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getchu May 30, 2020 7:32 PM
lol i guess that reason is all right to you
getchu May 14, 2020 2:53 AM
bro, you know there are ratings below 5 right?
PopUpKid Dec 9, 2019 11:01 PM
yeah, it's kinda similar to my life too. sometimes people those who leave us, never wanted to be with us truly :/
PopUpKid Dec 9, 2019 10:53 PM
I see it's not depressing just shocking ending. yeah, I felt happy for Sekai too. school days is a so real anime I mean its kinda close to the real-life.

sure I will play the VN and thank you for replying
PopUpKid Oct 25, 2019 7:52 PM
did school days gave you depression?
hirodake Sep 3, 2018 4:04 AM
Just saw it! Yours is great! It's always like that with me as well. It's hard for me to get satisfied with something I made haha, that's the reason why we must keep trying.
hirodake Aug 31, 2018 7:13 PM
Oh, wow. Thank you very much, this means a lot to me. I'm glad you like my banners :) Shigatsu is indeed a wonderful anime, one of the best I might say. It wasn't on my plans making other banners, but this isn't a problem either. I'll probably make some, now that you spoke of. I'll let you know when I do.
Thx again :))
YoungChigga Aug 15, 2018 8:28 PM
wanna b friends?
MrRubberDuck Apr 3, 2017 9:55 PM
Oops I thought I responded days ago. Anyhow, yeah every one of the fairy tail characters have tragic backstories that you can interpret various ways. In the end though whenever there is a major battle and they are about to lose, they win through the power of friendship is all I'm saying. 😂

Bakemonogatari is kind of ridiculous for the sake of being ridiculous sometimes so I can see why you couldn't get into it easily. It is pretty fun though.

An anime you should definitely watch is JOJO!!!! That is the best manliest man anime ever!
MrRubberDuck Mar 29, 2017 4:43 PM
The problem with that though is sometimes you just overanalyze something and pull a meaning out of your ass that was never really intended by the author. But yeah, I get what you mean. Some anime are just bad though and don't really have much to think about. For instance, there isn't any deep meaning behind highschool of the dead, it's purely an action thriller with tits. I'd give you a medal if you found any morals in that haha.

But yeah, I do see what you mean. Im kind of the same, however I haven't always tried understanding an anime, so some anime that could be good may be rated lowly for me. Fairy tail is just a big ol' friendship is magic/never give up/always fight through the pain kind of message from what I gather.

The characters in bakemonogatari are walking themes and morals! From my head, I'll try explaining a few.

The overarching theme I think of bakemonogatari is that people can only save themselves. The whole series is pretty much araragi meeting people who have some quirks or issues that need solving, for example crab girl, monkey girl, snake girl, snail girl, cat girl etc etc. He tries to help others but soon realises that they don't need his help as later on they start to help themselves. That's a part of it I think...

As for the morals for the characters I mentioned:
Crab girl = be true to yourself and accept reality
Cat girl = Have the courage to say what you feel
Snake girl = You can't please everyone
Monkey girl = Jealousy can soon turn into hatred, which can soon turn you evil. Or something.
Snail girl= Be honest. Lying can just dig the hole deeper.

A bit pretentious but it's been a while
MrRubberDuck Mar 25, 2017 6:23 PM
Yeah I try to rate mostly on enjoyment because really, that's what I watch anime for. But I still try to be critical when watching too, but I'm not the type of guy to write an essay on every single anime I watch like some people on here.

Yeah I always try to look for deeper meaning in the stuff I watch. But sometimes, they don't really have one which is when I give shows a bad rating. Nice school days AMV btw.
MrRubberDuck Mar 24, 2017 1:46 PM
I think a lot of people hated school days because the main dude was so unlikable, and to a lot of people unlikable MC = bad anime. Which is kind of silly really. And yeah I can definitely see what you mean with the romance because unlike other romance anime, it doesn't tease you for 20 episodes and leave you with a kiss on the cheek at the end. Instead, it leaves you with a boat scene and a gory blood bath of melodrama and shows the consequences of manipulating and cheating others. Which I can respect.

"What else she could do". Well, she probably just couldn't have killed him and just go on with her life to be fair. But I guess the point of the show was to show how being unfaithful can affect the psyche of the people being cheated on, and how it can make them go absolutely bat shit crazy.

Yeah I would have to agree. The anime is very unique for romance anime because it actually has more than just holding hands. Honestly, I would need to rewatch it again with a different mindset instead of thinking "why would he do that, why would she do this, that's literally the dumbest thing you could've done" etc etc. Because I think it's about the morals of unfaithful and how it can have consequences instead of the characters being "good" by normal standards.

MrRubberDuck Mar 23, 2017 9:55 PM
Holy fk the last comment was massive. Sorry, take your time with it haha.
MrRubberDuck Mar 23, 2017 9:54 PM
I'm not interested in incest anime per say, like I wouldn't go out of my way to just watch incest for the sake of it. I look for romance and some psychological elements in shows with taboo themes like that. That's what made koi kaze so enthralling to me. I have some friends who have loved ore no imouto but I always just brush it off as another kissxsis kind of thing. If you can vouch for it though then I'll try it!

Serial experiments lain and aoi bungaku have been on my radar before but I never got around to them. Thanks for bringing them up because I love anime like that where there are dark and psychological themes to them! They're a priority for sure now.

As for school days, I've seen it but it isn't on my list. I see that it's listed as one of your favourites, which I can respect, but I don't hold it in such a high regard.

I don't remember the names so I'm going to just make up names kind of. From my memory, it was about a penis cheating on vagina A for vagina B. Vagina A finds out and gets depressed and more attached because she is in love with penis. Penis continues to screw Vagina B while dating Vagina A because he is a dick. Then Vagina A's friend (Vagina C) tries to stop penis from cheating on vagina A by having sex with penis. Then penis has a threesome with vagina D, E and F whom are just slut bags and just shows how much of a dick penis is. Vagina G then has sex with penis because reasons. Vagina A forgives penis for cheating on her for Vagina B, and they continue dating. Vagina B however now feels like penis is cheating on her for Vagina A, and gets jealous. Penis likes Vaginas so he is just going with the flow with no regard to morals or just respect in general. Vagina B gets Prego I believe, so she's like "what up I'm his main bitch and you can't do shit about it Vagina A". Then vagina B eventually kills penis, and Vagina A kills Vagina B.

That tangent was more for me than for you haha, I had fun trying to recall the show. I think I got the gist of it since it's been like 3 years since I saw it. Anyway, I found it entertaining for sure but I just don't like seeing characters acting so illogical to the point where they all end up having sex with this one ugly dude. I wish I got laid that much in highschool...

Tl;Dr I'm jealous of the guy because I didn't get laid in highschool. ;(

Anyway, why do you hold it in such high regard? I'm interested since not many people do!
MrRubberDuck Mar 22, 2017 7:23 PM
Oh true I didn't think about it that way. Most people have their own hobbies that they put days into. And yeah anime has definitely had an impact on me, and honestly, I think anime has increased my emotional intelligence by quite a bit.

I've been finding it hard to find a series I can just binge watch lately. I binged an anime called koi kaze like 2 weeks ago and it was interesting because it is about the struggle of incestral love and the struggle between self-identity and societal expectations. It was pretty interesting because you could see him having this internal struggle where he knew it was wrong but he couldn't help it. Don't get me wrong, incest is fucked. But it was still a good watch.

Besides that I haven't binged watched a series in months! I need something new to just go at on a weekend or something. Any suggestions?
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