I like apple pie. I also like gaming. Man's two greatest inventions.
My score is based on the quality of the storyline, characters, and adaptation from a casual viewing experience.
Usually, I try to leave out my personal biases when determining this score, though my preferences freely come into play when ranking these shows against each other.
Green = This score is great! The anime provided an excellent experience and left me with no regrets. I would recommend it to everyone. Orange = This score is not impressive. The anime is not bad enough to say I hate it, but not good enough for me to recommend it. Red = This score is terrible. I would never recommend this anime to someone; instead, I would suggest avoiding this experience entirely.
Manga and Light Novels are also rated using this system, however, since I don't indulge as much in written Japanese media, all material displayed from hereafter will use only information provided from anime. Also, I don't rate any supplementary media that are confirmed to not be canon because I feel that this rating system would not be well-suited for such things.
1 - Absolutely horrible with no redeeming qualities or enjoyable aspects. Sitting through this anime feels like a top-notch torture session. I usually try to finish everything I watch, but finding the motivation to finish the longer shows can be extremely difficult. In general, avoid this anime at all costs!
2 - Has the same qualities as a 1, but the anime possesses at least one or two good traits. These more tolerable aspects don't make up for the rest of the shitshow I had to watch... But I still like to give credit where it's due. Just don't be fooled by the smoke and mirrors generated from the hype as you will most likely be let down.
3 - Had a few good qualities with some decent moments, usually the kind that you would stumble upon as a YouTube clip and enjoy. Unfortunately, these moments are far and few, making them unable to save the anime as a whole. While I wouldn't say the viewing experience is as shockingly low as a 1 or 2, my final verdict is that the anime is remarkably underwhelming.
4 - This score is an oddball since I save it for a very specific case. This is an anime that had an interesting premise/concept but was ruined by poor storytelling or adaption. Typically, the first act/arc of the season will resemble eye candy. You might even feel like you found a hidden gem... asking yourself why this show is not more popular. However, as you progress through the show you just become more and more disappointed. The killing blow is when significantly displeasing aspects start to pop up; including, but not limited to, the story veering way off its starting foundation, the plot or characters becoming unbearable, and the anime's adaptation quality dropping.
5 - Simply put, this is completely average or boring. These anime often play it too safe by relying on overused tropes, barely fleshed-out concepts, or other subpar foundation elements. The result is that it barely meets my standards for what makes a satisfactory experience, let alone provide anything worth sharing or discussing. Chances are you'll forget most of what you watched in a couple of days since it wasn't that memorable to begin with.
6 - Slightly better than average, but still inferior to good shows. They tend to be enjoyable if you're bored or watching it in bursts rather than bingeing it all at once. What makes this show stand out from a 5 is that they have the potential to become better. Depending on the genres/themes of the anime, I might be willing to watch the sequel to see if it gets better. However, you should expect to invest more energy and effort before the anime begins rewarding you.
7 - A good anime that had a lot of wasted potential. While my experience was still positive, I can't help but think about what could have been if some of the glaringly bad aspects were addressed or changed. These aspects make up most of my criticism of the show and can consist of, but are not limited to, rushed build-ups, poor execution, inadequate development arcs, sloppy writing, and a disappointing adaptation.
8 - A great anime that is missing just a few pieces from the puzzle. Like a score of 7, I think this anime didn't quite reach its full potential. However, unlike a 7, its worst criticisms and characteristics don't severely impact your viewing experience. Rather, you can still appreciate what was given and walk away feeling like you watched something worthwhile.
9 - An amazing show that left me feeling completely satisfied at the end. While it may not be perfect, I think most of its criticisms are easily trumped by the wonderful elements it has to offer. An anime like this often serves as a baseline for what heights other anime (especially one with similar genres/themes) should strive to achieve. If you ever find yourself running out of good things to watch, be sure to give this a shot.
10 - An outstanding anime that goes above and beyond to produce a first-rate experience. Not only has this anime left me feeling completely satisfied, but it now permanently occupies a space in my memories for the rest of my life. This is because they possess wonderful experiences that cannot be matched in any other show or movie. Oftentimes they left me with feelings of fulfillment, inspiration, or reverence that directly impacted my outlook on life. If you haven't watched this anime yet, please make it a high priority to do so as soon as possible.
The following list judges each series as a whole.
It's important to note that an anime must have at least one season/movie ranked as a 10 to qualify.
However, the ordering of the list focuses on my personal preference rather than the above rating system. Shows displayed in the Favorites section are simply in a league of their own as they're exceptional in every way.
Your Lie in April
My Teen Romantic Comedy
Bocchi the Rock!
Kaguya-sama: Love is War
Komi Can't Communicate
Rascal Does Not Dream
Hi Score Girl
Classroom of the Elite
Oshi no Ko
Violet Evergarden
SPY x Family
Sounds of Life
Jujutsu Kaisen
Characters displayed in the Favorites section are simply in a league above the rest. Note: This list has no particular ranking.
Characters displayed in the Favorites section are simply in a league above the rest. Note: This list has no particular ranking.
It's so kind of you to write me! I really wasn't expecting anyone I tagged to write back, so thank you~
I definitely agree that I'm getting more comfortable with rating and more properly appreciating shows and learning more about what I like in the process. I really do feel that using the whole number scale has helped me realize that not everything can be a 10, and that's such a good thing, you know? I'm really enjoying thinking more critically when I watch, and it has definitely increased my enjoyment, like you said.
I'm really flattered that you think I should try and write a review! Maybe I'll go for it once the Winter season is ending... maybe~
And you are so welcome! I genuinely did mean it when I said that you had a huge influence on breaking me out of my rating shell, and I'll always be grateful for that.
P.S. There's so much I could say about how your rating system impacted me, but I would say the biggest way would be:
The idea of not giving into the hype... especially because that was how I used to rate. It sounds silly now, but I used to give things a higher score if they were a "hyped-up" anime, even if I didn't really feel that way about them; simply because there was so much hype around them. When I took that to heart, I honestly felt a lot more free, and it really helped me start searching my own, actual feelings, for how I felt about something. There are a lot of shows I used to rate highly because I thought I "had to", so many 10s I gave because I thought going any lower than that would be "disrespectful to the anime" lol.
So I really appreciated how you don't do that with your rating system, and actively avoid following hype!
For example, I really agreed with your review on Spy x Family Part 2, and after I read it, I realized that, while I enjoyed it, it really was "just okay" to me. And that I didn't have to rate it highly simply because it's "Spy x Family". Like, the idea that it's okay to think that it was just "okay", if that makes sense.
And more generally, of course, seeing how you actually use the whole scale of numbers when rating, made me realize I could do it, too!
Wait that meme is still active now, it's been years lol. First of all, I'll make this clear... Puck isn't my most fav character in the series, he got so less screen time anyways.
The thing with Puck is that people don't realize how important he is to Emilia's past and character as a whole. She wouldn't have survived or wouldve been stable at least, if she was by herself when she unfroze. Puck has been taking care of her since that long. It's not even mentioned in the anime but the reason Puck does her hair was so that she doesn't have to look in the mirror and remember the Elior forest incident( the trail was when she first saw her grown self).
The most common reason for people to hate him I think, is because he ended their contract with her so abruptly without explaining anything (in s2). He wanted her to remember the past that she was so scared of, that she had hidden in herself.. That was what the situation demanded and he put faith in Subaru that he'd handle Emilia.
It hasn't been told yet why Puck was contract with Emilia but ig, we'll get to know about him more in the later seasons/volumes ( that is, if Teppei doesn't forget him lmao)
Read your review of Raven Palace. I am somewhat in awe of your writing skills. You put my feelings about the story into clear descriptions and observations. Also, you like apple pie so that's another win.
Great review on vermeil , I started watching on 2x speed since episode 9 hence my review is a bit weaker, thank you for catching the real essence of the lacking nature of vermeil , what a letdown amirite? wanted me an arara fanservice for once :"D.
All Comments (8) Comments
I definitely agree that I'm getting more comfortable with rating and more properly appreciating shows and learning more about what I like in the process. I really do feel that using the whole number scale has helped me realize that not everything can be a 10, and that's such a good thing, you know? I'm really enjoying thinking more critically when I watch, and it has definitely increased my enjoyment, like you said.
I'm really flattered that you think I should try and write a review! Maybe I'll go for it once the Winter season is ending... maybe~
And you are so welcome! I genuinely did mean it when I said that you had a huge influence on breaking me out of my rating shell, and I'll always be grateful for that.
P.S. There's so much I could say about how your rating system impacted me, but I would say the biggest way would be:
The idea of not giving into the hype... especially because that was how I used to rate. It sounds silly now, but I used to give things a higher score if they were a "hyped-up" anime, even if I didn't really feel that way about them; simply because there was so much hype around them. When I took that to heart, I honestly felt a lot more free, and it really helped me start searching my own, actual feelings, for how I felt about something. There are a lot of shows I used to rate highly because I thought I "had to", so many 10s I gave because I thought going any lower than that would be "disrespectful to the anime" lol.
So I really appreciated how you don't do that with your rating system, and actively avoid following hype!
For example, I really agreed with your review on Spy x Family Part 2, and after I read it, I realized that, while I enjoyed it, it really was "just okay" to me. And that I didn't have to rate it highly simply because it's "Spy x Family". Like, the idea that it's okay to think that it was just "okay", if that makes sense.
And more generally, of course, seeing how you actually use the whole scale of numbers when rating, made me realize I could do it, too!
Wait that meme is still active now, it's been years lol. First of all, I'll make this clear... Puck isn't my most fav character in the series, he got so less screen time anyways.
The thing with Puck is that people don't realize how important he is to Emilia's past and character as a whole. She wouldn't have survived or wouldve been stable at least, if she was by herself when she unfroze. Puck has been taking care of her since that long. It's not even mentioned in the anime but the reason Puck does her hair was so that she doesn't have to look in the mirror and remember the Elior forest incident( the trail was when she first saw her grown self).
The most common reason for people to hate him I think, is because he ended their contract with her so abruptly without explaining anything (in s2). He wanted her to remember the past that she was so scared of, that she had hidden in herself.. That was what the situation demanded and he put faith in Subaru that he'd handle Emilia.
It hasn't been told yet why Puck was contract with Emilia but ig, we'll get to know about him more in the later seasons/volumes ( that is, if Teppei doesn't forget him lmao)