Are you excited for 2017 Shokugeki no Souma Season 2?
Hello, and Thanks for Reading Anime Guild's Fifth Newsletter!
The Anime Guild is currently trying to rebuff it's Art Department.
We are currently looking to add new Graphical Art Officers. If your interested, check out this link.
We are also currently hosting a Graphical Art Competition that is being run by Forgotten Memo.
Also don't forget that Memo will also be hosting a White Day Competition in March as well.
Our next order of business is the revival of our Review Section.
We at the Anime Guild want to build a reviewers community.
With all the currently airing season activities we have.
This can be the perfect platform for reviewers to want and be apart of this community.
This is also being hosted by known MAL reviewer HaXXspetten.
Our new Power Rankings Committee system seems to really be hitting off.
If you are a currently airing season watcher. You shouldn't be missing out on the fun.
Our Spring 2016 Season Sign-Ups have been made. I hope to see many of you participate =).
Lastly we'd like to mention that we do have a Thread Directory
This you might want to bookmark as it features all of our recurring threads that are not sticked.
From a bunch of Psychology Quizzes, to several unique forum games, and funny threads like picking what anime opening would be your theme song.
We have tons of smaller threads that peak a wide variety of interests.
~Thanks for reading and have a nice day~
☆A.G. Staff☆
Happy New Years everyone! I hope you had a great year! If not oh well I don't care. Anyway, as you can see, this newsletter is from Chibis!! I'm trying to make this club active again. I've started by giving the club a new look, and I'm editing all the threads to make them look nicer. The first semester of school is always the busiest, so I'm going to make time so I can help my club. I hope you guys can help this club become active again too! That will be much appreciated (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
Enough of that, now onto more important matters. Most of our staff is busy and yeah yeah yeah we need your help, blah blah blah ╮(─▽─)╭. I'm sure you heard this a million times from other clubs, but seriously, only like four of us is active. You can sign up hereif you are interested. No pressure. For some quick access to some of the staff links, here are some: Staff Chat Card Information Delivery Thread Staff Badges Since this club is one of those generic card clubs, then obviously, there are some (well, actually only one edition is open) editions open! Right now theHappy New Years 2015 holiday editionis open. There will be more editions to come, so keep your eyes open! (╯⊙ ⊱⊙╰ ) If you want to suggest some ideas for card editions (or some other things like events) then you can speak uphere. Speaking of events, I am going to experiment on some things ヾ(。・ω・)シ. I'm thinking of creating something like money and you have to buy things, with some special events, or like a festival of some sort. I'm also going to reopen the Chibi of the Month thread. I'm going to create a birthday thread too.
Thank you for reading. I know this newsletter is pretty long, but the spoiler button was not cooperating with me. I ask for your understanding ≦(._.)≧. To get the monthly newsletter, sign uphere.
Yo! On behalf of Anime Guild, I would like to wish you an early happy holidays :)
Always smile whenever I come across another Anohana fan n_n. Anyways, seeing that you like Shokugeki no Souma as well, feel free to get a complimentary Souma card from us! Also, if you'd like to test out your knowledge of the anime that aired in 2015, we have a trivia challenge waiting for you.
[spoiler] Hello, and Thanks for Reading Anime Guild's Fourth Newsletter!
We at the Anime Guild have brought back the topic of the week, but now you have the chance to pick what topic will talk about every month in our voting thread that is ongoing right now. Have fun participating ^.^
Did you enjoy Shokugeki no Souma? We surely did with Souma winning both the Anime and Character of the Season Polls. What that also means is our Seasonal Card Edition is out for all your Souma needs.
Something unique to the Anime Guild has been our Power Rankings Committee. We have done some retooling recently to make the feature more accommodating for more of our members to participate. There are now two different classes (Casual Class- 5 show voting and Titan Class- 10 show voting). If you are interesting in participating in the 2016 Winter Season please sign-up here
Then for the main event of the year, is the inaugural 2015 Anime Trivia Challenge. Where you can test your knowledge of what happened in this year of anime. Will you be the one with the biggest Anime IQ? Will you be our Champion? Thread link is right here
Greetings from your friends over at the Anime Guild!
AnoHana made my cry so much , it was sooo good!
[spoiler] Hello, and Thanks for Reading Anime Guild's Third Newsletter!
After 11 months of existence we have finally started to get into the card game thanks to Sakamoto. Here is a link to her first edition. Our next edition will be our one year anniversary that will be coming out sometime after September 6th.
Speaking of Artsy things. We at the Anime Guild is currently looking to expand our Art Department. If you are interested then please follow the steps in this thread.
Our last bit of news is that were starting to get into the later rounds of the 2nd Seasonal Openings Competition. The link to the bracket is [i][b]Here.[/i][/b] One match up is posted daily so make sure you don’t miss anything -.^. Our first Ending Competition will be started shortly after.
[i]~Thanks for reading and have a nice day~
☆A.G. Staff☆
All Comments (6) Comments
just kidding u
because you were not in the online about two days
Hello, and Thanks for Reading Anime Guild's Fifth Newsletter!
~Thanks for reading and have a nice day~
☆A.G. Staff☆
Happy New Years everyone! I hope you had a great year! If not oh well I don't care. Anyway, as you can see, this newsletter is from Chibis!! I'm trying to make this club active again. I've started by giving the club a new look, and I'm editing all the threads to make them look nicer. The first semester of school is always the busiest, so I'm going to make time so I can help my club. I hope you guys can help this club become active again too! That will be much appreciated (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
Enough of that, now onto more important matters. Most of our staff is busy and yeah yeah yeah we need your help, blah blah blah ╮(─▽─)╭. I'm sure you heard this a million times from other clubs, but seriously, only like four of us is active. You can sign up here if you are interested. No pressure. For some quick access to some of the staff links, here are some:
Staff Chat
Card Information
Delivery Thread
Staff Badges
Since this club is one of those generic card clubs, then obviously, there are some (well, actually only one edition is open) editions open! Right now the Happy New Years 2015 holiday edition is open. There will be more editions to come, so keep your eyes open! (╯⊙ ⊱⊙╰ ) If you want to suggest some ideas for card editions (or some other things like events) then you can speak up here.
Speaking of events, I am going to experiment on some things ヾ(。・ω・)シ. I'm thinking of creating something like money and you have to buy things, with some special events, or like a festival of some sort. I'm also going to reopen the Chibi of the Month thread. I'm going to create a birthday thread too.
Thank you for reading. I know this newsletter is pretty long, but the spoiler button was not cooperating with me. I ask for your understanding ≦(._.)≧. To get the monthly newsletter, sign up here.
Always smile whenever I come across another Anohana fan n_n. Anyways, seeing that you like Shokugeki no Souma as well, feel free to get a complimentary Souma card from us! Also, if you'd like to test out your knowledge of the anime that aired in 2015, we have a trivia challenge waiting for you.
Hello, and Thanks for Reading Anime Guild's Fourth Newsletter!
We at the Anime Guild have brought back the topic of the week, but now you have the chance to pick what topic will talk about every month in our voting thread that is ongoing right now. Have fun participating ^.^
Did you enjoy Shokugeki no Souma? We surely did with Souma winning both the Anime and Character of the Season Polls. What that also means is our Seasonal Card Edition is out for all your Souma needs.
Something unique to the Anime Guild has been our Power Rankings Committee. We have done some retooling recently to make the feature more accommodating for more of our members to participate. There are now two different classes (Casual Class- 5 show voting and Titan Class- 10 show voting). If you are interesting in participating in the 2016 Winter Season please sign-up here
Then for the main event of the year, is the inaugural 2015 Anime Trivia Challenge. Where you can test your knowledge of what happened in this year of anime. Will you be the one with the biggest Anime IQ? Will you be our Champion? Thread link is right here
Our Head Admin is a big dork for personality tests and personality psychology and at the Anime Guild we have several threads dedicated to personality tests like Myers Briggs 16 Personalities, Enneagram Personality Test, and What is YOUR Business Cultural Profile?. So please share your results and entertain our head admin (what a loser right?).
[i]~Thanks for reading and have a nice day~
☆A.G. Staff☆
AnoHana made my cry so much , it was sooo good!
Hello, and Thanks for Reading Anime Guild's Third Newsletter!
After 11 months of existence we have finally started to get into the card game thanks to Sakamoto. Here is a link to her first edition. Our next edition will be our one year anniversary that will be coming out sometime after September 6th.
Speaking of Artsy things. We at the Anime Guild is currently looking to expand our Art Department. If you are interested then please follow the steps in this thread.
We finally have started to hold events for our steam group as seen here So if your interested please make sure you join our Steam group.
Our last bit of news is that were starting to get into the later rounds of the 2nd Seasonal Openings Competition. The link to the bracket is [i][b]Here.[/i][/b] One match up is posted daily so make sure you don’t miss anything -.^. Our first Ending Competition will be started shortly after.
[i]~Thanks for reading and have a nice day~
☆A.G. Staff☆