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Kurt_Irving Apr 21, 2023 3:19 PM
Hello miss! So what do you love most about Ghost in the Shell? My tomboyish friend from Maryland your age is a big fan of the series.
ensatsu-ken Apr 21, 2013 12:35 PM
Hey, its been a long time since I've come onto this site, for various reasons. And yes, I did read that 2-shot special, and it was interesting for what it was. But, I'm also still pissed that Togashi has yet to end his current hiatus from the series.
ensatsu-ken Oct 16, 2011 12:27 PM
I agree that the new HXH anime is underwhelming so far. Its not bad, but drawing comparisons to the manga and the original, it just comes off as kind of half-assed. The only thing I have to disagree with you on is the OST. I think people are just strongly biased because they are used to the original so much, but looking at it from a completely unbiased perspective, the music in the OST isn't bad at all. The OP and ED aren't very good, but the BGM itself sounds just fine, especially since its composed by one of the better guys in the business these days.

As for the voice acting, I don't mind Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika's new voices, but Hisoka is going to take some getting used to for me (and keep in mind, I actually really like Namikawa Daisuke's voice acting, but just kind of feel that he is a bit disappointing as Hisoka) and I HATE Kurapika's new voice so far. Its far too high-pitched and makes him sound more like one of those generic and annoying anime brats that you would usually see in shonen series like these. Once again, though, going from a more unbiased perspective, the rest of the voice acting is decent. Obviously different voice actors won't sound the same as the original, but there isn't really much that you can do about that except to accept it for what it is.

I'm really glad that Togashi ended the Chimera Ant arc. Sorry to say it, but that was being dragged out way too long and his quality was REALLY slipping after his first big hiatus. It wasn't as bad as say Greed Island which to me is the worst HXH arc by far, but it was still really annoying with how freaking overpowered the ants were. Hopefully Togashi doesn't pull out villains like that again. I mean, while I did sort of sympathize with the villains towards the end, for the majority of the arc I hated them, especially when they were 1-dimensional character with no personalities during the first half of the arc. I hope he can get back to doing more complex villains like Sensui (perhaps Gyro/Jairo will be really interesting when we get to see him). It looks like Pariston may end up being a pretty sinister villain later on, as he's obviously putting on a fake smile and probably has some less than noble intentions. =P

I'm liking the manga just fine so far, but I really hope that Togashi either takes this opportunity to reintroduce Leorio, Kurapika, and other past characters into the story, or at the very leasts goes back to focusing on what Killua is up to.
ensatsu-ken Sep 15, 2011 11:19 AM
Wow, its been a while since you left a comment over here. =P

Its nice to see that you still come online sometimes.

Anyways, I posted my thoughts about the new HXH anime on other threads, but basically I'm not too keen on a remake/reboot of the series with all new seiyuu and being done by Madhouse, but I can understand why they need to start from scratch (being that the original anime aired over a decade ago, so they would alienate any potential new fans by starting right from the Chimera Ant arc). At any rate, I'll give it a chance, but being that the original anime was done so damn well as an adaptation, I have my doubts that the new anime can capture the same feel as it, or rather I don't think it'll be as good in general, but I do hope that I'm proven wrong when it starts airing.

As for the new chapters, to be honest, I'm glad that Togashi ended the Chimera Ant arc. Sorry, but I just got sick of how long he was dragging out that arc, that it stopped being fun for me to read after about chapter 270 or so (and I'm not just talking about him taking years to finish it with each hiatus he took, but that the arc is way too long and drawn out in general). At this point it was kind of beyond saving, to me, so I think that he made the right decision by ending it, even if the ending was rather abrupt and anti-climactic. I at least think that he can now help recover the series by starting a new arc with a fresh start, and possibly finding a way to write Leorio and Kurapika back into the story, since many fans (including myself) have been begging for them to return to the story for years.

I think the next few chapters will be rather interesting since they will probably focus on Killua who is by far the series's most interesting character, and what he's going through knowing that his best friend Gon is in a near-death state. I eagerly await any exciting new turns Togashi can take the story through, and how he will further develop the characters as the series continues. I just hope that he's done with his year+ long hiatus BS.

Oh, and I've been doing great, but I've been really busy lately with the start of the new semester in my 4th year of college. I don't come on here that often anymore, but I usually check up on this site about once a week or so. ;)

And what have you been up to, lately?
ensatsu-ken Jul 5, 2010 10:55 PM
Hey, AriSky! Its great to here from you again and know that you're still alive out there, somewhere! ^_^

As for me, I've been on summer break, so I have tons of free-time on my hands (I was insanely busy during my college semesters, though). I also finished Brotherhood (both the manga, and more recently, the anime), and overall I love the series, but I have to admit that I actually preferred the 1st TV anime's ending (not counting the movie, though), as it had a bitter-sweet kind of feel to it, which I liked.

As for the site, its running just fine right now. The activity on it kind of fluctuates. At certain times it will seem almost dead for a few days, but during other periods of time, its very active, despite only having a few members (which is more than made-up for by the maturity level of most of them, unlike bigger sites in which you have to deal with a lot of more childish posters as well). ;)

Anyways, I strongly encourage you to jump into any threads that interest you, and try to get to know some of the other members there (plus, you may find some familiar users back from, though you may not recognize some of them under different user-names). For the most part, we are a really friendly community, and even if you somehow can't find a topic that interests you, there is always the option to create one of your own. ;)
arden_ruales Jun 17, 2010 9:50 PM
helo im fan of hunter x hunter
join my club here is the link!!

Damn my pc is so lag..
Urjuan Feb 1, 2010 8:47 PM
I'm reminded of how lazy and useless I am for not reading the HxH manga everytime I talk to you.>.> In serious need of motivation~
Sucks that you lost your editorship. Can't you explain your situation to They might give it back to you.

Japan! That's awesome. Yes, get working on that essay soon! Should be quite an experience. Have you been there before?

Lol, nothing exciting ever happens to me. I ought to be reading all the manga on my PTR to fill up the time. Arghh, the lazyness. :(
Urjuan Feb 1, 2010 7:48 PM
Long time, I thought you'd never get on MAL again. D: How're you?
You're now way ahead of me in Brotherhood. Gaaah, must.catch.up.
Urjuan Dec 26, 2009 11:13 PM
ensatsu-ken Jul 6, 2009 8:22 PM
Sorry I took so long to respond to this, but I was busy with my summer MicroBiology class recently, which just started today, and which I spend most of yesterday preparing for. =P

Anyways, I'll go ahead and create an account for you, and I'll confirm when its ready. I trust that you would want AriSky to be your user-name. ;)

And, as for your password, I'll PM that to you. ^_^
Urjuan Jul 6, 2009 11:13 AM
Why distant future? D: Hopefully your work schedule doesn't take that long to settle down!
Urjuan Jun 26, 2009 3:38 PM
Finally caught up with FMA:B episode12, although I see you're still at 10. :)

It keeps getting better and better. <3
ensatsu-ken Jun 17, 2009 6:27 PM
Hey, I just checked with a fellow admin on AR, and he said that you should try registering again. It should work now, and if it doesn't, then we can just create an account for you, ourselves. =)
ensatsu-ken Jun 17, 2009 4:01 PM
I last left off on episode 8 of FMA: Brotherhood and I like it, so far. It would seem that the only noteworthy thing that its skipped so far was Ed and Al's visit to the mining town, but that story wasn't all that important to the rest of the series, and the first anime covered that story just fine, anyways, so I don't really have a problem with the anime cutting out manga stuff, yet. But, maybe my opinion might change once I catch up with the current episodes of the series.

As for me, I also haven't been reading/watching too much lately. Since HXH has been on hiatus, I've only really been keeping up with the new weekly releases of One Piece and Bakuman (its from the same author and artist of the Death Note manga, which was what got me into the series instantly ^_^ ). I'm also reading the translations of the Full Metal Panic! novels as each new chapter is released (you still really need to get into that series, as it really is an enjoyable anime that combines so many genres so perfectly, which makes it very appealing to all sorts of fans of animation, IMO). I also recently just finished the Dragon Ball manga, and its fantastic to see the pure nature of the series without it being dragged down by so much useless filler or an inaccurate English script (though, FUNimation more than made up for their DBZ dub with Yu Yu Hakusho and all of their other great dubs that they are now releasing).

As for anime, I've been watching Dragon Ball Kai, FMA: Brotherhood, One Piece, and Higashi no Eden (Eden of the East). I'm honestly not too much into anime, anymore, but that's only because I've seen to many gems, that a lot of series that I watch just don't impress me that much, anymore. There are those few anime, every now and then, which pick up my interest, though. Its just a shame that 2 of the anime that I am currently watching are themselves actually remakes of classics (well, FMA might be an exception since this one is actually based off of the manga ;) ).

As for you getting that error message, that's awfully strange. I've never heard of someone encountering that before, but if you're talking about getting that message after recently having tried to join, it could possibly be because of some new updates that were made to the site. I'll be sure to double-check on that with the other admins to fix up that little problem.

As for the bot problem, yeah, it was pretty bad a while ago, but its gotten much better, recently. I don't remember having a bot on our site in over a month, ever since Foggle updated the site. ;)

Anyways, its great to finally hear from you again. XD

ensatsu-ken Jun 17, 2009 8:54 AM
Hey, AriSky! XD

Its been a while since I said anything to you, ever since I left, and came to this site much less often. How's it been going?

Watch any new anime lately?

Anyways, knowing that you are one for intelligent conversations on animated shows and movies, just like me, I just wanted to invite you to join this board that I go to, which 2 other members of and me started. Its a nice small board, with a very local community, mostly with other people who were also formerly from, but it also has some new members, and in general we talk about lots of stuff. You can discuss about all kinds of animation, and we also have regular boards for talking about other stuff, like books, video games, movies, etc., so its a good site to converse with other friendly people on.

If you're like me, I'm sure you're busy most of the time, but that's alright too, since you can just stop by whenever you feel like it. I just wanted to invite you here because we need more people who can hold good discussions, like you. Also, I am an administrator there, so as you can see, unlike, we only have competent mods on our staff. ;)

You should also check out our staff reviews if you ever get the time. The most recent review that we posted up is, well....Up. =P

It was written by DaemonCorps, who you also may remember from, BTW (he was petewrigely on that site ;) ). Anyways, the site is:

So, feel free to drop by if you're interested to. :)
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