It's been a minute. I have known you for a long time and always enjoyed your friendship since then. We won't talk as much but when we do, I know it can be pretty chill. I hope you're doing well.
Hello! This is the Mafia Society's November Newsletter!
New Member? Welcome! ^^
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Fare thee well, spoops
The end of the year is nearing, as Christmas creeps up on us and we say farewell to Halloween, here lay a few remnants :
All Hallows Eve Mafia || Game Thread
Best Villain Tournament || Final round![Winner - Morow, Hisoka]
Community Pumpkin Patch || Spoopy pumpkin patch here~
New Games
Major Arcana Mafia (Freshly complete) hosted by Mishukax & CorruptedPurity
Fortune doesn't come free and picking sides can be hard.
See the events and realizations unfold as the players come to terms with who they may or may not be fighting and why as others try to blend into the numbers. Thread here
All Hallow’s Eve Mafia (Ongoing) hosted by Togs & aa-dono
With Halloween here and the masses gathering, so too shall the sweet eerie stench of death, but is that really the end?
Not here, not now, the spoops have only just begun and some simply can't accept their fate, no... not before they have their way from beyond the grave~ Spectate here!
Mafia Tip #12: Alignment changes
Quite often, in mafia games, you may encounter terms or expressions that you don't understand. To appease this frustration, this section titled "Mafia tips" will introduce you to some of the mafia terms and such that might help you speak on the same level as some other players. Hopefully, not only you will be more knowledgeable but you will also be able to use these tips in the games!
The subject of this month is Alignment changes!
Alignment changes, while uncommon in normal set-ups can make for rather interesting games though the mechanic can bring up the matter of balance and are in most cases considered a bastard element.
These can take the form of cults which can recruit throughout the game, or more simple ones in which there will be a one off change, this can be based on an activated ability or a passive trigger and in some cases this is hidden to the select player(s).
Such a mechanic can throw most player off their game as it can render otherwise reliable sources that check ones alignment moot when held till after information is revealed.
Once conversions such as cults become public knowledge, they hold the power to influence players to work towards dismissing their original win conditions once they believe the game favours being converted.
This may lead to questionable conduct as far as playing to ones win condition is concerned.
It can also lead to players ending up on what can feel like an undeserved loss if converted at an undesirable time.
Conversions from Mafia to another faction should however be avoided, as it is near impossible to stop the leaking of information that would ruin the game state as a whole.
Club News
Planned games Sleipnirr - The Lost Village
LucianRoy - Public Transportation 5
Shinichi-kun - Terraformars
Rinto-kun & logic340 - Flavourless Mafia
coromandel - God's and Monsters
Kit - Desserts Mafia
Togs - Gambling Apocalypse Mafia (+The Starside Hotel)
coromandel - God's and Monsters
aa-dono - Snack/Dessert Land
AbuHumaid - Call of Duty
CorruptedPurity - Akuma no Riddle
Doughkey & Amai_Yume - Madoka Magica
Togs - The Reaper's Game
Pentaflare - Murder mystery
Major Arcana Mafia(Host(s): Mishukax, CorruptedPurity): won by multiple parties:
Solo TPR: Qoco
Town and good TPR: Astros, logic340, RE1031, yurkin, Labs, AbuHumaid.
Hello! This is the Mafia Society's October Newsletter!
New Member? Welcome! ^^
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Halloween Month
Beware, the season of the spook is afoot! Keep one eye open for these spine-chilling events:
All Hollows Eve Mafia | Scare your friends, and then lynch them! | (signup date TBA)
Halloween-Themed Weekly Events | Crack open a few skulls with the boys, every week! | Replaces regularly scheduled weekly events
Community Pumpkin Patch | Make pumpkins and put them up for all to see! | (Oct 1st-31st)
Best Villain Tournament | Show support for your favorite evildoers! | (Oct 1st-13th)
Halloween Card Edition | Do you dare to ask nicely for gfx? | (date TBA)
Halloween Live Mafia | In live mafia, everyone can hear you scream! | (Oct 14th)
Trick or Treat Challenge | The classic is back! Solve challenges to earn sweet, sweet candy | (Oct 16th-20th)
Daily Halloween Drawings | Count down to the day of doom with dastardly doodles! | (Oct 23rd-27th)
New Games
Starship Epiphron Mafia (ongoing) hosted by roz1roz
These guys and girls are traveling through space. They woke up one morning to discover that their ship has been sabotaged, the weapons stolen, the captain murdered. Their ship was quickly losing power and the only TOTALLY LOGICAL conclusion they came to is that aliens have possessed members of their crew and are hiding among them, planning to murder them in their sleep. Watch them figure out who among them is really an alien, and whether they could kill the aliens before they're completely taken over! Spectate here!
Witch and Hero Returns! (ongoing) hosted by aa-dono
The Queen is back!
Why? Because peace never lasts, and humans want the thrill. And so she wrecks havoc again. Or maybe the narrator knows nothing. Look at how the Queen kept being mentioned but none of the players cared about her in this fun game of getting rid of one another~ Spectate here and here (for more fun)!
Mostly Seinen Mafia (freshly completed) hosted by Bursama and Togs
They woke up on a cold, hard floor with a terrible headache. They took a look around, and they could barely see in the darkness.
Their memory was still a bit hazy, and the last thing they could remember was that they were walking home the day before, and then... nothing. Whatever is happening? Thread here!
Event: Best Villain Nomination Thread
This is a new event in which you can nominate antagonists you like to eventually encourage their win in a tournament to determine which anime/manga antagonist the users like the best! Thread here!
Mafia Tip #11: Mountainous
Quite often, in mafia games, you may encounter terms or expressions that you don't understand. To appease this frustration, this section titled "Mafia tips" will introduce you to some of the mafia terms and such that might help you speak on the same level as some other players. Hopefully, not only you will be more knowledgeable but you will also be able to use these tips in the games!
The term of this month is Mountainous!
Mountainous is a term given to setups that have no power roles at all (in other words, no abilities for any role). The name has acquired the connotation that these games are "difficult" due to the lack of power roles helping Town. A classic mountainous setup has a 10:2 or 11:2 ratio of townies:mafia. It has long been a setup that relies exclusively on player skill. The balance of this setup is highly suspect, though, as the Town's theoretical win rate is only 33.2% - almost the same as Town winning a 2:1 situation.
Example role PMs
Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia Goon, along with your partner, [Player Name].
Factional communication: During the night phase you may talk with your partner here [QuickTopic link].
Factional kill: Each night phase, one of you or your partner may perform the factional kill.
Win condition:
You win when all members of the town have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this from occuring.
Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Vanilla Townie.
Your weapon is your vote, you have no night actions.
Win condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.
Hello! This is the Mafia Society's September Newsletter!
New Member? Welcome! ^^
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A Fresh Triumvirate
Something old, something blue, something borrowed. Does that sound like a wedding?
We're sorry to break it to you, but Mafia Society is where you kill your friends in the journey to find evil, not a place for weddings.
Still, we have a happy announcement! It's a unification! It's a triumvirate! Jackrito, our cool, mysterious, scummy leader has stepped down.
But worry not! It has been unanimously decided that Suzune-chan, Kaitou, and Crossbell will be stepping up to lead the club together. They have put themselves forward when MS needed them, and showed how much they care for the club. Please throw confetti to their feet and shower them with love~
Now, a few words from our newly elected leaders:
They have been with us from the start, and now they have to go.
Jackrito, for all the dedication, love and attention you've put into the club since its creation, thank you. You've held on when it was rough, and you've held on even when you couldn't. You've led it, and made it a place we all come to love and we will never forget that.
Soren, you have meticulously put in a lot of effort to make the club better. You've made members feel welcomed and allowed us to find ourselves at our own pace, while keeping a cool vibe in the club. There hasn't been a side of MS that did not receive a touch of yourself, with each build of MS lies a touch of your dedication, and hard work.
Alice, our queen, our mother, our sister, our family. You've loved us and welcomed us from everywhere. You see good when we see bad, and made a place so comfy that we returned again and again. You were a terrific player, a great moderator and the best mentor anyone could ever hope for.
Every now and then life gets the best of us, and we will have to face it head on. We can't be there for you every step of the way, to our regret. Still we hope you're as fierce and tenacious as you face forward in life.
There will always be a place for you in MS. Tell us the stories of how you slice life with your swords, or maybe take a tea break with us sometimes and let us strengthen your weapons so you'd be ready to fight enemies again.
Will miss you always.
Our best wishes, Mafia Society
Weekly Community Activities are starting this month.
Each week, we will get together as a community for mini-events such as:
Party games, simulwatches (both anime and western), Town of Salem, and more!
Anyone from Mafia Society is welcome to join.
Find out more by visiting the thread below: The Weekly Community Activities Hub
New Games
Tales of Berseria Mafia (ongoing) hosted by Suzune-chan and Kaitou
Malevolence fills the world. It's vast darkness turning people into demons. Only the choosen one can rise to fight for humanity. Watch them struggle in Tales of Berseria mafia. Spectate here!
Little Witch Academia (ongoing) hosted by grave_robber and Luna
As the witches of Luna Nova Academy enjoy the summer vacation, a mysterious person arrives at the academy. Some students and teachers fell under her spell, Will our beloved witches break this curse?! Watch over the witches of Luna Nova Academy as they attempt to defeat the enchantress and break the spell! Spectate here!
Mafia Tips #10: Kingmaker
Quite often, in mafia games, you may encounter terms or expressions that you don't understand. To appease this frustration, this section titled "Mafia tips" will introduce you to some of the mafia terms and such that might help you speak on the same level as some other players. Hopefully, not only you will be more knowledgeable but you will also be able to use these tips in the games!
The term of this month is Kingmaker!
There are two meanings to the term Kingmaker.
A Kingmaker is a player who can influence a faction's win but unable to win himself. In many important instances, they decide which faction wins. In cases involving Survivors, a Kingmaker might be guaranteed to win, instead of incapable of winning.
Kingmaker are often associated with Dilemma scenarios such as:
(Assuming that the identities of scum players (or just townies) are known.)
Three-player endgame:One Townie, one Mafioso, and one Serial Killer. Four-player endgame:Two Townies, one Mafioso, and one Serial Killer. Five-player endgame:One Townie, and two Mafiosi each from different factions. Six-player endgame:Two Townies and two Mafiosi each from different factions.
An example of this in MS would be the endgame for The Ultimate Anime Showdown 2
where town Mkim was the decisive vote between two mafia of opposite faction.
A Kingmaker game is another type of Mafia variant.
In this setup, players votes for a King each day, and "The King" gets to decide who they want lynched.
Therefore votes does not officially matter to decide on a lynch.
A Kingmaker play was recently added as an active ability in Mafia Senki game.
Hello! This is the Mafia Society's August Newsletter!
New Member? Welcome! ^^
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New Games
Attack on Titan Mafia S2 (ongoing) hosted by Coelestin
Join the Survey Corps on the journey towards freedom. But beware, the enemy is hiding in your own ranks... Opfert eure Herzen! An open setup game based on the second season of Attack on Titan (spoilers ahead!). Spectate here!
Eeveelution Mafia (ongoing) hosted by Togs and Kit
An exciting role madness game with very few players. The roles are flavored with the different Eeveelutions from Pokémon. Spectate here!
Hydra Mafia (ongoing) hosted by _Claire_ and Togs
A hydra game is one where each two players are paired into a single account with which both will post. Thus, with 9 roles in play, there are 18 participants, all trying to balance their reads between the two players of each hydra account to come to a conclusion on its alignment. This particular game is run on Discord, where multi-accounting is more forgiven, but it is possible to ask the host for a spectator seat if you have a Discord account yourself. Thread here!
Mafia Tip #9: Compulsive Role
Quite often, in mafia games, you may encounter terms or expressions that you don't understand. To appease this frustration, this section titled "Mafia tips" will introduce you to some of the mafia terms and such that might help you speak on the same level as some other players. Hopefully, not only you will be more knowledgeable but you will also be able to use these tips in the games!
The term of this month is compulsive!
Compulsive is a role modifier such that the role must use its Night Action each Night unless some external factor prevents the player from doing so. A player with a Compulsive action cannot submit "No Action", and if they fail to submit an action, the player is either modkilled or the action/the action's target is randomized. The most common role with this modifier is Vigilante.
The Compulsive modifier is generally used to ensure that actions are used when possible. This is usually ascribed to roles that are pivotal to the setup. By making a Vigilante Compulsive, the rate of death can be controlled throughout the game, thus allowing the game to be easier to balance.
Hello! This is the Mafia Society's July Newsletter!
New Member? Welcome! ^^
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New Games
Robot Mafia (open sign-ups) hosted by Grapefruit21
Robots are humanity's greatest invention. The ability to think and act with their own initiative while still being governed by the Three Laws of Robotics. Humanity is thriving in peace in prosperity, but something is wrong. Robots are being destroyed or as some would say killed. Their positronic brains fried by gamma rays or smashed beyond repair. You must find the traitors among you. Good luck. Sign up here!
The Morning After (ongoing) hosted by Shinichi-kun and Oyasumi_Rosie
Role madness, bastard elements, and high-powered roles -- this is bound to lead to some chaos! Do not miss out on this fast-paced mini-game. Spectate here!
Mafia Tip #8: Meta
Quite often, in mafia games, you may encounter terms or expressions that you don't understand. To appease this frustration, this section titled "Mafia tips" will introduce you to some of the mafia terms and such that might help you speak on the same level as some other players. Hopefully, not only you will be more knowledgeable but you will also be able to use these tips in the games!
The term of this month is meta!
Meta, short for metagame, is a term for the knowledge of how a player or moderator will act based on previous experience. It only makes sense that people will pick up on, say, an ordinarily active player lurking in the games where they are scum. Likewise, some moderators state outright that they will never use Cops in their games.
The application of this kind of knowledge is called metagaming, or more strainedly "metaing". This is simply extrapolating the existing meta knowledge to the current game. In the case of the active player who only lurks as scum, it makes sense to extend that to say that if they are lurking in the present game, they are more likely to be scum and should be treated accordingly. Likewise in the case of the moderator who does not use Cops, if one of the players in their game claims Cop, players will be much more apt to consider it a false claim.
Players who manage to bring about the appearance of looking and behaving the same way regardless of alignment become tough to read, as they are best judged by their actions in thread. This takes time to do, which means that these players are frequently not lynched Day 1.
Hello! This is the Mafia Society's June Newsletter!
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It's summer! Are you ready for some heat? I'm of course not only talking about the Sun's heavy rays and the air's fierceness, but also about our upcoming mafia games, which are bound to be exciting and spirited. Join in on the fun and bring your water gun!
New Games
Rainbow Six Siege (open sign-ups) hosted by The_Pyromaani
This game has been open for a long time and has yet to fill up! Why don't you have a go? It has a pretty simple setup, with Rainbow Six Siege characters. Sign up here!
Gakkou Gurashi Mafia (ongoing) hosted by PentaFlare
Enjoy the many wonders of school, be it socializing with friends in the yard, studying hard in class, hanging out in the club room, or hunting the brains of the living in this lighthearted basic setup! This very vehement game is underway... Spectate here!
Mafia Tip #7: Breadcrumbing
Quite often, in mafia games, you may encounter terms or expressions that you don't understand. To appease this frustration, this section titled "Mafia tips" will introduce you to some of the mafia terms and such that might help you speak on the same level as some other players. Hopefully, not only you will be more knowledgeable but you will also be able to use these tips in the games!
The term of this month is breadcrumbing!
A breadcrumb is a subtle and concealed reference to your own role, actions, or results. As such, it is a way to soft-claim your role, and to reveal sensitive information without making it evident to everyone that you're doing so. Another advantage to breadcrumbing is that it provides reliance to any claim you make later on - if you claim to be a particular role and show a breadcrumb from very early in the game that reinforces your claim, it directly implies that you have been preparing to make this claim from the beginning of the game.
Scum have been known to breadcrumb roles as well; if the role they breadcrumbed became inconvenient to claim, they simply do not point them out later. Lastly, an obvious breadcrumb, much like any role claim will draw the scum's attention and could place that player at the top of the list of players they have an interest in killing, so be careful.
Example: I haven't played with anyone here before, should be fun. Anyone here a total newb? Myself and the other guy are experienced, let me know if you have any questions. Conversation hasn't really started yet, so it's random vote time. Obviously, the guy above me can't be scum, his avatar is too cute. Perhaps it's a ploy, though... The message is "I AM COP".
Planned games Kamen Rider Fourze/Kamen Rider Club (Host: Oyasumi_Rosie)
Terraformars (Shinichi-kun)
Overwatch (SoulEaterQUEEN)
The Lost Village (Sleipnirr)
Psycho-Pass (Zymf)
The Morning After (Shinichi-kun & Oyasumi_Rosie)
Shingeki no Kyojin (Season 2) (Coelestin)
Mafia Society Senki (Kaitou)
Hydra Mafia Game (_Claire_)
Desserts Mafia (Kit)
Robot Mafia (Grapefruit21)
New Member? Welcome! ^^
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Mafia Championship The Mafia Championship is an annual online tournament series that pits representatives from various forum Mafia (aka Werewolf) communities against one another as they compete to determine the Internet’s greatest forum Mafia player. Each participating community democratically elects one person to represent them and become their “Champion”.
Post 531 in this MTG Thread explains how Cross plays mafia pretty accurately.
New Games Pyro Games V10 (Rainbow Six Siege) Hosted by Sadistic Host Pyro. Game is pretty simple setup with Rainbow Six Siege characters and there also appears some characters from past games. Gakkou Gurashi (Basic Mafia) Hosted by the Musically Talent Pentaflare "Enjoy the many wonders of school, be it socializing with friends in the yard, studying hard in class, hanging out in the club room, or hunting the brains of the living in this lighthearted basic setup!".
Hello! This is the Mafia Society's April Newsletter!
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Easter Month!
Pyon pyon! The bunnies came knocking at our door to tell us that Easter is coming. We wish all of our members happy holidays and many eggs! A themed mafia game will be held soon in the club to celebrate - previous holiday-themed games which include the Christmas one and the Valentine's one had been good successes thanks to the interesting set-ups and of course the spirited players who enjoy them. Alongside the game will also be opened a card edition. If you're a collector, you can't miss out on that~
New Games
Sailor Moon Mafia (open sign-ups) hosted by Soren
This is a simple setup mafia game complemented by the Sailor Moon universe (hosted in the forums). It is perfect for new players, and a few Mafia Society regulars will be participating and be able to help out. Sign up here!
Castle Panic (ongoing) hosted by aa-dono and SoulEaterQUEEN
Castle Panic is a cult-themed mafia game where infections spread during the night and the villagers must weed out those who are infected by zombies or brainwashed by a magic society banned from their small town. Spectate here!
Mafia Tip #5: Cults
Quite often, in mafia games, you may encounter terms or expressions that you don't understand. To appease this frustration, this section titled "Mafia tips" will introduce you to some of the mafia terms and such that might help you speak on the same level as some other players. Hopefully, not only you will be more knowledgeable but you will also be able to use these tips in the games!
The term of this month is Cults!
The cult is a third-party group (one which does not belong to the mafia nor the townies) that seeks to recruit players into itself. The recruitment is done by a Cult Leader who typically starts the game by being alone in his so-called cult. Each Night, he can recruit one player into his Cult; the recruited players henceforth lose their previous role identities (and their alignment of either mafia or townie) and become Cultists. The Cult is a rather passive group since it does not do any killing, however it can take over the game very quickly - if it is not exterminated within the first two game Days, it almost inevitably wins (according to statistics). The Cult wins when it comprises half of the player list, at which time it controls the lynch votes.
Recruited Cultists usually do not have the ability to recruit players themselves, so if the Cult Leader dies, the Cultists are defenseless but must survive until they attain a majority. This can be difficult to do, especially if the Cult Leader only lives long enough to recruit one Cultist. Some hosts allow Cultists to recruit players if the Cult Leader dies. However, this becomes completely impossible to balance, as there is virtually no chance of the Cult ever being completely wiped out.
A problem arises when a mafia member is recruited into a Cult, because he could ruin the game by telling who his mafia buddies were. Some hosts kill off the member instead of making him recruited, others leave him alive but replace him with a new player who doesn't know who the other mafia members are, others just let it slide and aren't bothered by the potential exposition of the whole mafia team, and others simply don't include a mafia faction in the game to begin with.
Hello! This is the Mafia Society's MarchNewsletter!
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New month!
The month of love has passed. We hope that you had enjoyed our Valentine's event! No worries if you didn't participate this time, you are always welcome to join next time! As for a record, for the "Valentine's Event Best Couple Tournament" Zen and Shirayuki pair won while the winners for Valentine event's "Lover's Quarrel Mafia" were mafia team, great job, guys (Sonata, _Claire_, Suzune-chan)!
And now Mafia Society would like to wish you a great month. We hope that the feelings of spring will bring joy to you. Be sure to visit us and check out our new Quick Start Guide To Mafia thread!!
Mafia Tip #4: LyLo and MyLo
Lynch-or-Lose, or LyLo, is a game state wherein the Town must lynch scum during the present Day phase or they will lose the game (often by being endgamed by scum). It is also called Lynch-right-or-lose.
It is generally easy to tell when a game is in LyLo because there will only be one more Town player alive than the number of scum. For instance, if there are five players alive and two of them are scum (thus three of them are Town), the game is in LyLo. This can be adjusted for the presence of multiple killing groups, but the premise remains the same.
Mislynch-and-Lose, or MyLo, is a game state where the Town will lose if it mislynches during the present Day phase. MyLo usually happens when there are only two townies more than the number of mafia (ex. 2-4 or 3-5). This is different from LyLo in that LyLo requires the Town to lynch correctly, whereas in MyLo the Town is still afforded the opportunity to No Lynch without forfeiting the game (though this generally makes the next Day LyLo).
While the opportunity for No Lynch is available in MyLo, whether it should be done is a different question. On the upside, by refusing to lynch the Town may be able to give its investigative roles another chance to work their magic. On the downside, if the Town has already massclaimed or if there are no roles that can make use of the Night remaining, opting not to lynch will simply give the scum a free kill on the Townie who is most likely to help the Town lynch correctly at LyLo.
Hello! This is the Mafia Society's February Newsletter!
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Valentines Event Love is in the air ! You are cordially invited to Mafia’s Society’s 2017 Valentine’s Event. Keep a lookout for romantic events such as: (Times will be announced at a later date) Matchmaking Test | Take a test to discover your love compatibility with others. Speed Dating | Done over a discord server, pair off with people looking for love and get ready to mingle. Then after 10 minutes are up, do it again ! Valentine Grams | Choose template and anonymously send a short message to someone you love, to be delivered by a resident Mafia Society cupid. Lovers & Liars (Misc game) | Based off of the original game by Follie. Valentine’s Day Mafia | Celebrate love by deceiving and killing your fellow club members ! Romance SimulWatch | Get together to watch romantic movies and share tender moments together. Anime Shipping Tournament | Nominate and vote for your favorite anime ships. Couples Card Edition | Collect them all ~
Mafia Tip #3: Disadvantages of Inactivity As of late, we have encountered many incidents regarding inactivity in mafia games, which is both troublesome and disrespectful to the host and your fellow players, especially because of the consequences that comes with it. For instance, in a precise Role Madness game where every role is crucial to win, being inactive can potentially cripple your team—affecting the game’s balance, and possibly ruin the game for those who are putting effort into achieving their wincon. If you’re unable to participate any further because of unexpected events, make sure to contact the host right away so they can find a replacement and keep the game moving. Furthermore, we advise that you consider your availability prior signing up as you could be taking up a spot for someone will be able fully participate without any doubts of future events hindering their availability.
Hello! This is the Mafia Society's January Newsletter!
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New Year!
The staff of Mafia Society would like to wish everyone a happy new year! The club has managed to keep rolling well this year too, and we need to thank the members for conserving an interest in the games we are holding. We also need to accredit the new players that appeared throughout 2016. If you yourself have not tried out a game yet, do not hesitate to drop by in the club - you will be welcomed by open arms and supportive minds. We believe that participating in forum games along with people who are there to have as much fun as you is a truly rewarding experience. Let's have a great time again in 2017!
Christmas Event
The Christmas event that was held in December of 2016 (which included various activities such as a Christmas-themed mafia game, a Secret Santa, and the 12 Days of Christmas), was without a doubt a lovely success. We thank everyone who participated and who made the merrymaking more vibrant, and even if you didn't, we still hope you had wonderful holidays.
Mafia Tip #2: Lurking
Quite often, in mafia games, you may encounter terms or expressions that you don't understand. To appease this frustration, this section titled "Mafia tips" will introduce you to some of the mafia terms and such that might help you speak on the same level as some other players. Hopefully, not only you will be more knowledgeable but you will also be able to use these tips in the games!
The term of this month is Lurking!
Lurking is the act of intentionally not posting during a game Day. This is not to be confused with not having access at all.
Lurking is a profoundly defensive strategy. In exchange for not providing any information to the Town, lurkers render themselves very difficult to lynch due to the lack of information needed to build a convincing reason to lynch them. These are both negative traits as far as the Town is concerned; in addition to being unhelpful for finding others' alignments, they're unhelpful for displaying their own. Thus, lurking is a preferable strategy for scum if they are allowed to get away with it, as they provide no help to the Town and can simply wait as the active players self-destruct on each other.
Power roles such as Doctor or Cop may deliberately avoid posting so as to avoid the scum's notice, thereby avoiding the nightly kills until it is time for them to claim. Alternatively, some players believe that it is best to sit on the sidelines during Day 1 and pick up the pieces on subsequent Days after there is information to go on. Taking this into account, it is wise to be careful when using lurking as a reason to read someone as scum.
All Comments (173) Comments
It's been a minute. I have known you for a long time and always enjoyed your friendship since then. We won't talk as much but when we do, I know it can be pretty chill. I hope you're doing well.
Hello! This is the Mafia Society's May Newsletter.
New Member? Welcome! ^^
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Mafia Championship
The Mafia Championship is an annual online tournament series that pits representatives from various forum Mafia (aka Werewolf) communities against one another as they compete to determine the Internet’s greatest forum Mafia player. Each participating community democratically elects one person to represent them and become their “Champion”.
New Games
Pyro Games V10 (Rainbow Six Siege) Hosted by Sadistic Host Pyro.
Game is pretty simple setup with Rainbow Six Siege characters and there also appears some characters from past games.
Gakkou Gurashi (Basic Mafia) Hosted by the Musically Talent Pentaflare
"Enjoy the many wonders of school, be it socializing with friends in the yard, studying hard in class, hanging out in the club room, or hunting the brains of the living in this lighthearted basic setup!".
Mafia Tip#6: Anti Town Vs Town
This really should seem obvious, but don't do things that are blatantly anti-Town unless you're sure you know what you're doing. Some examples would be claiming very early in the game (especially unprompted and especially if you are a power role), disobeying the Town when your actions are being "directed", faking an obstructive post restriction, etc. Some sample reasons given for doing these sorts of things include attempts to start discussion, spite, or attempting to uphold a meta ("well you should have known better; I always do this"). None of those reasons will justify the actions to anyone except yourself, and you can expect to get lynched as well as to be on the receiving end of plenty of complaints about your play in the long-reaching future.
_-Tip from Mafia Scum-_
Club News
Upcoming Mafia Games
Weeb Anime Story (Host: Holocaster)
Kamen Rider Fourze/Kamen Rider Club (Host: Oyasumi_Rosie)
Togs | Easter Egg Mafia
Pyromaani | Rainbow Six Siege
Club Games
Make a Mafia Alias for the User Above You | Say something about the person above you | Last Letter Game | Rate the song above you | Corrupt A Wish | Count To 7777 V.02 | Truth or dare(ToD) | Q&A | Count to 30 Before Staff Post! | You're Modkilled! | Lynch or No Lynch | Potato Game | Never have I ever... | Count to 30 Before a Member Posts! | You know you're at Mafia Society, when...
Card Editions
Official Membership Cards
Useful Links
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Have a Lovely Month!