All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 111.6
Mean Score:
- Watching110
- Completed621
- On-Hold36
- Dropped63
- Plan to Watch218
- Total Entries1,048
- Rewatched6
- Episodes6,938
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 220.9
Mean Score:
- Reading234
- Completed404
- On-Hold712
- Dropped20
- Plan to Read72
- Total Entries1,442
- Reread1
- Chapters31,136
- Volumes2,656
All Comments (95) Comments
Well Gintoki and so on will make Jokes about it in the end as well.
But yeah I think it is funny to watch it with y friend.
Oh yessssssss.
Chiyo, is pure Love.
She is my Goddess
it seems like you´re watching Gintama
Which is pretty nice.
Anyway, would like to tell you something.
I know that the first few Episodes can be weak for many people.
So yeah it coudl be for you as well.
But it will improve a lot afterwards.
With that I hope you will keep on watching Gintama
Once the Anime comes out I will have to wait until it finishes airing. Because with shows like that I seriously can't take waiting for the next episode?! o(TヘTo)
My favorite Chapter is when Naofumi saved those three idiots and they seen that he is more powerful than them. I was like SOOOOO what do you have to say now, you dumby?!