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Days: 139.4
Mean Score: 7.35
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Sousou no Frieren
Sousou no Frieren
May 26, 2024 5:36 AM
Completed 28/28 · Scored 10
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
Apr 17, 2018 2:51 AM
Watching -/11 · Scored -
Made in Abyss
Made in Abyss
Sep 30, 2017 6:52 PM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 9
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Days: 126.1
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Nagareboshi_ Sep 7, 2017 6:10 AM
Hi,thank you for accepting ^^ Nakamura is my future husband but we can share him mehehe 3:> Im actually surprised that someone is shipping something I ship :D Same here :)
Cold_coffee Nov 25, 2016 7:01 AM
The ending was superb, like i said I really wanted season 2, if there is one anime which i was a second season even now, it's slam dunk.
Cold_coffee Nov 25, 2016 6:49 AM
Sendoh <3

I really wish they continued the anime

yes, i watched fushigi too
Cold_coffee Nov 25, 2016 1:30 AM
Slam dunk fan <3

your fav character?
mashb Nov 23, 2016 6:45 AM
Yeah i stiil trying til i enter :DD

Thnks, i need all good lusck as possible <3

I'm think is the better age *--* they still believ in things that more older don't, they are so much more cute than teenagers :DDD

I would be preparaoty school teacher here they gain more money and you can do funny classes :DD
mashb Nov 22, 2016 8:13 AM
No huahuahuauah i won't to do so much exams only 4, in my state is at least 7 exams and they is for public college without any fee *---------------* (here the best colleges is a public), so competition is high in one of examas was 266.67 people per vacancy DD:

And i'm trying dor 5 years, is my dream so i do what i have to :D

do you wanna be highschool's teacher or other ?
mashb Nov 21, 2016 6:08 AM
You're welcome :DD

hauhauhuahau maybe it's universal afraid hauhauhauha

Thnks but i don't know he results and in my country you do one exam if you went well you do more three exams and then you hava a answer. After all if you don't pass in first call you can enter in second, third cause all publics colleges do the exams at almost same time so the results are released at same time and there are people that enter in 2,3 and more college's, so they choose one option.

I wanna med schoo l :DD do you know how is in your country?
Here's 6 years and then you become a doctor after this you do other exam to be a surgeon, shrink and others :DD

õ/ biology <3
Are going to be a teacher/reaseacher? :D
mashb Nov 21, 2016 3:17 AM
OMG i can imagine how hard it was DDD:
is it the last work to obtain a graduate, isn't it? here in my country everyone is afraid from this DDD:

I was doing college's exam entrace T-T

What did you graduate?
mashb Nov 20, 2016 3:32 AM
don't worry i talk for us huahuahuahauau i tlak so muuuuuch

how are you?
what did you do in weekend?
mashb Nov 19, 2016 9:48 AM

I like so much to talk with people in the same age :DDD
mashb Nov 18, 2016 12:14 PM
I'm fine too :DD

how about your day?
you're welcome :DD
mashb Nov 18, 2016 11:24 AM
I saw your profile and i thnink you're a nice peeple :D
how are you?
inairsa Nov 8, 2016 5:30 PM
jam.. 8an gitu

tp feeling gue sih jadinya sama ray. norman flag mati / jadi jahatnya besar banget.

iya.. meningan di bimbel. gajinya cukup memuaskan kok, dan pelan pelan naik...
waktu itu pertama sih ngirim lamaran ke tridaya, terus kalo lamarannya masuk seleksi, dipanggil. terus tes tpa gitu + tes psikologi + microteaching tahap 1. terus kalo lolos, microteaching tahap 2. disitu siap2 di tes math dasar (hitungan simpel doang sih, tapi angkanya dahsyat). kalo lolos, udah deh keterima.
itu prosesnya agak lama... jd sambil gerak kan bisa ttp ngeprivat.
atau cari privat yang gajinya gede. ke pak ian yang aku dulu kerja, mau?
75rb-100rb/meeting lho.

weokeee~ hahahahaha

ときどき。。。 tapi hampir gapernah gue bales hahaha
inairsa Nov 6, 2016 9:35 PM
ih suka banget openingnya sangatsu no lion kyaaaaaa XDDD
inairsa Nov 6, 2016 7:48 PM
hmmm.... gatau bakal ngurangin feelnya tau engga. banyak keselang shogiiiiii, gangerti :(
gue sendiri sih ga masalah, krn komik shoujo kaya gini mah di versi manganya juga kerasa feeling sakit dan ramenya (malah kadang di manganya jauh lebih kerasa).
yg gue gamau baca manganya tuh, seri yg kalo udah tau bakal berkurang drastis feelnya kayak haikyuu.

kemarin gue lagi senggang sih, jadi baca2 manga. dan gue tidur jam 2 gara2 baca sangatsu dr ch 1-126 lol lol XD
bangun kesiangan, ga sarapan, pagi ini praktikum cek golongan darah, untung ga pingsan (cuma 3 tetes doang sih darah yg dikeluarin XP)

biasanya tokoh kaya norman tuh, kalo ga mati, jadi jahat. semoga ngga :(

hmm... sebenernya kan wajar kita punya ekspektasi dan keinginan tentang pekerjaan kita. jadi kalo kamu ngerasa rising, itu wajar kok, yang penting ga berkepanjangan. sabar aja ya, nyari kerjaan tuh kaya naik tangga. kalo fresh grad gapunya pengalaman mah wajar aja dapet kerjaan yang ga gitu nyaman dan gajinya kecil. terima aja dlu, tahan dlu aja, krn kalo kamu udah punya pengalaman, bakal lebih dilirik.
makanya gue waktu itu mau ngajar di kumon... bayarannya 60rb/hari sementara ojeknya aja 40rb. itu mah gedean gaji mang ojeknya. parah kan?? gue ttp lanjut krn bner2 cuma pingin punya "pengalaman kerja" sebagai bekal buat ngelamar ke tempat lain. walopun akhirnya gatahan dan quit hahaha.

awalnya gue ngerasa sikapnya Mr.D itu wajar2 aja, tp gue FIX menganggap dia rising tuh karena dia pernah bilang (kira-kira) gini: "saya waktu itu pernah hampir diterima beasiswa S2 di ..... (lupa) tapi ga jadi karena ga bisa b.inggris. padahal buat apa coba bisa b.inggris, tanpa b.inggrispun saya mampu" gitu... jd dr omongan dia yg ini dan yg lain, dia ngerasa, dia tuh sebenernya mampu tp ga bisa dapet teh bukan krn ketidakmampuan dia, tp salah orang yg menentukan standar. sama halnya dengan kerja. dia ngerasa dia tuh kerjanya bagus, tp mnurut dia memang pada dasarnya kalo kerja kantoran itu dibabu-in dan di a gak mau. bukan salah dia ga mau kerja, tp salah sistem di kantor yg bikin dia gak mau.
...ngerti ga? sori bahasa gue muter2, susah ngungkapinnya. intinya ga mau mengakui kekurangan diri sendiri aja... pgn sluruh dunia yg menyesuaikan sama dia. kan aneh. rising choro pisan.

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