Hiya minna-san! I AM BACK! Whoot! Sorry for disappearing for so long, a lot has been happening these past few month ^////^
But now, about the club. What happened?! I didn’t think it would die without me there! All the poor bishies getting so lonely without anyone there to love them . *cries* I’m such a bad Taichou for letting them fall into neglect like that ;~;
I restarted all the forums and made a new game! Please come back and have fun in the club again! I promise not to disappear like that again!!! Gomen Gomen Gomennnnnnnnnnn Vote for Bishie of the Month Judal Claim Cards Whip a Bishie for July (since June is almost over ^////^) New Crack Pairing Game
All Comments (47) Comments
Have you been studying Japanese too and what do you love most about Ghost in the Shell?
BL Addicts! Member Card Delivery!
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Please let me know of any problems/questions, I don't bite.
Well, only in a kinky kinda way.
:o neptunia is higher than free?
also no monogatari and kami nomi? :o
not the fanpage one xD
didnt know ur active in mal :3
also > u want english chat or filipino?