Aniime is Love&Manga is Liife
5/15/17 *temporary* (to be moved from about me section after I figure stuff out and create a "real" profile with images, banners, and etc.)
I've been using this website for years to get good anime and manga, but never created a profile until now, so accessing it as a user is super new to me and I really do not get how it works for users so any help/ advice is appreciated in advance.
Also my lists currently carry a majority of favorites ONLY as of now with the except for about 20 of them that come from a long list of "To be watched" that i created in the fall 2015-present day. ive been adding to it since its creation to get me away from my favs and into some of the new shows out here. this explains my ratings,rewatch and etc being so high. they're older and ive been watching them for years, but i do plain on reviewing them as soon as i can because they're awesome and changed my life through out the years. ive learned something new about myself and the shows every time i watch them.
Im a SUPER anime binge-watcher (haha if thats a word) my time is very limited so whenever i get time to dedicate to my love of anime i binge watch and i enjoy doing it fully. its so satisfying honestly.
- i usually finish a season/series of 30 eps or less in a 1 to 3 day period when i have FDFT (full day free time). it takes about a week if i do every other day NFDFT (non full day free time) and two weeks if i miss a day, only do a binge weekends, and/or NFDFT. so shows of this length are easy to complete in short periods of time especially when i want to rewatch an anime or start a new one of that ep lenght.
- any anime length more then 30 eps can range from 1 to 2 months. the most time ive spent on one series/season is 3 months (DBZ & SM due to skipped days). if it takes me more then 3 months to complete (which has never happened) i probably would drop it.
i am super behind on the new stuff (i.e. i just found out/finished SAO back in jan. it was on my list and now its a fav for me)but I love the older shows dating an earliest of 2006 and most of my films are studio ghibli related (i love hayao miyazaki his art has changed my life) so if the dates are after that they are most likely apart of my new crew of favorites, and that also explains why you won't see newer anime in my list as much for now.
i've been watching anime ALL my life.They were part of my escape as a child, and since children had the free time to watch them over and over this explains why my rewatches are so high. my ratings are not bias because they are favorites and whenever i get around to reviewing know that it will be in depth and honest .no fluff. since ive been using this site i find that alot of the review stated by many lack critical thinking responses. how can you watch an anime and missed important details to not mention in your review(s) or reccomendation(s). ive miseed out and skipped good anime due to very poorly wirtten comments or bad comparing, and that is annoying at times. especailly when I was a person coming here for new shows to diversify my anime lists.
i've watched so many that if its not a fav i have to go search for it and rewatch it to refresh my memory of my first experience to now about it. so creating reviews will take time and have real thought put into them but it will be a good while before i get around to doing any of that properly. (if it matters to you)
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