The pacing was something that I remember having a problem with when I read this part of the manga, between arcs, AOT switches from slow to fast pace too quickly I feel, it kinda throws the viewer off rhythm.
I haven't noticed much of a drop in animation quality personally, the CG Titan in ep 8 did stick out tho.
Other than that, ep 8 was actually well excuted, I found to be the best episode by far. That moment when Eren became old Historia's mirror reflection
Hope you like it, although the loli fanservice in some eps can get on people's nerves so a bit of a warning there, it doesn't happen too often but it is there.
Yeah, same here, I really don't like Kuzu no Honkai, most of the shit the characters do in that show doesn't make any sense, should've dropped it ages ago but here I am *sigh*
I still haven't been able to finish it since it originally started airing during the Winter season, I got caught up in a bunch of exams at that time but even now I'm really pushing myself to watch the rest.
Btw, just wanna let you know there's a typo in your location, you should probably fix that, unless it's intentional :P
Death parade is pretty good, but it kinda has that same problem as Angel beats where it makes you wish it was 24 eps, since it was an episodic show for the most part they could've fit more dead people's stories in those eps and tell more about the judges and their little world, that way the events that tie everything up toward the end wouldn't have felt so sudden either, but now that what's done is done a S2 or prequel would be nice like you said.
I found Another to be decent by the time I finished it, the show makes things too obvious at times but there are some good moments here and there. Can't say I'm a big fan of horror but I don't particularly dislike it either, I've watched a decent number of horror movies in the past but I rarely ever watch any nowadays.
Yeah, horror doesnt seem to be anime's strong point, there seem to be very few horror shows compared to other genres in anime, the best horror anime I've seen so far is Gakkougurashi, it has those "intense" moments that you get in horror movies and the characters are really likeable imo.
Other than that, I'm watching HOTD and Shinsekai Yori, this might sound funny but HOTD lives up to it's horror tag more than Shinsekai Yori.
I agree with that. Heard from the LN readers that they cut out a certain part between Eriri and Megumi which would become a great deal from both of them, so most likely there'll be no season 3.
Nervous as well, but I'm also sad that after this week, there will be no more Kotarou and Akane moments. :((
Had my change of curtains and went to the mall for a short trip around and finished Fukumenkei Noise, Grimoire of Zero, Sukasuka (FEELS) and binge-watched New Game. How about yours?
Haha ikr, I've only watched Bake and 1 ep of Nise but I've seen some weird shit in that series so far.
Yeah, I usually keep my anime at 2 or 3 at most(excluding seasonals) but recently I've started 4-5 anime at a time, and because of that I just end up completely ignoring some series while watching alot of eps for others (which again explains why I'm still at ep 1 of Nise)
I see you're watching 7 non-airing anime at a time, now that's just crazy for me. but while we're at it how are you finding Death Parade and Another?
Not a problem, my weekend was alright although tbh since I'm on summer vacation there's nothing that makes it any different to the other days xD
I was actually also planning to watch more of the Monogatari series myself, watched 1 episode of Nisemonogatari but then got caught up with other anime
My ptw has always been out of control and I doubt that's going to change, for every anime I finish there's like 4 that I add to ptw xD but yeah, as long as you enjoy what you're watching that's all what matters.
I know that feeling! Sometimes you can't help but start shows out of your PTW to try to maintain your list.
Hope you'll get better and that your physiotherapy will be successful. :) I liked the way they ended Saekano s2, but what caught the eyes of many fans was the train station part - Eriri goes straight for a kiss and... BAM! Utaha steals it! Haha, like that part. The scene where Megumi tried to touch Tomoya was great, too. Sometimes, we don't know how what to do to console our friends in problems they face so we just do nothing even if we want to do everything in our disposal to help them.
My day's fine! Watch episode 11 of Seikaisuru Kado and Tsuki ga Kirei and last episode of Hinako Note. ^^
Yeah, his actions were always foggy but then that plot twist came and everything fell into place.
Oh, what summer season anime will you be watching? so far I've decided on Kakegurui, Princess Principal, Koi to Uso, and Gamers but i might pick up a few more anime after like 2 episodes have come out and I heard good things about them.
I only watched a little bit of OP long ago but i found it to be alright for the most part. and yeah, the crazy amount of eps is really discourging, the pacing is really slow and there's a recap for like 5 minutes at the begining of every ep, that's how they've avoided making too many fillers so far.
Glad we're in the same boat! Want to share with my paddle here? :3
Oh, yeah! NGNL Zero, right? Excited to see the new characters and of course our Jibril! xD Having a different setting won't stop me from watching it.
Sameeee. It may look like I have, like, 10 PTWs on my list, the reality is that I'm just too lazy to put them all lol
Ah, the endless abyss of the Plan to Watch section... We need more time! :(( What I usually do is to watch some during the transition period between one season to another when few to none shows air their last episode, but I only manage to finish 1~3 series during this period. Beat 3 anime senseless and rest assured, 10 anime will replace the two and sign themselves up to the mentioned abyss. *sigh*
Despite my love/hate relationship with it now Naruto had some great moments back then, most of the antagonists had really moving backstories like Itachi, Pain, and Sasori for example.
Watched a little bit of DBZ and One Piece on TV a loong time ago, might actually watch them again someday but they're not a priority right now, other than those I've watched D. Gray man and Fairy Tail
D. Gray man had a tragic theme to it and was really good at the start but became kinda eh halfway through, and Fairy Tail did have a few good moments but it was really childish most of the time so I couldn't keep going
I was actually thinking of watching HxH or Bleach next, dunno when I'll get to them though.
Well, yeah, introducing the main villain hinted in the OP in the last episode and the wedding stuff up to the zombie-like people vs. Glenn&Sisti seemed rushed, but that wouldn't affect my overall opinion on the anime itself, but heard from the source material readers that they burned through 5 (I think) volumes of content. skipping and rushing through many details so I guess it's a bit unlikely for a season 2.
Tsugumomo for me was... quite good? It's just not my cup of tea.
What I like in Tsuki ga Kirei is that they don't drag the drama and the main characters - they had the guts to clear up the misunderstandings, resolve it and, bam! They already make up with each other. The other side characters have their screen time as well in the shorts post-episode. I like the Miu and Inaba shorts xD Miu savage as usual.
Hmm. summer anime... Was supposed to watch Owarimonogatari s2 but then I have to finished the others first so it's out of my list. Same goes to Fate/Apocrypha. Binging New Game! so that I can watch second season which will air in summer.
The ones I really look forward to are Tsurezure Children and Gamers!, which are both rom-coms, but I'll still watch, like, 13 other series to satisfy my seasonal hunger for anime. :3
What about you? Which summer anime are you looking forward to see once it airs?
Personally I find reading old manga chapters tires me out really fast but that's just me, my manga reading situation is pretty bad aswell, I have a few that I started reading months ago and never finished.
Ah, Naruto was actually my gateway to anime and I really loved it a few years ago, the one summer I found out I can watch it on the internet ended up in me rewatching Shippuden from scratch until I caught up with the newest episodes, then I rewatched the original Naruto and started getting into other anime that way.
Kinda makes it a sad story since now Shippuden is sitting in my dropped list because I got sick of the fillers and the war arc went downhill towards the end, lol
Thank you, yours isn't that far off mine either so same to you!
I have watched the teaser and it doesn't show much tbh, I think manga fans will always be excited regardless because of how well they've adapted it into anime so far.
Btw, do you plan to read the entire Naruto manga from the start?
All Comments (32) Comments
I haven't noticed much of a drop in animation quality personally, the CG Titan in ep 8 did stick out tho.
Other than that, ep 8 was actually well excuted, I found to be the best episode by far. That moment when Eren became old Historia's mirror reflection
Yeah, same here, I really don't like Kuzu no Honkai, most of the shit the characters do in that show doesn't make any sense, should've dropped it ages ago but here I am *sigh*
I still haven't been able to finish it since it originally started airing during the Winter season, I got caught up in a bunch of exams at that time but even now I'm really pushing myself to watch the rest.
Btw, just wanna let you know there's a typo in your location, you should probably fix that, unless it's intentional :P
I found Another to be decent by the time I finished it, the show makes things too obvious at times but there are some good moments here and there. Can't say I'm a big fan of horror but I don't particularly dislike it either, I've watched a decent number of horror movies in the past but I rarely ever watch any nowadays.
Yeah, horror doesnt seem to be anime's strong point, there seem to be very few horror shows compared to other genres in anime, the best horror anime I've seen so far is Gakkougurashi, it has those "intense" moments that you get in horror movies and the characters are really likeable imo.
Other than that, I'm watching HOTD and Shinsekai Yori, this might sound funny but HOTD lives up to it's horror tag more than Shinsekai Yori.
I agree with that. Heard from the LN readers that they cut out a certain part between Eriri and Megumi which would become a great deal from both of them, so most likely there'll be no season 3.
Nervous as well, but I'm also sad that after this week, there will be no more Kotarou and Akane moments. :((
Had my change of curtains and went to the mall for a short trip around and finished Fukumenkei Noise, Grimoire of Zero, Sukasuka (FEELS) and binge-watched New Game. How about yours?
Yeah, I usually keep my anime at 2 or 3 at most(excluding seasonals) but recently I've started 4-5 anime at a time, and because of that I just end up completely ignoring some series while watching alot of eps for others (which again explains why I'm still at ep 1 of Nise)
I see you're watching 7 non-airing anime at a time, now that's just crazy for me. but while we're at it how are you finding Death Parade and Another?
Not a problem, my weekend was alright although tbh since I'm on summer vacation there's nothing that makes it any different to the other days xD
My ptw has always been out of control and I doubt that's going to change, for every anime I finish there's like 4 that I add to ptw xD but yeah, as long as you enjoy what you're watching that's all what matters.
Hope you'll get better and that your physiotherapy will be successful. :) I liked the way they ended Saekano s2, but what caught the eyes of many fans was the train station part - Eriri goes straight for a kiss and... BAM! Utaha steals it! Haha, like that part. The scene where Megumi tried to touch Tomoya was great, too. Sometimes, we don't know how what to do to console our friends in problems they face so we just do nothing even if we want to do everything in our disposal to help them.
My day's fine! Watch episode 11 of Seikaisuru Kado and Tsuki ga Kirei and last episode of Hinako Note. ^^
Oh, what summer season anime will you be watching? so far I've decided on Kakegurui, Princess Principal, Koi to Uso, and Gamers but i might pick up a few more anime after like 2 episodes have come out and I heard good things about them.
I only watched a little bit of OP long ago but i found it to be alright for the most part. and yeah, the crazy amount of eps is really discourging, the pacing is really slow and there's a recap for like 5 minutes at the begining of every ep, that's how they've avoided making too many fillers so far.
Oh, yeah! NGNL Zero, right? Excited to see the new characters and of course our Jibril! xD Having a different setting won't stop me from watching it.
Sameeee. It may look like I have, like, 10 PTWs on my list, the reality is that I'm just too lazy to put them all lol
Ah, the endless abyss of the Plan to Watch section... We need more time! :(( What I usually do is to watch some during the transition period between one season to another when few to none shows air their last episode, but I only manage to finish 1~3 series during this period. Beat 3 anime senseless and rest assured, 10 anime will replace the two and sign themselves up to the mentioned abyss. *sigh*
How's your day/night?
Watched a little bit of DBZ and One Piece on TV a loong time ago, might actually watch them again someday but they're not a priority right now, other than those I've watched D. Gray man and Fairy Tail
D. Gray man had a tragic theme to it and was really good at the start but became kinda eh halfway through, and Fairy Tail did have a few good moments but it was really childish most of the time so I couldn't keep going
I was actually thinking of watching HxH or Bleach next, dunno when I'll get to them though.
Tsugumomo for me was... quite good? It's just not my cup of tea.
What I like in Tsuki ga Kirei is that they don't drag the drama and the main characters - they had the guts to clear up the misunderstandings, resolve it and, bam! They already make up with each other. The other side characters have their screen time as well in the shorts post-episode. I like the Miu and Inaba shorts xD Miu savage as usual.
Hmm. summer anime... Was supposed to watch Owarimonogatari s2 but then I have to finished the others first so it's out of my list. Same goes to Fate/Apocrypha. Binging New Game! so that I can watch second season which will air in summer.
The ones I really look forward to are Tsurezure Children and Gamers!, which are both rom-coms, but I'll still watch, like, 13 other series to satisfy my seasonal hunger for anime. :3
What about you? Which summer anime are you looking forward to see once it airs?
Ah, Naruto was actually my gateway to anime and I really loved it a few years ago, the one summer I found out I can watch it on the internet ended up in me rewatching Shippuden from scratch until I caught up with the newest episodes, then I rewatched the original Naruto and started getting into other anime that way.
Kinda makes it a sad story since now Shippuden is sitting in my dropped list because I got sick of the fillers and the war arc went downhill towards the end, lol
Thank you, yours isn't that far off mine either so same to you!
Well, at least you tried. ^^
Some rom-coms to name would be My Little Monster, Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun and Pet Girl of Sakurasou.
Also, what do you think about Akashic Records and Tsugumomo since they're done airing? and Tsuki ga Kirei? (my personal favorite of the season)
Btw, do you plan to read the entire Naruto manga from the start?