Yeah! I'm glad you remember me >.> How did it go with the puppy? Did your mom let you take it?
Aah I see, university must take a lot of time and work D: It's a shame you couldn't watch anime though :/ I have been watching a little, but I don't use mal as much as before. I will probably be away more now since I have to start studying for my big exam that is in May :/
Mmh well I have been... I don't know how to describe how I have been >.> I'm okay now but I had a lot of difficulties in the end of last year. Oh also, I have a ferret now! :> He is a fun boy and really sweet~ I am his human slave haha, so I've been pretty much been focused on him lately.
nema na cemu :) hvala za komentar slike valjda :) hehe volim kategorije echi i psiholoske a moja profilna ima oba :D ja sam inace Dusan :) kako si sta radis i tkt ! Koje kategorije anima ti volis ?
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Aah I see, university must take a lot of time and work D: It's a shame you couldn't watch anime though :/ I have been watching a little, but I don't use mal as much as before. I will probably be away more now since I have to start studying for my big exam that is in May :/
Mmh well I have been... I don't know how to describe how I have been >.> I'm okay now but I had a lot of difficulties in the end of last year. Oh also, I have a ferret now! :> He is a fun boy and really sweet~ I am his human slave haha, so I've been pretty much been focused on him lately.