendations more than welcome so please comment if feel I am missing something from my list that worth a watch let me no.
Love anime with Action, Romance, Mystery, horror and comedy.
Happy to accept any friend requests so add me 😀💕.
View my list read my comment on what I watched or read. Disclaimer they my personal opinions and may not be to every one taste 👅.
Best Boi: Takumi Usui 🥰💋 & Best Girl: Artoria Pendragon aka Saber.😊
Things I like
Favourite Manga, Anime & Light Novel
M= Maid-sama!
A = Fate
L = So I’m a spider so what?
Anime History Last Anime Updates

All Manga Stats Manga Stats
- Total Entries60
- Reread0
- Chapters5,047
- Volumes616
All Comments (40) Comments