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Days: 59.2
Mean Score: 5.59
  • Total Entries318
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Gamba no Bouken
Gamba no Bouken
Dec 14, 2020 2:41 AM
Watching 10/26 · Scored 7
Lupin III: Part 5
Lupin III: Part 5
Jul 20, 2020 6:16 PM
Completed 24/24 · Scored 9
Mob Psycho 100 II
Mob Psycho 100 II
Jul 20, 2020 6:16 PM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 9
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Days: 18.8
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Here U Are
Here U Are
Dec 13, 2020 9:48 AM
Completed -/156 · Scored 8
One Piece
One Piece
Nov 15, 2020 4:57 PM
Reading 995/? · Scored 8
Jul 20, 2020 6:15 PM
Completed 120/120 · Scored 8

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IncelAmirul Jan 8, 2019 3:10 AM
happy birthday.
ZephSilver Dec 4, 2018 7:15 AM
Taz_ Jan 2, 2018 11:50 AM
you too!
Taz_ Oct 12, 2017 4:02 PM
Mob Psycho is great. I just had a convo with someone else about it, so I'll just copy & paste it here lol.

I don't really pat much attention to milestones like that, unless if I were to reach 1,000. But instead of celebrating, I would be super concerned.
ZephSilver Oct 2, 2017 5:13 PM
You gotta love how oblivious people are to the problem. I give them the answer and their decision is to exacerbate it even further by leaving a million "watch this" or "have you heard" comments... yada yada yada, just end my life.
Badass Jan 9, 2017 1:19 AM
Thanks for the wish, mate!
Taz_ Dec 26, 2016 9:23 PM
You too man!
Taz_ Sep 28, 2016 9:28 PM
Hey man, it's been awhile. Glad to see you're still alive :D

Haha, a little bit of both actually. It's mainly because I decided not to rate the several Pokémon specials and movies that I have no memory of, and since that's like 40-50 titles, my mean score shot up lol.

Thanks man! Though I'm not sure if that's a thing I should be proud of xD You'll get 100 completed man, don't worry. Do you get holiday's off where you live?

Hmm. If you want to get into the more unorthodox, but still incredibly fun, try out Kuuchuu Buranko(13 eps), FLCL(6 eps), or Tatami Galaxy(11 eps). For some more serious anime, try out Haibane Renmei(13 eps) or Millennium Actress( A 130 minute long film). You should also finish up Shouwa sometime since it gets really really damn great as it goes on.

And nice post about MP1000. I'm actually going to check that out soon, so thanks for that!
AnimaticLunatic Sep 26, 2016 8:07 AM
We all know that this show was going to be compared to One Punch Man before it even came out. And I mean why wouldnt it. It is made by same creator as OPM,similar premise,it has great animation and Main character kinda looks like and is somewhat as powerful as Saitama... And that is basically it.Those are major similarities.
I know that we humans like to compare things,especially if they look,taste or feel the same.Or in this case are made by same author that goes by the pen name of ONE.
But when ever I hear people comparing these two shows,my train of though is same as that of the guy behind the phrase "It is like comparing apple and oranges".While it is true that they are both fruits that grows on trees and are both round they have a lot of differences that make them unique.And while those trees are both planed by ONE, you should not expect same taste and quality.
And this reviewers right here will try to change your view of this show from " Wow, this show is ______ then OPM" to "Wow,This is a ____ show". And for those who did not watch Mob Psycho 100. Welcome. I hope that I will encourage you to check out this fun little show.
Now, let's make like kindergarteners and lets start counting to 100.

MP100 follow Shigeo Kageyama, a 14 year old boy that goes by the nick name Mob. He is one of few gifted individuals with psychic powers,also known as espers, that allow of him to manipulate objects around him with his mind. Espers are only people capeble of destroying ghosts that haunt their world. This caught the attention of the most "powerful" and "talented" esper Arataka Reigen,an esper for hire if you will. Not wanting to get his hands dirty with small jobs, Reign hired Mob and together they solve cases involving paranormal activities half of the time.Other half Reign gives his clients pleasure.

As you can see from my description, the show follows a really simple monster of the week formula. Episodes are usually made of bunch events that usually follow our two main leads in there day to day lives.They can range from jobs given to them by their clients to following Mob as he deals with prepubescent life. They can range from light hearted comedy filled adventures to adrenaline rushing in the spam of just one episode. Even when show goes into more streamlined ,less segmented arcs, it still keeps the feel of the previous episodes.
Now while this format of story telling may be simplistic, it does let us get feel for the characters and their personalities. Because even tho the events following our cast may be mundane, the cast following those events certainly is not.

Our main protagonist, Mob, at first glance looks and acts like Saitama with the wig. He is so powerful that no ghost or esper can harm him. He has relaxed ,dumb looking expressions on his egg shaped face. He has monotone voice that makes him sound like he we fall dead in any second.
But this is only if we start judging him by first episode.

In reality ,he is a shy, average student with low self esteem. He considers him dangerous to people around him. Because when he lets his emotion overtake him,he starts loosing control over his powers. Because of that he tries to keep his emotion all boiling inside him which gives him that look on his face. He thinks that without his psychic powers, he has less worth then his average joe. So he tries to build himself as a characters. He wants him being an esper be one of his characteristic, not his main one.

But for that he needs help.He needs some kinda of help, some responsible adult to show him a way.He needs a master. He needs,like all people at some point in their lives, some Reign.
Reign is best con artist,best mentor,best comedian and a best boy of this show. Reign is type of character that you just have to see to appreciate. At first he kinda seems like a big wang, using Mob for his own gains. But we soon see that he cares about Mob, and that he is not such a big of a con artist. He is the guy that stoles every scene he is in, and the biggest source of comedy.
ZephSilver May 14, 2016 6:45 PM
I went from hearing no one talk about it to all of a sudden seeing it in people's favs, so my interest is piqued, if only to see where this show that was out of my radar up to this point, made other people's favs. It looks like a honest enough kids show so should be fun.
Taz_ May 7, 2016 5:58 PM

Don't worry, it won't happen again!
Taz_ May 3, 2016 9:50 PM
Crap, I missed your other comment.

I was just updating my mang0 list, so I had already read those a long time ago xD

KLK was great fam :D
Over the top, tons of fun, and a nice theme about individualism.
IncelAmirul Apr 21, 2016 1:54 PM
I loved almost everything about it, the plot, characters, themes...etc. But the suspense was just superb, I never thought that a manga can be so goddamn addicting until I've read GTO earlier this year. 20th CB was even better though, I finished reading the whole 249 chapters in six days time. That's pretty amazing for someone that isn't a big fan of reading mangos, especially for a slow reader like me xD. Friend is probably the best AND most tragic character that Urasawa has written, I found him to be relatable AF. (Okay maybe not the killing/bombing part, but still...his childhood past hits me like a bitch ;_;) Not to mention his awesome masks! (Ninja Hattori's mask was insta win) And he looks like Slenderman to boot :D What's not to love ? Kenji and Otcho are also my babies, both of them are so freaking badass! Special mentions to Kyouko for providing the best comedy moments lolz. (Loved her facial expressions when she got chased by one of Friend's followers, that part was epic win) With me being a huge fan of both Monster and Urasawa, it wasn't a big surprise to see me ended up loving the shit out of this manga :)

Monster is another story of its own as well, both have suspense that WILL slowly kills you as you progresses. Both has an amazing antagonist/protagonist to boot. Johan tho, he is slightly less creepier than Friend. (But he is still an extremely terrifying character, mind you) Both are made by Urasawa, so you can expect the same realistic characters design in 20th CB for Monster.

Yeah, Madhouse needs to adapt this. Seriously, just do it Madhouse.
ZephSilver Apr 2, 2016 4:26 PM
Haha well my job of a reviewer paid off then since I want more people to support this anime. THIS is the quality we should want from anime, this is the show we should be backing up, not Erased. Honestly binge watch the first 3 eps so you could see what is really all about. I marathoned it because I was addicted but however you choose to consume it depends on your level of immersion. For me it's addicting and each episode almost makes it impossible not to start the next.
Yeah, glad you're taking notice, I've really been pushing myself lately (don't forget to drop dem helpfuls, every bit helps). I just have this burning desire to put thought to paper and I also got someone who is helping me revise whatever grammatical errors I might miss to there's a security there that makes it far easier to write more content with assurance. And don't worry I won't. I know when I don't want to write. I actually scrapped the review I was going to do for Drrr because I didn't feel like writing. I'm only writing reviews that I want, so the incentive is there. And I only plan to review a few every new season (if in the mood) so after one more review this season you won't see much from me in the review circle.
Taz_ Apr 2, 2016 11:19 AM

Thanks for the info! I used to watch Gumball, but ever since I stopped using cable, I haven't really been watching too many shows in general(excluding anime)
Along with those cartoons, I'm also going to watch Season 8 of Doctor Who since I only watched like the first episode of it.

JoJo is pretty good. It's also over the top like those other cartoons, so you probably will feel right at home(tho the first arch is kinda 'bad')

Have fun with Shouwa. It gets really good at like the 8th or 9th episode, so when you reach there, just start binging the rest xD
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