All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 91.5
Mean Score:
- Watching3
- Completed274
- On-Hold41
- Dropped28
- Plan to Watch254
- Total Entries600
- Rewatched42
- Episodes5,398
All Comments (1215) Comments
Well, the overall atmosphere plays a role I suppose.
I'm quite busy too and got a lot of things to catch up. WELPPPP! I'm slowly drifting off of MAL laifu, these daysss XD
Actually I have a copy of the latest album digitally but I haven't find the opportunity to listen really well aside from a couple released singles too hehe
OMG. Btw, I love digimon tamers too! It's one of my favorite digimon series.
Goooossshhhhhhhhh. Kawaii. So adorable as always. Thank you very much for this! Haha
So far how's the experience listening to TDCC (two doors cinema club)?
P.S. I don't actually use discord that much but I would like to add you anyways!
Well just take your time. I have those moments too, where I don't watched any anime at all.
Good luck out there Ascius! I'm waiting for your comeback! Just ping me anytime, friendo! Take good care of yourself and... Physics! :D
That sounds philosophic enough
Your username...have a meaning?