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Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo
Sep 4, 2021 8:09 PM
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Sorry if this was weird, but I was just curious since I heard good things about it before the anime started.
I hope everything goes well for you in this new year n_n
I wouldn't have the patience to sit through that...
I watched 1 and a half episodes of it then, to confirm my disgust I actually read the manga all the way through.
I still remember the pain of me completing it and then saying to myself," What ? Why ???? Whatever."
Still, shame the review's counter got reset.
I see the review but it shows " 0 people found this helpful "
Honestly, I can half agree with some of your points, I just thought the 1 ratings were a little excessive and responded in the heat of the moment. A little triggered, if you will.
So all in all, I can agree that the anime certainly has weak points, but for me it didn't get in the way of my experience and I think I enjoyed it a little more than you did!
I could send you that response, but honestly it's a little ill-natured. The main reason I deleted it is because I thought it was a little too harsh. It mainly criticised the logic in some of your own criticisms. If you'd still like to see it, I could send it through a message.
Anyway, I appreciate your courteous and civillised response. I respect that. It would be nice if it always went like this! Thanks a lot ^^
For the record, this not a case of some "butthurt fanboy defending his favourite anime". because it is by all accounts not my favourite anime, not even close. However, in my 7 years on MAL, this is only the 2nd time I've felt compelled enough to respond to another users' review. Any review on any anime that I consider unreasonable or irrational, even one that I do not like myself, would get the same treatment.
I actually composed a response that is more than double the length of this one but eventually decided to shorten it. I have however saved it to my notes in case this turns into a discussion.
I just saw so many plot holes that I just couldn't not write a review about it.
Its pretty sad to see that so many people just give the show a pass just cause it has pretty girls in it. Its ridiculous.
Personally I was pretty hyped for it from the time they released its trailer and just as I watched its first episode, I was like WTF did I just watch ?
It was the biggest letdown for me till date since I started watching anime.😣😶
I even read the manga to make sure that my opinion was correct or not and boy-oh-boy, I've never been more correct.😌