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lFrogs Mar 9, 2024 6:06 PM
Diangelo18 May 28, 2021 1:47 PM
Angelike14 Aug 21, 2019 12:54 AM
Lmao Who Is Guy
Lambda-kun Dec 8, 2017 2:21 AM
benizakuras Apr 18, 2016 4:55 AM
Kaliov Jan 3, 2013 5:45 PM
Just dropping by to say your username is beautiful.
Gaidai Jul 25, 2011 6:01 AM
I never asked you who that is in your profile, now that I think about it :p
Venusrozen Feb 2, 2010 9:14 AM
Hello again, Anime Sucks.

The course I was taking actually ended a few days ago, however, when I sent you the message, MAL notified me I was not logged in and deleted it. It was late in the night and I was tired... but I'm here again. So let the comments begin.
It's a coincidence that the Urusei Yatsura episode I watched today was about books, becuase that was the main subject I want to touch today, not so much anime. Speaking of that episode, it contained a nice refference to Botticelli's "The birth of Venus".

About Bakemonogatari (since I noticed you were curious about it): So far, it's not anything to get really exicted over. Like Jackamace Ryo said, Shinbo's directing is excessive here: in SZS his directing was much more subtle, here, every scene... is filmed from a weird angle/ has a flashy color/ has some real life scene / has a random detail that comes out of place. The characters aren't very likeable and seem distant, but they're quite interesing: our main girl (Hitagi) is abrassive and cold, but not in the same way as the typical tsundere and our main lead himself is like the "helper" of the key shows, but instead of being a bishonen with a snarky attitude, he's actually a pretty normal boy that has got that little but important trait called "common sense". Do you want to know more reasons to watch it? See here:
Do you wan tan instant reason to not watch it? See this: (And tell me if it hurts).

Now into the books and classical music.
You've got great taste for both. There's something we differ in, though: I preffer romantic classical music to other styles. That's why I listen to Tchaikovsky, Mendhelssohn and Shostakovich (even though his work is mostly a mixture of different styles).
One thing that called my attention was your mention of the "stream-of-consciousness" way of writing. I tried reading Ana Karenina (which was listed as one the books belonging to this style) , but I still cannot see the difference between it and normal prose (although I've got to admit it's quite hard to follow). What is the exact difference?

While trying to find the books we must read this year in school, I stumbled across Jack London's Call of the Wild. I read it, and I have to say I'm liking London's writing style. Perhaps it's becuase I'm still young, but I find his narrations to be very entertaining, mainly due to the ever-present crudity, his vivid descriptions and reckless characters; all of those things packed in this theme: "No matter who you are, you'll eventually succumb to the primitive" (this is more notable in his Tales from the southern seas. I must say however, that his prose is very impressive vocabulary-wise. What do you think of London's style.

The other book I got my hands on was Falubert's Madame Bovary (which I still have not finished reading). My main motivation to keep reading is (not surprisingly) Emma's character. I consider her to be very complex: acts like a spoiled woman inspite of not having raised like that, formed her ideals from reading chivalry books and fairy tales, rebels againts morals, lives for the sake of feeling passions and pleasures but looks for them in the wrong places, thinks she has got a boring life and has got excessively high expectations, misjudges, occasionaly swears, commits adultery and is practically rotten to the core and whenever the pleasures are offered in the palm of her hand, she holds back but reverts to her hypocrisy. And she does all of this without looking for empathy in the reader or becoming a tragic figure. That's a real feat of character. If you read it, what did you think of it?

I'll end it here, but consider me open for another conversation.
naikou Jan 31, 2010 12:32 AM
Had to stop by and complement your choice of favorites. I think you're the first person I've seen with the same top 2 anime as myself.

Great list of favorite books as well - Faulkner and Kafka especially.
jackmace_ryo Jan 26, 2010 8:29 AM
Sorry for the late reply too, I’ve been lazy checking this site these past few weeks.

Speaking of which the winter season has started and I can say with confidence that the only show worth watching is Durarara that is made by the creators of Baccano. I guess there’s the third season of Hidamari Sketch and Nodame Cantabile too but they’re sequels. So-Ra-No-Wo-To has high production values, but it falters because of its characters, which is for the lack of better word, pandering (it’s comparable to My-Hime in that aspect, I say).

About my sister… well, I guess I’ve rambled pretty randomly about my her, so I’ll try to cut into the heart of the problem here.

She has a very solid comfort zone. She asks for nothing more and nothing less. She doesn’t necessarily want things like a new cell phone, game console, or anything, but she also doesn’t compromise on some things, for example she almost absolutely will not eat anything that she does not like. Her apathy to other people can be boiled down to the reason: “Why do I need other people?” Why indeed, if all her needs is already fulfilled. As I don’t want this turn to another rant, I‘ll keep it short and just say that various aspects (lack of discipline and emotional closeness) of my family cause this condition.

The problem is that it is inevitable that one day this comfort zone will be broken, and the more solid it is, the stronger the repercussions when it’s broken. I was like that when I entered college and found that ‘the rules of the game’ there are very different than high school. So I guess it boils down to this question: How can one expands another’s comfort zone if she is not willing to?

My own experience shows that advice is of little use, as I too didn’t give much attention to my physics teacher in high school that encourages his students to expand their horizons and warned about the difference of high school and college.

This also make me think in retrospect… isn’t unwillingness to expand one’s comfort zone and indulge in it is one characteristic of otaku and to a more extreme case, hikkikomori?
Gaidai Jan 26, 2010 7:49 AM last comment, I just noticed, is inordinately long. I think I got up on my soapbox a bit too much. Sorry.
Gaidai Jan 26, 2010 7:48 AM
No worries. We're not kids with oodles of time for social networking, so I'm not on MAL every day either, heh.

Make a choice about what...? Seems I've forgotten some of the conversation, as well. Tch, if it were that easy to just point out the flaws in the system to the government, and then have them fix it, what a world this would be. America has been ruled by bleeding heart-ism since FDR taught people to give a man a fish, instead of teaching him to be a fisherman, decades before I was born. Of course the welfare system is flawed. We give out so much money in my office alone, that the state has taken to turning down the heaters in our office, and turning off half the lights at times, to try to save money. Everybody complains about the economy, but each single worker here probably gives away thousands of dollars a week. Basically, if you work for a living, you can expect your taxes to increase, so that you can help pay for the people that don't want to work for a living.

We even have a program where the state will buy you a car, if you can prove you need it to get to a job, or to school. People consider it an entitlement. Not this past week, I got a call from a client who was on his cell phone. He said he was on his way to the office, and wanted to know "when they would get the check". I asked him what he was talking about, and he blabbered on about how he's coming to the office to turn in "all the paperwork he should need", and went on about the car he wants the state to buy for him, as if it were already a done deal. It pleased me to reject him since he didn't qualify for it in the slighest, but that's the kind of mentality we get, around here.

I still have a neutral opinion of our current president because he's new, but it would appear to me as though he's giving away even more money then we were before -- he also seems to be turning into a pawn of his constituents. Basically, in America, all you have to do is cry that your children are going to miss dinner tonight, and we collectively throw money at you, so you don't have to earn anything on your own to put food on your own table, for them. I've frequently joked with my wife that we ought to have seven more kids -- eight appears to be the minimum to get on Oprah, and to have the rest of the country feel pity for us, and pay for everything we could possibly need out of life.

We have a television channel over here called TLC, which used to stand for The Learning Channel. Years ago, learning was their focus, and that was the kind of programming you could find, there. Today, the very existence of that channel makes me want to vomit. All of their programming is purposefully designed to exploit, oogle, and give the wrong impression to Americans about how to live. Currently, they have shows like the following:

"John and Kate Plus Eight" -- I think that this show was finally taken off the air after the couple involved got divorced, but all this was, was a show about a couple who had used fertility drugs, and ended up with eight children. There was no content other than watching them go about their daily lives. But it was hugely popular, and essentially, these people we're being given everything they needed to raise their kids for free.

"Little People, Big World" -- Again, this show is about nothing. The content entirely has to do with a family living their daily lives. The only thing about them is that they have genetic dwarfism. So, they're on TV, and we're watching them go to school, work, have dinner, chat with each other, etc....because they're short.

"Eighteen Kids and Counting" -- This show used to be called Seventeen Kids and Counting. Then, the couple had another one. So they renamed it. Now, they're getting ready to rename it Nineteen Kids and Counting. No plot, nothing educational, and no purpose. It's just a show about a man and a woman that decided it would be a good idea to birth nineteen children, in a society where overpopulation is becoming a huge problem. But, we make TV shows about this, and send people the signal that if you have a sickening number of children, we'll all take care of you -- and put you on TV, too!

Once, I saw a show on this channel that had some sort of value, to speak against the others. I forget the title, but it was a show where a nutritionist would visit a given family who's children were out of control on junk food. Computer generated images were created to show the parents what effect the children's diet would have on them as they grew up, and the content of the program was the family being coached to re-evaluate what they eat, and to introduce some healthy activities into their lives. Of course, this show didn't last long, because it was doing something Americans hate --actually telliing you what you already know is wrong.

I digress.

I don't really care that much about the compatability ratings on MAL either, but that one incident with the Gurren Lagann score bothered me. I got tired of people asking me why I had given it such a bad rating, so I just took the rating out entirely. I suppose since I only saw one episode, at least this way I don't have to deal with people who give me the "you didn't give it a chance" crap. I've been watching anime for 13 years, now -- by now, I'm pretty sure I can tell straight off, if I'm going to like something or not.

Along the same vein, I always wonder why MAL members feel an incessant need to write reviews for brand new anime. I'm currently watching a show called Sora no Woto. Only three episodes out of twelve have been released, so far, but already, the page for it is full of reviews. To me, that's like a movie critic watching fifteen minutes of a two hour movie, and then feeling as though he knows enough about it to write an editorial. I don't feel that a competent review can be written about a series you haven't watched to its entirety.

I've been working on several new shows, the above Sora no Woto being one of them. I'm intrigued by it. It's not something I normally would go for, but I find the story interesting enough so far that I continue to try it. If I have enough questions about what's going on to want to come back to it without feeling overwhelmed, it must be doing something right.

That's what I was hoping for with Raina's name. I wanted to keep away from giving her a common name, so she would have a sense of individuality -- but at the same time, I wanted to keep from giving her a name that would get her bullied at school. I admit....there's really no other special significance attached to it, other than it being a play on the name of one of my favorite anime characters. I know that probably sounds strange, to name a child after an anime character, but, well...I wanted to attach something of me to her name, without sticking her with something really odd. Anime is one of my interests, and I've become quite attached to/protective of said interests, because I know that nearly all of mine are not normal, as far as American's are concerned. I can't go and talk star trek, like other people can go and talk football. So...I wanted something of who I am, to pass along. My wife just thought it was a pretty name. She chose the spelling, which I like -- makes me think of the pattering of rain against a window while lying in a nice warm bed, when I see it.

Anyway, I should probably stop from filling up your screen, here. Suffice to say, I understand exactly where you're coming from, when you say that a smile from your child can make all the difference.
japonecka Jan 19, 2010 12:54 PM
Hi, I found your profile just by chance. You have great taste in books. Especially mentioning of A. I. Solzenicyn was pleasure for me. Thanks a lot ...

Pardon my imperfect english.
Venusrozen Jan 18, 2010 5:17 PM
Sorry for the late reply AS.
I'm sorry, but I have to be short. Recently, a course to pass the state exams just began, and it eats a lot of my time (9 hours). So I've got very little spare time, and certainly not enough to hold a conversation like this (no, I haven't gotten around Trapeze, sadly; and in case you're curious, Bakemonogatari is more of an unique oddity than an exceptionally surrealist work so far).
I'd really apreciate having the time to speak with you, but this course is simply far too time-consuming to allow me to do so. I'll tell you when I have the time to keep up with one.

My most sincere apollogies.

Venusrozen, alias Rozefox, alias Venus Rozen, alias Martino Zorrilla.
Admiral_AnimE Jan 14, 2010 6:00 AM
I wasted your time with the invitation? O.M.G. just rejecting it was enough, not sending me that lecture..
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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