As you can see I am an Anime/Manga lover!
I also LOVE Vocaloids and the game Ib.
My favorite characters of games and Anime of all time are : Lelouch Lamperouge Natsuno (Shiki), and Garry (From Ib) I really want to Cosplay but I don't have and Outfit and more reasons. TTATT Though I am usually really happy! Though I absolutely HATE it when someone goes to a Vocaloid/Anime video and calls it crap and insults it for NO REASON! >:U Though I am a YouTuber I am on YouTube ALLOT! XD I really love to type faces XD :U :O XO XU >:U >_< >w< O_O O_o o_O etc. lol
Though I am usually cheerful especially when I have no Homework and all of that. (Ugh I hate Homework :U) (Unless it is Drawing!)
I am a Beginner at Drawing Manga but in the future I want to be a Manga artist.
When I get out of Highschool (Or College it depends) I want to work at FUNimation or be a Gamer (Like PewDiePie! *brofist* XD)
Though I know that life is not all fun and games and I should actually do work even when I don't want to. I have a Youtube account and I have created 2 Fanloids! (Rinupa Kagagine and Lenpanu Kagagine! X3)
I respect other people's privacy so a secret is a secret! >_<
(I do NOT give away any of my personal information so please don't even bother to ask me -_-")
All Comments (45) Comments
You know you're special to me ;)
but please continue to talk to me! I will feel lonely if you don't ._.
My name there is chenmiya
Continue using faces, makes interractions more fun lol! xD
Oh like that..!
I meant go watch shirokuma cafe ;p *tehe*
as it got amazing music and pure randomness >x<
but well...
what u mean? theres no epic music in anime? ofcourse there is!! like, upshirokuma cafe opening,
it rocks! and its got flying animals everywhere fun anime, recommended xD!
Oh and~:
Yea~~ I need music in ma life as well,.
xDD Yaa thats cutteee
*comes lying besides u* *rolls on floor*
Smarty!!! >:D
pop is... just nice music u can listen all day to cuz it varies so much..!!! =D
Mii-chan klinkt cute, i like nicknames ^^ je mag ook andere suffixs' gebruiken ;O -> xD
LIZA-CHWAN!!!! *glomps* 8D
wait lol, howd u know what i wrote, when i accidentally wrote in dutch? oAO?!
I see. yea, ik ook wel, maar hou het meest van pop, rock en het moderne xD
I see, so how u wanna be called, Liza-chan?! or Eli-chan?!
>(=3=)> *HUGSZ!*
haha ye me2
u dont got a fav kinda music?
Eliza? Like A( Like: A pen, or someting??) and then Liza~?
Thanks for telling I appreciate it >,< Wannabe called Liza-chan~ or Eli-chan? ;D
xD I wouldnt remember my age as well! everything that happened yesterday and the days and years before are blurry for me :'D
Nightcore? ohh i liked those for a while as well...then i came to know I loved vocaloid, utaites/nnders and k-pop/j-pop/c-pop more! xDDD
Thank you~ Whats ur name? if you dont mind telling ;)
Naaaah, not really just really shocked when being called like that xD
OUCH D: Are you alright? xD or did it happen some time ago (lol)?
What kinda music u listening to? ;o
Yes it's my real name xD
Haha, i always got called by my last name in german class >_>|l'
Oh Lol, That explanation, I cant understand the words at all. but now i know. willow=tree. Alright! xD
Trampolines are fun! just so ...scary *-*
No u may type as much as u want~! xDD I like comments :>
Btw, have you ever EVER seen a kangarou in the wild? o.O
what are willows? xD
Hahaha i know that feeling! xD, well i playes tanks with my cousin the whole time, was fun~! we were saying things randomly that whymed after each other lol, from toilets to gabage.
uhh well, we do it even different from that,
we ..uhh, when we are 8 years when going to "group" 5 hahaha
hahaha, xd i got cousins as well! but then in france! only met them once but it was awesome, cus they were pokemon fans as well ><
stupid people excist thats whyyy
haha i WHEN I was little, i confused america with africa o-o
(still did until the end of grade school ._.;;)
yes i know! siblings!