"✦✦✦Card Editions and Anime Discussion Gallery✦✦✦
Right now these are the following editions that are coming up.
- Stella Vermillion
- Blowing a Kiss
- Haifuri: May 7
- Holding Hands: May 14
- Wake Up Girls: May 21
- Cherry Tree: May 28"
As our 3 year club anniversary gets closer I wanted to to think and remember all the wonderful 3 years. To celebrate I decided to do a mini competition where all users have to do is vote on what show they want the next layout to be. Voting would last 2 weeks.
We've discussed amongst ourselves that are in charge of Loyalty Cards that it's time to reset.
Yes. You read it right.
We wish to have done this in the beginning of the year but it's not too late so we want to implement this first and foremost. We're proud to know that we've been keeping up with the Loyalty System for as long as possible. We came to this conclusion because we thought it would be fair to people who are new to the club to start fresh with everyone that has been with us ever since we were open. It'll also help us organized better for those that actually use their Loyalty Cards rather than using them once in a while.
Resetting the Loyalty Cards will start on the1st of March.
New threads will be added and you'll have to request from scratch.
We know that some people that have already reached the Master stage would not be satisfied with this new fact. Unfortunately, there will be no excuses. We're going to stick with this but we do hope that you stay with us like you've always been. Each and every one of you are loyal to us and we're happy to have you request our cards daily. Please continue to do so. We are thinking of new ideas that we can do with Loyalty Cards especially that we've been having the same templates for more than a year...
so stay tune :)
Any further information, we'll let you know asap!
Questions or inquiries, you can PM Dear_Clouds_Bot and he will answer your concerns about the change.
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HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022!! 🎉🎉
D E L I V E R Y ◦ B Y • [ Deathmemo ]
PM muffins if there are any problemos.
O M B • [ badges ]
O M C • [ cards ]
◈ ◇ Important Announcement ◇ ◈
Namine's Cafe
Blue CE>>>Cards here:http://mal.yorium.moe/Mal%20delivery/Namine's%20cafe/Blue%20CE/
Shishio's Affiliation 2nd Edition>>>Cards Here:http://mal.yorium.moe/Mal%20delivery/Namine's%20cafe/Shishio's%20Affiliation%202nd%20Edition%20Namine%20Card/
Witches HE>>>Cards Here: http://mal.yorium.moe/Mal%20delivery/Namine's%20cafe/Witches%20HE/
Kimono HE>>>Cards Here:http://mal.yorium.moe/Mal%20delivery/Namine's%20cafe/Kimono%20HE/
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