nememememe me is Cuddles and i'm a cheerful. open-minded and silly person
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10/10 - Kept me interested all the way through and did stuff that I wasn't expecting which made it even better ( it's very rare nowadays for me to give an anime a 10, every episode must give me excitement till the end. The anime can have it's silly moments but not half the episode unless it's a SOL or comedy and for action it must not have an entire episode of nothing happening e.g just talk talk talk with no action)
9/10 - Very good and would rewatch but not a 10 because there isn't many episodes (e.g 12) or some things could've made it better.
- the episode thing is because there isn't enough episodes to contain the entertainment I get from the anime not that it has low amount of episodes
8/10 - Good anime, made me interested in some parts and may rewatch if bored
7/10- It's good but could be much better, a lot of things could be changed to not feel so generic like plot armour but most of the time i'm able to watch it all.
6/10 - Not very interesting, same generic anime things like plot armour, casual anime design, boring characters. I wouldn't rewatch and only finish it if it has 12 or less episodes if it is bearable.
5/10 - I don't know why I bother it's either very unfunny, has typical anime stuff like beach episodes that don't end up anywhere (slice of life, comedy) or the story is just not interesting, mostly all 3
- for (action, drama) it's when there is more talking then actually action, how can it be an "action" anime if i'm getting more storytelling then any action?
4/10 - I rarely give an anime a 4 or lower unless it's just one episode but any lower than a 4 is just a waste of time and a waste of money for the company who made the anime. There is just nothing and i mean nothing that would give me any sort of interest whatsoever, it's dead and won't be coming back to life.
The last 3 ratings.. it's best to not talk about them
note: music also plays a big part of the animes, if the music for the genre of the anime isn't up to what I consider fitting then that also reduces the score, for example strike the blood and a certain magical index has some good mix music depending the situation (suspense,battle,chill). But other animes during big scenes just have casual enemy music playing (bandits) which should have it's own type for the serious situation (main villain) that is happening within the anime.
note 2: I've been watching anime since 2013, so my anime standards have risen so animes in the past that i've given say a 7 might be a 6 or even a 5 nowadays if I go and rewatch them
note 3: Nowadays i'm writing notes after I've finished or dropped an anime to give people my opinions on them, in the past I just gave a rating and that's it. So the animes with a description are animes i've watched since I started this process and hope it sort of helps others know what to expect from them.
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