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Are you a movie addict or maybe just a casual movie viewer? If films, animated or live-action ones are something you like, have you ever wondered about joining a club where you can discuss about your favorite movies with your friends on MAL?
If the above facts catch your interest, come and joinThe Cinema Club! ;)
Jeg kender det alt for godt
Jeg ser meget det samme anime, fordi at jeg har super svært ved at komme igang med noget andet xD på den anden side har jeg sku heller ikke særlig meget tid..jeg går nemlig på efterskole og jeg synes bare jeg har meget at se til heletiden
neeeeej, du bliver altså nødt til at se den lige nu! det mener jeg, det er en fantastisk anime, du bliver ikke skuffet
efter du har set det hele, får du helt klart også lyst til at se den flere gange ud i fremmeren c:
jeg er ikke særlig glad for det sygeste fanservice, men altså Gintama er pervers på en mega psyko sjov måde, når de nu skal være det, bare lige for at sige hvor fantalastisk den anime er iiiiikke
Invite with you your friends and enter our Cafe! We present a place where you can relax, chat with others and maybe enjoy a cup of coffe or tea with others. We offer Games, Cards, Badges, Contests & many more! Come Join Us Now! :D
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Heavenly Realm is where we angels live. We have games, contest, and MANY cards. From LEs to REs. Even SEs. So what are you waiting for? Don't be shy and Join us! Don't worry we don't bite.
Do you know when Sakura is about to punch heavy, she screams "chanaru" or something, if you read or listen carefully, it sounds on Swedish like "Känner du" :D
Hey Darfel, do you speak Swedish and understand written Swedish words, because I have a "joke" that I want to tell you that is Anime/Manga related but it is only funny if you know Swedish.
I usually don't do the homework or forget but my grades get held up when I ace all the tests :p. Kore was Zombie ep 05 was pure awesomeness O_O especially the first 30 seconds *nosebleed* so - much - fanservice, and it was pretty good besides the boobs and yuri action as well :P. I now want to marry this show.
Hmm, I thought Denmark would be buried in snow just from their latitude - thanks, I'll refer to that link next time I need Scandinavia Travel and want to visit the Vikings =D
lol okay then *goes to watch Kore wa Zombie* I do my homework in class or sometimes during breakfast - I usually get stuff done but when I don't I don't care :p. Lucky you, I wish I had winter break right now (in addition to the one I got for Christmas) T_T Is is snowing a lot where you live? Also, your new profile pic gets the B-Real seal of approval - nice job ^^.
All Comments (28) Comments
Are you a movie addict or maybe just a casual movie viewer? If films, animated or live-action ones are something you like, have you ever wondered about joining a club where you can discuss about your favorite movies with your friends on MAL?
If the above facts catch your interest, come and join The Cinema Club! ;)
Jeg ser meget det samme anime, fordi at jeg har super svært ved at komme igang med noget andet xD på den anden side har jeg sku heller ikke særlig meget tid..jeg går nemlig på efterskole og jeg synes bare jeg har meget at se til heletiden
efter du har set det hele, får du helt klart også lyst til at se den flere gange ud i fremmeren c:
jeg er ikke særlig glad for det sygeste fanservice, men altså Gintama er pervers på en mega psyko sjov måde, når de nu skal være det, bare lige for at sige hvor fantalastisk den anime er iiiiikke
Hmm, I thought Denmark would be buried in snow just from their latitude - thanks, I'll refer to that link next time I need Scandinavia Travel and want to visit the Vikings =D