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Super Dragon Ball Heroes
Super Dragon Ball Heroes
Nov 25, 2024 6:13 PM
Watching 13/56 · Scored 7
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken: Coleus no Yume
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken: Coleus no Yume
Nov 25, 2024 6:03 PM
Completed 3/3 · Scored 7
Tensura Nikki: Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
Tensura Nikki: Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
Nov 25, 2024 6:01 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 4
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Solo Leveling Side Story
Solo Leveling Side Story
Nov 25, 2024 4:51 PM
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Solo Leveling
Solo Leveling
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Nov 17, 2022 6:37 PM
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Diangelo18 Feb 12, 2020 2:54 PM
Nasuversepro Dec 4, 2017 10:38 PM
I'll be on vacations after the 15th btw. Let's catch, preferably, some time then.
Nasuversepro Apr 5, 2016 4:26 AM
I'd need to download it again xD Which I want to, don't get me wrong!

Also, I'm getting married by the end of August :3
angel792 Feb 18, 2016 6:55 AM
wow.. congratulations on marriage and becoming a parent :) yeah, life must surely be keeping you on your toes.. :) i graduated from college last year and will be starting my new job soon :) life will soon become super busy for me as well.. ;)
angel792 Jan 21, 2016 2:29 AM
yes, it feels good to be back :) but I guess I'll be a little irregular too...although I might drop in from time to time :) so, um, how's life going for you? :)
angel792 Aug 14, 2015 8:51 AM me? i'm back on MAL ....gosh..feels like i was here centuries ago!! how are you? how's life going now?
Nasuversepro Aug 7, 2014 10:53 PM
You alive?

I am!
LuckyAlix Jun 21, 2014 6:49 AM
Καλησπέρα Apollona!

Δεν έχουμε γνωριστεί αλλά να που ήρθε κι αυτή η ευκαιρία. Είμαι μια εκ των Admins του «The Greekz Club» εδώ στο MAL.
Όπως παρατήρησα είσαι κι εσύ μέλος της συγκεκριμένης ομάδας αν και, δυστυχώς, όχι και τόσο active. Προσπαθούμε να ανανεώσουμε και να ενθαρρύνουμε τα μέλη να εμπλακούν στις συζητήσεις, τα polls και ό,τι άλλο νέο δημιουργείται στην ομάδα μας.
Θα το εκτιμούσα βαθύτατα αν έκανες αισθητή την παρουσία σου στο club για να μπορέσουμε να ανταλλάξουμε απόψεις και να συγκρίνουμε τις γνώμες μας ώστε να υπάρχει μια ενδιαφέρουσα επαφή μεταξύ των μελών. :-)

Με εκτίμηση,
Lyfa Jun 20, 2013 12:38 PM

Hi, would you like to join us?^^
Lordofthedeath Nov 18, 2012 3:33 AM
Hey u are back, i mean u were on list, but u are not away, or maybe i should add u, idk what to do now, but u were on list in past 100%, now maybe i should add u again...

Idk but maybe when i started to rate anime ^^
Lordofthedeath Sep 22, 2012 3:52 PM
Add to lst post:
Aftet i wrote that post i went to watch this animie andsee what i saw... Maybe i shouldnt say this, but i just cant believe that everything every time is coincidence...
Watch till 8 min at least...
That dragon is like thos world, ofc u know whos me and whos you and whos savva, it cant be coincidence... :D
Lordofthedeath Sep 22, 2012 3:38 PM
Meh i didnt make myself clear once again... QQ
Will i be able to do it... QQ

Bro first about sav what i said is truth, cause i know how he reacted to me, and that was via comp, then hes still same irl... I mean shouldnt it be harder via comp than irl???

About you its the truth, u live for tomorrow and future scared for things that may come tomorrow may not, not bad thing, i mean if you calculate it for will to find better rute its ok, but if you are afraid... Like first song said, when someone die, then you should realize that life is Beautiful, or if you are lucky before it... What if theres no tomorrow, what if me you sav or w/e is going to die tonight, what then?? We wont be able even to cry, and we will regret things we done or didnt... Bro open your eyes and see that life is beautiful, and swear in my life that i wont be sad if smt happens for you??? I swear in my life that i would be, can u swear in MY life that i wouldnt be sad??? I know how u will, cause no mather we say i know that i do know cause 99% similar thing happened to me... And some more things u will yet experience... How it affect others??? My advice helped 99% of people, and u can ask them if u dont believe... Girl who was tied to guy, and he was :S broke up with him, and i helped her to do it, and shes happy now,shes not betrayed by him anymore, other firiend was drunk almost 24/7, and i made him stop, and his happy, and more other things, why only u cant believe in me?????

About my dream and that, i just said my big secret to you, and i see u dont believe 1 a bit, but you dont have, i iwll never mention anything like this thats not problem... ^^
But i know that we need to help and love and believe, and thats not part of any powers its just power of emotions, and hatred is thing to be hated, and we shouldnt use it, cause cause of it we are weak...

Give me that example, guess its some anime guy or smt from movie, or similar??? If thats the case, i have 1 more thing to add, i done most of helps before i watched anime, and after that ofc, and ofc my idols are guys who help others, cause idk if u felt it, but when i help someone its like, i cant describe it, its awesome, and to see smile of that person... Its smt special, what price you would want??? We cant just think about us in this world, cause if we do it like most of people do, then why we live, it will happen again and again, nothing will change... And yea our children is special gift that make us still be alive, thy carry us and our predecessors, and we should care for them and for their world, for their life... Isnt that what your mom done for you??? She gave you love gave you home gave u life, and what about those kids that they are poor, that dont have what to eat, with no friends with no home with no future, with no life?????? What about them, they should just die??? Is that the case??? Everything is connected, and we should make flow of this world to go like it should go... I just ask for you to read messages by me and understand it fully... I read your message 4 times, to be sure 100%, how much time did u read mine? How much u heard that 2 songs i gave u???

I will said 1 more thing i dont want to give u my advice, and i gave you my arguments... Tell me your arguments, thats what i need for all this time, why why are u riht and im wrong???? U need to explain it not just say... Its like sociology and philosophy... Everyone is free to tell their kind of view but they must give arguments for it, and then they must think closely about it for some time, and then accept it or reject, and say what is the thing thats problem... Thats all... I just want to say sorry if i offended u somehow, but believe everything i said is for your own good, i dont want to hurt u wth it or smt, its just advice, and i hate if people make by force, like if you dont do it like that i wont be your friend, i will punch you, cause thats the last resort and we all should use only when life is in danger like i will go to avganistan with bazooka to kill people.. Just an example... For other things there are arguments, and nothing more nothing less... I hope i made myself clear... ^^
Lordofthedeath Sep 22, 2012 7:31 AM
Wow what a topic we have, its better to have fun but w/e... Brw i need to said this, everything i sad and what im going to say is my advice, so u are the 1 who will chose the right choice, u just use not only head use your soul 2... ^^

Firs of all didnt i always ask and hear u when u were feeling bad??? I always said whats problem, cause i can sense it... I said it when i said that i had fight with parents, and friends are just pretending, thats not problem, k then... It was joke but in every joke there is a bit of truth truth... Never said i envy u for friends, or maybe idk i did, but nah i dont think, i love all my friends w/e they are, even if i was hurted by them sooooo many times... LOL y and i slack off... I know that u work hard im not blind... About that when i say things with ~ i mean it in anime way, and wen i change topic that means its nothing serious... =.="

Let dreams aside i mean i did sometimes but not all times... Its like 50/50 and it was in begin, and begin was almost 2 y ago... That big period u know... K let it be, but im not blind and see how things goes, and we all cant be sure whats reality whats not... I mean do you believe in aliens?? There is profs that they exist and still some people dont believe... I even saw NLO and i for real many time was right about future i mean MANY time, and how can u say me not to believe in what i saw and experienced??? But w/e i wont speak about anything except anime and movies etc where u for sure can find smt like that...
I can agree with that 1...
Idk what i didnt want to say to you... I have book and it said the truth, nah u are not twisted nor i am, we just think that we are...
Thats righ...
Yep i did cause i saw u 70% like that...

Like i was some years ago, but can i ask u, what will u obtain when u are afraid, isnt afraid feeling that need to make u go on, idk it was for me, and for toons of people, why u dont use that emotion as strength???

That song is pessimistic song though... And Savva is important, cause we are not the only 1 who should need help, and ask for help, in the same time we should help each others + to other people... Savv is no exception hes still our friend... Did u ask yourself why hes doing it??I know that he can feel when someones down, he did that for me, and i felt it... Hes listening for everything, and he sometimes ignores smt cause he thinks that you are strong and believe in you, and feel like he would make it worse, so cause of that he do it... I dont have time to worry cause i will just lose time, im just a bit more on my guard, and ofc i have some friends and they make fun of me, but im doing same, and i know they wont betray me, but most of others are to be a bit dangerous... Maybe thats my problem cause i say my secrets, but oh well im proud of me so i dont have to hide it, cause im that i wont put my mask, i want my friends to see me like i am, if thats problem then what to do i just dont want to lie... And maybe because i say everything and open my soul to others, maybe thats why i have some kind of ability to sense more, and thats why people tell me their secrets, because they believe in me, i want u to be believe in me!!! And i care for every secret, cause i feel like stronger or idk how when someone believe in me, and tell me smt they hide, cause thats how maybe if i do some things i will make them fix their bad things, and for payback fix mine, and of they will help me in that... Btw i believed in everything u said for me, and i will believe, thats the way i am... ^_^

Y u are afraid, but what will that do good for u??? U must accept pain, but still u must accept others and their feelings, i know how it is when u are alone, but i know that everything that happens happens with reason, when u go out of this period u will be stronger and u will be able to make others go out of it, cause we must help each others, even if some of us, example me, done it alone, but i made it, im alive, im stronger i will make others stronger, cause i believe if we cooperate we will make wat to utopia to true peace, peace should be our true goal, cause in peace everyone will be equal and we all will be able to have fun, like god or wtf made us to do, to be on the top of the earth chain to care to each others and others beings, cause we are made for it, not fir the feeling we made, and its name is HATRED!!! There is 1 book, and i learn from my experience that as u think, that kind of life u will have, if u believe in smt u will have it, maybe not on the way u want, but on the other way u will, example i will maybe never have my dream as i want, but i will make it as best as it could be no mather what happens to me, even i i fall down with great wounds and greatest pain from w/e way, i will stand up i will fight for better future, and maybe people wil remeber me or not, but i dont care, i will make them happy and make them realize that they need to help each others, i mean i will try, and im not afraid of it... I know i said smt really rude and im really sory, that was my weaknes for 1 sec going out, and thats the feeling i said hatred, or how i cal hatred in me, Alucard... But im really sorry for the thing i said, some of them were rude, some of them were like i force u to do smt, and believe i never forced u, and i wont, i just said my opinion and advice its all up to you if you will accept or reject it... Believe in savva and make him believe in you, and pls believe in me, cause i know what you are going trough i was once like that, but thats part of lession in this life and when we menage to defeat that, we will evolve, and become stronger... Thats why i believe, cause thats what happened to me... Everyone do want that, Kohaku is like you are now, and sakura is the same, u should love them, believe in them, but they are the 1 u cant help, cause they are in other dimensions but at least believe in them... Btw it will maybe be weird but i believe that they are all alive, in some dimensions and time, and they live their life...

What i feel, i felt all kind of things, from nothing to pain, love and others feelings, but right now i feel love and will to help others to become stronger, to save as much people i can, to have fun, to have people that believe in me and i believe in them, but to do it in 100% relaxed way, not being on guard, and make it able for them to do the same... ^^
Y i need your help, i need you to believe in me, to have fin with me, to be my friend, thats all i want and need from you rigt now, and i hope i dont aks much, and if i do then i will do what you want me to do, to be able to believe in me, at least i will try to do it... Cause im still human, and i cant make mountain move, but at least i can share my feelings and accept yours and others... ^^
I I must agree, but i was in about 70-80%, but im not afraid from some time, and when u came back again and i started to show u more of me i though u are afraid, and that u will dissapear once again, so i wanted to do it in slow way, but i feel now is a right time, to show u what i am and what i really want and need and what im trying to do, cause thats me, and i cant change it, i can only show u myself without mask, cause that way i wont lie u and if someone tell u the truth i think thats for respect, even if thats bad, even then it should been respected...

Y about fear again... U said to prepare for tomorrow?? And what if there is no tomorow, what if today was your your last day??? U didnt see how life is beautifull till your mom died, and 1 more example that even if you dont believe there is smt that have like some kind of power, or luck or w/e cant describe it... When i read this text, about 1 min after that friend sent me 1 song...

This are 2 songs that explains yours and mine current state, and connection ...

In this 1 video is not important, but listen the words and listen it more time if u need...

This is the 1 friend gave me, and in this 1 even video is important...

To say it once again. Please im so sorry for bad things i said to you in last replay, but u must accept the truth and try to change it, and believe, love, fight hatred and help others. Please my friend believe in me and dont think of this like some kind of insult, cause i really really really love u and wants to make u feel like u are important, cause u are and please live for love, and love to live.
Lordofthedeath Sep 15, 2012 12:42 PM
Lol its enough, for everyone i reeally cant get inough of this... You do the same ignore me make pranks on me do w/e you want on me and what thats fair, i believed you are different than others, but every time you have some problem you just leave no words no asking about me, and what im bad guy??? My life is full of bad things, i help everyone you even can ask them but when i need help, of no way... im ignored 1 stabbed in my fucking backs for toons of time and you want to tell me something... You even have sav, who protect you every time even when he knows that you are wrong, but even when you was 100% ok he could never bring himself to tell it to you, and hes still baka, the 1 who dont know how to play games and suck... Your main problem do you know what is that????????? Now i will tell you the truth even if you negate it i DONT EVEN CARE!!! You are afraid to accept truth every time you have problem you go in your dark room and play pessimistic songs, like i cant go on, and suck, you act like idk who ji-ji maybe... Im sick of it, face the truth boy in this world you have 1 est friend and for me even the 1 i called besti friends or even call them now are all false and i know it, i dont have anyone i can tell my secrets and to stay safe, or they call me cray ans such... I mean when i even when i had to study and saw you on comp i didnt study i stayed here and played with you, and did such things, every singe time, till the maximum, and you want to say smt to me... If you want to "make me see your feelings" learn a bit more about my words and you will see everything...
Lordofthedeath Aug 28, 2012 4:07 PM
Wow new favorite list... This is really not like old you... o.O
U sure u are back???????????
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