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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III
Nov 8, 2020 9:09 AM
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So for example, someone hates Okabe from Steins;Gate but you like the character. So you basically tell him how the story ends, key twists/turns in order to convince them to like him and not drop the series?
While some people drop series because of an annoying character, there's also more cases of people dropping it because people like you just killing the suspense in a series by giving spoilers lmao.
"Dude" I can tell you love the series, but by giving senseless spoilers like that, you also ruin other people's experience with the series. Just stop. This series deserves its thrill and suspense, not to be killed by people giving spoilers like you.
Me being a person coming into the show not knowing anything in order to give the show a fair, neutral assessment but having a big central point of the plot being ruined because of someone who tells others "YOU NEED IT!" Come one man, I can tell that you love the show and the characters, but in no way you should be telling others "you need spoilers" to like the characters, others will decide for themselves. The review section is for reviews, not for spoilers. If you wanted to bring a point up do it in the forums.
this is hard to say, but the spoilers someone gave on the review sections were not necessary for the viewers coming into the show blind, give yourself a thought about your actions and don't do that ever again dude