In 1994, the founders of Anime no Kai created an organization at the University of Houston to accomplish a number of things. First, to spread awareness of Japanese culture, especially the anime culture. Second, to provide an open forum and venue for those who want to enjoy and be exposed to the anime culture. Third, and most importantly, to provide a venue in which friendships and relationships can be forged through their common love of the anime culture. This document is to ensure that these three objectives are met and that this organization will prosper.
As of 2018, Anime no Kai is still going strong, branching out into new avenues of anime, and continuing to live the anime life. This particular account has been created to store the list of all the shows that have been watched throughout the history of the club. Sadly, much of the information has been lost or abstracted over time, but the list has recreated as faithfully as possibly and we hope it will serve the future members of the organization well.
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