Hi there! My name is Tristan Gallant but most people on the wired / the net / the interwebs know me better as Arkada. I'm a less casual more hardcore watcher of Japanese anime and review most of what I watch on my website.
Unfortunately for the most part I'm a social introvert and actually doing things on any social websites such as this is a little daunting, so I hope you'll bare with me. Feel free to shoot me a comment or question if you like, I'd be happy to answer :)
All Comments (181) Comments
Ok, I guess not.
Don't make wild assertions about things or people you don't know.
Lesson learned.
Edit: Here is Arkada's Kitsu (previously Hummingbird) account.
I seriously think people that do fraud like that are stupid IMO everybody has to be known to be who he is not to pretend to be someone else.
Am I right?
My question is: In which order do you need to watch the fate series?
Keep doing what your doing. Stay frosty.