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2bricacity Apr 3, 2023 10:07 AM
My life has been quite a rollercoaster actually! A lot of good things have happened, and bad things in quite a short time. These past couple of years have been kinda iffy, but things are starting to look up, so I'm doing okay now. Just taking things one step at a time. :)

And that doesn't sound too crazy to me! I've been finding myself re-watching older anime or just reading manga. In the 6 years since we've spoken I've hecome fully fluent in Japanese, so I've leaned more towards drama CDs and light novels. I actually got into BL, a genre that I didn't really think about back then during a dark time in my life, and mainly read light novels. I also have been listening to music a lot when I'm not reading/listening to BL haha. Music really helps when things are rough.

How're you? And I dunno if you use any social media apps, but would you be comfortable trading information? Since you're not really on here much.
2bricacity Mar 29, 2023 8:37 PM
Happy Late New Year! It's been 6 years? Wow. Hope you've been well!!
2bricacity Jan 3, 2017 11:10 AM
Hey, Happy New Year! It's been a while. Two years now, I think? It looks like we're both inactive these days. Growing up makes a person really busy.

I hope you enjoy a wonderful 2017!
2bricacity May 27, 2015 11:09 PM
No, things happen in life that you need to go through. They make you stronger when you pass through the hard times, you know? Anyway, enough about sad stuff! Things seem to be looking better now for me and my family, so I'm a-okay now! (^_^)

And yeah, I'll be waiting on your opinion if you decide to give Reborn! a chance. Whenever an anime has a lot of episodes, you just need to be patient and wait for it to get to the good part. In shounen, anyway.

I gotta admit though, Tsuna (the MC for Renorn!) really, really irritated me before his character development... but as you can see, something changed that made me love him as one of my top ten characters. X3

Sorry to say it has no dub... and it was made in 2006! That's not fair. (-_-;) I personally iked Hell Girl Two Mirrors better. I didn't watch the first season because I didn't compare with it at all... but I personally really love Ai's Japanese VA. (>o<)/

Dubs aren't bad when the voice actor can match the characters! Like Full Metal Alchemist. Sorry if this comes of rude, but no matter how good someone tells me a dub is, I'll always watch it in its original language.

I personally believe that you should watch something in its original language. Like a French movie in French, or a Chinese movie in Chinese. But that's just me so far that thinks that. (^_^;)

But Persona 3 I will never listen to in Japanese! That's the one exception.

Switching to dub to sub is really weird. Nobody wants to really do that, I think. It's kinda unsettling to the ear. (><)

...And since you liked D. Gray Man quite a bit, they might be giving it a second season, I heard. I don't know if my knowledge is correct or not, so I'm sorry if it's not. But I did see a picture somewhere...
2bricacity May 13, 2015 8:49 PM
Oh, sorry. I thought I replied but I guess I didn't hit send or something...
And yeah, it looks like I'll be through a lot more hard times at the moment. Something really bad happened today but I'll do my best to get through it. It's been a really, really bad day today... Anyway, enough about that.

Thanks for telling me I can PM you. That's a really nice thing to say. But I'll be fine. I have people here with me that will support me and help me through hard times, too. (^_^)

I see. Still as busy as ever, huh? I guess that's life. Work is a hard thing to do, and it most be tiring. I've been running around lately and had barely enough time to watch anything, yet enjoy myself. And driving will probably get better the longer you try! (^o^)/

I've been watching My Love Story! every Wednesday. It's really amazing and makes me laugh and smile. Is really cute. You should give it a try. Even my brother watches it with me, and he doesn't usually watch shoujo. (Well, except for The World is Still Beautiful, Akatsuki no Yona, and Cardcaptor Sakura. Those we amazing!!)

Oh yeah, and guess what? I'm finally trying to watch some of the most popular shounen anime. (Well... except for Dragon Ball and Yugioh. Never watching those.)

I started D. Gray Man and Reborn! because I saw them both in J Stars + and they looked interesting. I'm close to finishing Reborn! and on hold with D. Gray Man for now, but woah.. I really love Reborn!. It's amazing! You should try it out. Both, actually. People usually drop Reborn! because it was at first meant to be a gag manga, but once episode 25 hits it does a 360.

When I finish D. Gray Man I can give you my opinion on that. (^_^)

But seriously. When you have time, try Reborn! out. You'll be hooked before you know it. And remember, you HAVE to watch 25 episodes before you can judge it!!
2bricacity Apr 28, 2015 7:26 AM
Hey... wow it's been a long time since I've spoken to anybody on here. It looks like my hiatus has been longer than expected. (>_<;)

A lot of unexpected things have happened, but hey, life is unexpected, right? Did you hear about the listeria infected Bluebell ice cream incident? ...Yeah, my whole family was kinda infected by it, so I've been trying to rest up and help my family recover.

Not to mention a bunch of other things happened, but oh well. It's all good now. (^_^)

I finally was able to watch some stuff I was never able to before, and am working on how to drive. Scary stuff. (>_<)

But wow, it's been how long since we've talked? Eight months? I've kinda missed talking to you... It was fun. So whenever you get the chance, I'd like to talk with you more.

I want to know what you've been up to, too. It doesn't feel right to just tell you all about me without you getting a chance to tell me about you.

Llafos Feb 9, 2015 12:27 PM

AlbinoNamekian Oct 7, 2014 4:35 PM
Hey, sorry for the extremely late reply, very sorry

Over the past summer I have been watching anime like knights of sidonia, tokyo ghoul and terror in resonance.

How have you been?
Ahmer Aug 21, 2014 5:07 PM
ohh i was talking about sub opps wait do you like dubs alot i not a big fan of dub as much as sub because i love japanese people and love there voices.. and now i sound like some stalker/pedo HELP BUT IM YOUNG

Ohhh i see yh i did have my time when i stopped watching anime as well and was into gaming but i think anime is where my joy is compared 2 gaming because i get pissed off so easily lol. yeah i watch anime like everyday nearly lol maybe 1 day i dont watch it in the week.

haha xD.... yh probably next year or the year after season 2 of no life no game cause so long xD

your a traveler so you love to travel don't you XD... 1month 2 go and im back at uni so gonna be evils XDDDD... oh well u seem like u be watching anime for a very long time unlike me i can see me stopping at 25!

that cool lol i wonder wat i can get wen i get paid properly. i work for my dad but like he doesn't pay me much cause asian and yh u can understand LOL.... i hopefully get something good! networking pays alot i heard so maybe get a networking job. would u say that america pays more than UK? XD

-Sana- Aug 21, 2014 1:17 AM
meh i want some romance xd

ugh i little bit stopped with anime but maybe soon i get back at watching movies.

oh doesn't matter, that's good. it's not like you have to always watch anime, reading is great too! i need break from anime from time to time, so yeah doing other things are sometimes way more interesting.
Ahmer Aug 18, 2014 3:31 PM
i think its on crunchyroll tho think u can watch it on there. They should slowly start adding english subtitles rofl that the only way they can improve xD anime viewing as well and popularity. wat do u think? i mean attack on titan was very big in america

How do you get back into gaming my console gaming has died for a very long time i can't play any game without there being company xD. I jsut find it boring alone lmao.

LOL yeah i had 2 much time wen i was a kid so like i watched a lot of anime but now i can't as much im not even watching any completed anime its very hard 2 even tho some days i just sit there doing nothing. i don't wanna loose the love for anime!

haha i like bright anime there awesome it makes them abit unique if u get what i mean showcases them as being fantasy and not to be considered as real life. i mean anime is for our entertainment so i don't like finding flaws (even tho there always are) xD i just enjoy it and hope it gets a season 2!

Ahh that sounds like my dad printing company i mean its very hard 2 take holidays because its his company and there not many staff so like he has to be there always he works 12 hrs u know that pretty long time lol. busy life for him probably won't wanna follow up from him lmao be so difficult. would u say the payment is good? salary? xD u live alone right? XD
-Sana- Aug 16, 2014 12:16 AM
well that one was really great, unlike Mononoke Hime - i see everyone likes that movie, but i didn't that much enjoyed it.

okay, *adding movie to my list* will check it soon, i hope ^^
-Sana- Aug 15, 2014 12:15 AM
i watched Howl's Moving Castle.. i really enjoyed it ^^ just a little more and i will finish all movies you recommended ^^
Ahmer Aug 11, 2014 7:04 AM
Yep give it a try gogogo

the movie is released haven't u seen it i think i saw it last year or start of this year!

Yeah but are there any great games on ps4 yet or i think it will take awhile before the amazing games will release lol and yh i heard final fantasy XIV is amazing and worth the money alot of people ik have played it but dunno wat the pvp is like lol////

atleast ur finishing series im just watching airing lately that taking my time.. what you think about no game no life? i enjoyed it and i need 2 finish eureka seven lol....LOL yeah im feeling that as well i had to catch up to things i don't even watch movies anymore especially english 1s no time and stuff lol

how many holidays do you have every year then?
2bricacity Aug 8, 2014 2:14 PM
Hmm... maybe both? I need to focus more on school (I'm homeschooled, by the way) because of some stuff going on. And the second reason is my own decision because I'm still studying Japanese. This is my 3rd year studying and I need to focus on that too, so both. I'm pretty busy juggling school, self study and anime. (-_-;)

Sometimes there isn't that much time in a day when you have a lot of things to do. But when you don't, time goes by excruciatingly slow. I think everyone needs more time off from work. XD

And just know this, when you do watch it be prepared to take in A LOT of information. A lot. Just saying. It's very scientific-y. But it is a sci-fi after all... I think? *shrug*

Yeah, me and my brother watched Naruto every Thursday since 2012. Now we watch Book of Circus together too because he read that manga arc with me. =D

That sounds like it sucks. I wouldn't watch anime with someone if It sounds like I'm forcing them. Does it feel any different?

And yup, I'm definitely going to pick it up. Maybe after this season is over or when I'm done watching Kuroshitsuji.

Also, by catching up with music mean your listening to recently released music that you haven't heard before?

I still have a PS3, by the way. My brother will probably get one for Christmas. I'll just get a controller like I always do. XD
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