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Days: 38.7
Mean Score: 6.79
  • Total Entries98
  • Rewatched0
  • Episodes2,325
Anime History Last Anime Updates
Jan 9, 2011 12:18 PM
Watching 12/25 · Scored 10
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Jan 9, 2011 4:13 AM
Watching 5/27 · Scored 7
Naruto: Shippuuden
Naruto: Shippuuden
Jan 3, 2011 12:19 PM
Watching 186/500 · Scored 8
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 28.4
Mean Score: 7.19
  • Total Entries66
  • Reread0
  • Chapters5,117
  • Volumes347
Manga History Last Manga Updates
Jan 23, 2011 11:01 AM
Completed 59/59 · Scored -
Vampire Knight
Vampire Knight
Jan 23, 2011 10:22 AM
On-Hold 67/102 · Scored 10
Jan 23, 2011 10:21 AM
On-Hold 524/700 · Scored 10

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Diangelo18 Jun 10, 2020 2:26 AM
imperlast Dec 23, 2011 10:48 AM
Click to open your christmas card
toph-bei-fong Mar 1, 2011 6:58 AM
i miss you too!! >_<
Henna Jan 28, 2011 6:39 AM
Hi there!
You gave Pumpkin Scissors 10 points so I was hoping if you could tell your opinion about it. There wasn't any good reviews about it. I'm looking for a new anime to watch and I'm out of ideas. :(
Is it more like Trigun (goofy and funny) or more like Full Metal Alchemist (dark and serious)?
toph-bei-fong Dec 17, 2010 8:12 AM
Dinaaaaaa otanjoubi omedetooooooo! ^^ wish you lots of erm good stuff! xD gomen, i can't really write these birthday card thingies >_< just happy birthday and stay happy all the time! (i'm pretty tired right now so there may be some silly mistakes made by me.. i mean i might make. .. whatever xD)
toph-bei-fong Sep 7, 2010 10:59 AM
well i'm glad those aren't typical shoujo anime :D i really like maid-sama, maybe i'll start reading the manga too ^^ .. though i guess i look at those three anime as comedy only xD
gah, i almost died of boredom while watching the endless eight. and i didn't skip even one! i think only two or three episodes would have been fine, there was totally no need for all those eight suffering episodes!!!! T^T
who's Itsuki? O_o uh, i hated the movie-making part too, .. now that i think about it, i prefer the first season a lot xD
btw, why do you have 11eyes as your favorite anime? O____O
toph-bei-fong Sep 6, 2010 10:46 PM
oh they'll show her point of view alright .. i think. at least i'm sure they show it in the manga xD don't remember if it was in the anime. anyway, that Nana will also get very very very very annoying -_-
AND I HATE TAKUMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i've watched Lovely Complex already and it's hilarious xD though it's shoujo too, so i like nothing about it besides it's comedy :P
um, no, the second season shows other stuff that wasn't shown in the first. and i hate that season. HATE it. you'll know why. just keep watching. <_<
why did she start watching that? XD wait, did she like it because she downloaded the novels? O_o
oh oh oh oh -- how many volumes do you have? i have 9(though i'm still stuck on the second one). are there more already translated??
oh and i found one of the Death Note novels and now i'm looking at it printed *_* lessons aren't going to be boring now xD .. oh yeah, i should study.. bah, i'll read it during recesses or uum during the lessons of only the first week!!
toph-bei-fong Sep 3, 2010 5:43 AM
yes! that's why i don't like it! every character is getting annoying! Hachi dorta annoyed me from the start, but then i really got pissed. everyone is becoming more and more stupid as the episodes go on >_<
ne, is kissxsis good?
toph-bei-fong Aug 25, 2010 3:07 AM
wait, so this is your last year at school? O_O
yeah it's a private school, but they don't do such things in public schools either. dunno why -_-

i liked NANA at the beginning too but.. then it just gets boring. and i'm not really into romance stuff <.<

yeah, that's the only bad part of missing school, but it still rocks ^^
toph-bei-fong Aug 24, 2010 9:49 AM
whoa that's harsh -_- they actually never throw people out of the school. only if the student has done some really bad things more than once or if the attendance is too low. both of those happened in my class. i don't give a damn about the boy they threw out but this year a girl couldn't attend a lesson without getting sick. she's very fragile for some reason. and she was the only normal girl in this school damn it T^T
ah, whatever.
wait, isn't getting a tutor even more homework? -_- i know it helps you and all, but in my case, it'll be a nightmare, 'cause i don't think i will have any time left to watch anime or read manga. and if i pull too many all-nighters in front of the laptop(i think they're gonna buy me a normal one this time) i'll look like a zombie -_-''
but why is the 11th grade like that? i mean about all the hard work :\
toph-bei-fong Aug 22, 2010 11:57 PM
ahaha xD but i don't think kishimoto will be able to hold out for that long :D he's around 36 now :P i seriously thought he was older and it's annoying to think that i shouldn't be taking any life-threatening actions bah! <.< (not like i can, but still xD)
your school has already started? O_O god, that is horrible. and i thought i was unlucky xD my school is starting earlier than any other in georgia <_< *sigh* school is indeed horrible. and i won't be able to have much time with computer once i start attending all the lessons >_< and my mum's planning me to have tutors in almost every subject <.< .. no i think in every subject . because of the damn new national exams <_________<
toph-bei-fong Aug 22, 2010 2:40 AM
huh? ah, no xD i'm not dead yet! i won't die until naturo's manga is finished!!!!!
gomen for not replying for so long <.< i came back from the sea on thursday and practically slept through the whole day .. and the next day.. 'cause i couldn't sleep much in a train with chairs xD ..and .. uhm i've been kinda lazy about replying to comments 'cause there are a lot of 'em xD gomennasai *bow* please accept my apologies *bow* i am soorry!! T^T
toph-bei-fong Jul 24, 2010 4:43 AM
i can't either T^To
be sure to tell everyone you know to sign that petition! xD
toph-bei-fong Jul 24, 2010 2:49 AM
uwah, visiting other countries again xD jealous once again xD

yeah, i know! those companies are really really slow and if it really comes down to those websites getting closed, people like me would have to wait for months for new chapters to be put on amazon -_- i guess those companies are pretty jealous of fan scanlators xD i mean, they always scanlate new chapters very quickly >:D
ah, god, it makes me so happy reading all those comments =w=
toph-bei-fong Jul 23, 2010 12:54 PM
yo! :D ne, ne, please can you sign this?
it's about all the stuff about closing online manga websites <.<
so how have you been doing? still voluntary work? i'm going in Borjomi tomorrow for the rest of the summer, but i think i'll return here several times! bwahahahaa xD
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