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Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series
Jul 1, 2017 5:36 AM
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All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 55.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries249
- Reread6
- Chapters9,601
- Volumes828
All Comments (4) Comments
I'm not really worried about passing, my grades have been pretty solid, but yeah I absolutely know how you feel as far as a quarter-life crisis. I have like this overwhelming sense of urgency about my body and mortality it's like I feel like I have to do something now or I'll just let my body go into disrepair and erosion. Like everything is going to go to waste. I'm actually reading a book called "Sun and Steel" by Yukio Mishima which is really speaking to how I'm feeling at the time here is a passage
Yeah I've been going to the gym a lot and just like feeling out my body and trying to reach some sort of apex while I still have the chance. Me and a friend are going to join the army reserves. I kind of just want to join the army fully at this point. Like some sort of urgent sense of duty and obligation is pulling at me. It's really hard to explain. I might just settle for the RCMP though (it's like police force at a Federal level, although they mostly operate in western Canada, where there are no provincial police). Ideally I'd go for my local municipal police force though so I can be close to my family. I'm currently working a government job in social services, I'll let you know how my full-time application goes. My boss let me know that I definitely still have my part-time position if things don't work out though. So yeah I feel you man quarter-life crisis is serious business lol.
I've actually been watching Westworld and yeah it's totally my cup of tea, Sci-fi westerns are the shit and I love the type of questions they're raising about humanity and AI. Haven't seen any of Atalanta, but it looks hilarious I'm a fan of Community and I like Childish Gambino as a rapper, so this seems like something right up my alley. I'm still trying to catch up with some other stuff like Stranger Things and Luke Cage at the moment though.