Feb 27, 2014 8:29 PM
๑۩۞۩๑ Zeenipai Delivery ๑۩۞۩๑
Dangerous Anime Girls Club
Magic SE ~ Cards
Student CouncilPresident LE ~ Cards
★ Anime Research Club ★
Akatsuki Edition LE ~ Cards
Save and Rehost!Will be deleted in 2 weeks.
Ctrl + F to find your cards.
Feel free to pm me if I made a mistake.
Thank You for ordering ~
Dangerous Anime Girls Club
Magic SE ~ Cards
Student CouncilPresident LE ~ Cards
★ Anime Research Club ★
Akatsuki Edition LE ~ Cards
Save and Rehost!Will be deleted in 2 weeks.
Ctrl + F to find your cards.
Feel free to pm me if I made a mistake.
Thank You for ordering ~
All Comments (36) Comments
=IALC Newsletter=
Halo halo semua member IALC, mohon maaf menggangu jika menganggu tapi kami ingin coba sampaikan beberapa hal yang berlangsung di IALC saat ini
Pertama adalah Voting Best Summer 2014 Anime sedang kita selanggarakan, bagi teman teman yang sudah menonton dan ingin mendukung anime favorit di musim itu silahkan datang dan vote~.
Berikut link threadnya, IALC Vote Anime Summer 2014 Terbaik
Lalu selanjutnya adalah Grup LINE IALC! beberapa waktu yang lalu kita coba buat untuk mempermudah komunikasi antar member dan ini berhasil, ayo bergabung di grup LINE kita bagi yang memiliki smartphone ataupun android user di PC.
Dan ini link threadnya, IALC LINE Group
Sekian saja newsletter untuk saat ini, semoga teman teman dapat ikut berpartisipasi di kegiatan yang sedang kita adakan ini.
Jika ada pertanyaan jangan sungkan untuk bertanya di club ataupun lewat kami admin dan officer. :3
I'd just like to inform you that we're having a Character Competition. Cast your votes in and maybe your favorites can win. Click the provided link for more info and to vote. Have a good day :]
This is basically a newsletter to show you that there is still a newsletter :D
This club is for discussion (no duh) and here are two pretty chill threads where you can discuss anime and tell others about your favorites: ➣ Your Top 3 Anime ➣ Your Favorite Romance Anime
Of course there are many other threads but the point is that there are new games and discussion threads coming all the time so make sure you pass by the club. Lastly, there will be a 500+ Members SE as far as I know so stick around for that
That's all, have a great summer ♥
Welp, apparently BBCode is changing to HTML ( ゜-゜) Some of you guys may not mind, but most of us aren't reacting too well to this. So uh... Don't change your about me/descriptions otherwise there's a chance it'll get scrambled and you'll have to convert it back to BBcode from HTML
Popular Threads
➢ Last Person to Post Supposedly Wins
➢ Last Letter of the Anime
➢ Person Below Me
Also pay a visit to: ➢ Attendance ➢ Anime/Manga List Layouts ➢ Who Am I??
Something extra for those of you who haven't read it yet. Berserk's the #1 rated manga and it's finally off hiatus. Been over a year! The manga and anime are masterpieces worth checking out - if of course you like seinen.
But seriously, you don't wanna mess with codes for the time being because they will be translated into HTML. Poorly. And then you're going to have to translate it back to BBcode using a generator thing-a-majig. Or at least I assume that's what's happening
Hey there… The inconsistency? Really sorry about that. Nonetheless, during this time maybe you watched new anime and you’d like to recommend them. Or maybe you got a new favorite. Make sure to check out these out whether it be you decided its time for a new layout or you saw something you think everybody else needs to see
Games! What makes a club awesome...
And that's that. It seems to me like we have a few new club affiliates so you can check out their clubs if you would like. See ya :)