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Ruri no Houseki
Mar 20, 3:56 AM
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Dec 31, 2024 6:25 AM
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Dec 31, 2024 6:25 AM
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Dec 31, 2024 6:41 AM
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Helianthus_E322 Feb 28, 1:59 PM
Hey it's been a while since we've talked to one other, how your doing? Know it's probably on the late side, but Congratulations on your marriage!🎉

I'm really happy for you, even if Marriage isn't something I desire do get the Joy of being bounded by someone you truly love. It's a nice thing but me and my partner (We've been together for 2 years now) decided not to marry for some personal reasons. But I'm glad you've found the one to share your life with. How was the honey moon BTW, where did you go (if it isn't too personal ) & did you enjoy it?
Reppocank Feb 9, 10:31 AM
Congratulation on your Marriage <3
zekdex Feb 8, 11:24 AM
hey ^^
u got a wonderful profile
Tommy_Wiseau_03 Feb 7, 8:12 PM
You're welcome!! I'm happy to hear <3
It's so-so for me. Some days are good, some bad, and some just ok. I appreciate you asking :)

Exactly, He knows how to pannel as well, the scenes flow effortlessly. It's also cool to know that he and Hara are friends and you can see that in both of their art :D. I've seen a few episodes and I enjoyed them. What is your opinion on the anime compared to the manga?

When it comes to things of that nature...I do not...joke around

Anyway, how's school been? How did you do on your math exam?

Tommy_Wiseau_03 Feb 5, 7:54 PM
Hey, I hope you've been doing well!! :)

I really enjoy it. Tsukasa Hojo is a master at comedy and art, it's crazy that he was pumping out long chapters every week. Ryo, this man is me fr fr LMAO. I just I? >:)
Wxcked Dec 31, 2024 4:47 AM
wowo thats a lot of animanga :o

its nice to see Fist of the North Star enjoyers
Tommy_Wiseau_03 Dec 15, 2024 5:40 PM
No worries, I'm not the best at math LMAO, but if you studied hard and felt you did great then I can assure you that you did so :)

I'd like to travel to Scandinavia!! Especially Norway (where black metal began) and Finland(where more great black metal is created). Yes, I do celebrate Christmas!! My family does put out a lot of decorations, I'll take a pic and send it to you later. :D My favorite season is summer because I love the heat and no school LMAO. What's your favorite present that you've ever gotten?

Don't apologize XD!! Here are a few:
I know these aren't the "essentials", but these are my favorites XD

I really enjoyed it!! If you like HNK and Seiya or just classic Shounun, in general, you'd like it, I definitely recommend it!! LMAO he spoiled it???

Oh, I didn't know it was a League of Legends side story or something XD If he's interested I'm sure we'll watch it together, after Weed, we'll watch Watership Down and Mad Bull 34. Have you seen or read Mad Bull? I'm not sure if I asked later time we talked But, hey if you're interested we can maybe watch something together, maybe we can watch BoJack

Well, thank you for the recommendation, I just added it to my plan to read :D. Awesome!! I've only ever watched the animated series, and have not read the comic yet, but I do plan to :). I love it so far and I'm almost done with it, but like so many manga I didn't I'd like it as much, but it grew on me!! Sakuragi is a cocky annoying bastard, but I love him for that LMAO. My favorite character is Akagi though:DDD

Really!?!? I love The Land of Asura arc, but the Three Brothers arc with Toki vs Raoh and after that Ken vs Roah made my heart stop and made me cry manly tear

You're welcome, I'm glad it helps <3. Awwww, I'm sorry, some people are just jerks about that sort of thing. Take as long as you like to reply to me :). That made me smile, I appreciate it!! Oh no, we aren't lol. I have never met him in person or seen what he looks like XD

I understand, and I agree. Once there's a break up I can't get back with them. This might not be much help but don't lose trust in people. It's hard after something like that, but please don't lose trust.

Yeah, it did hurt a bit, I still do think of her at times, but I'm moving forward. I wish it was that easy to understand some people.

Of course, any time!! <3 Hey, now I get that you do want to strangle him, but that's not the best thing to do. Wow, really!?!? From my perspective, you don't seem like the type to have fancy clothes or hand designer handbags, Just and nerdy girl(I mean that in a good way LMAO, please don't attack me
What about the future, was it the state of the world or the economy?

Oh yeah, that is something that is very important when being in a relationship the child/children talk. LMAO if I were to have kids I'd like a boy and a girl, one of each lol. Oh me too, The ex I told you about also wanted to adopt as well, and may I ask why he was against it?

Hahahahaha, I guess so I don't have one anymore, it's a very long story so I don't want to bother you with that. That's really sweet of you to ask!! I hope you know that you're a very nice person too :D. I do have Discord and Skype, I'm an old fart for using them I know XD. So if you want to chat outside of here, though are the two we can :)

That makes me feel special, thank you. I only talk to you and Findog, so you are a part of my inner circle

^Fuck yeah!!! Thank you so much, Ania!!!! This is the one I wanted to send earlier XD

Tommy_Wiseau_03 Dec 15, 2024 11:10 AM
I know that feeling, what exam were you taking if I may ask? But, I'm sure you did great on it :)

Woahhhhhh, that's nice!! I've never seen the Northern Lights in person, only in pictures and videos. I'm a bit jealous of you

That's awesome!! I haven't used Spotify in a few years LMAO, but lately, I've been listening to a lot of black metal. If you want I could list a few bands and albums/releases for you to jam to

I finished watching Ginga Nagaraiboshi Gin with fellow MAL goer, Findog, and last week we just started the sequel series entitled Ginga Densetsu Weed, I know the funny name
I have not seen Arcane, but I've heard people enjoy it. I think the art style looks neat. The Simpsons? The modern episodes or the classics? my favorite Simpson episode is The Treehouse of Horrors where Homer becomes 3D and is scared shitless at the real people lol. I haven't heard of Pen15, BoJack Horseman I have seen a few episodes, but still don't know much about it. I don't play as many games as I used to, I mostly play mobile games while I'm at work LMAO. HAve been reading any manga or comics lately? I've been reading Slam Dunk and I love it

Don't worry!!! Take your time, you don't have to if you don't want to or don't have the time :). I'm sorry if I made you feel that way!! There's no need to feel embarrassed or bad and why do you think that!?!? It's not a dick move, I'm not mad at you, I promise. I enjoy talking to you, it's been a bit since I've been able to talk to someone like you. You and Findog are both the people I talk to consistently. I'm glad you think that way, I try my best. I've also been thinking about you and I was wondering how you were . I still don't have a gf though XD

Ania, I'm so sorry to hear that!! That is a very selfish reason to not only break up with someone but also to be with someone to not be lonely. I get where he's coming from, but still, that's not the way to go about it. Absolutely!! Breakups are very hard and I understand why you didn't come on here, it's normal to do so. Have you two talked to each other since the breakup? I agree, that before a breakup with a reason such as that, there should be help from one another and an understanding of why they feel the way they do. Me and one of my exes, we were both feeling that the relationship wasn't working out, we felt that way for about a few weeks before I talked to her.

No need to feel humiliated about it and No need to be sorry about it!! I get it's hard, I'm here if you want to tell me more. Unfortunately, I have gone through a few breakups and some were harder than others, the last girl I was with ghosted me. She had a son too, I was not planning to be his father, but I was looking forward to being a part of his life. It's still a bit tough on me not only for that reason but I also really liked her as well. I'm here if you want to talk about it more as I said. I hope that with you playing games and watching the series you have been watching are at least making you feel better :)

I hope this panel of Kenshiro smiling makes you smile :)

Edit:The damn pick of Ken won't show up!!! I'm sorry
Tommy_Wiseau_03 Dec 14, 2024 7:51 PM
You're very welcome!! I hear you, it's been a bit of a rollercoaster for me as well. <3

Hey now!! It's ok, we all have things going on so I understand lol

But, what's been up with ya?
Tommy_Wiseau_03 Dec 14, 2024 9:13 AM
Yo Ania!! It's been a bit, I hope you've been doing well :)
Reppocank Dec 13, 2024 7:45 AM
I'm not consistent or avid Bojack and The Simpson enjoyer I do watch em seldomly , oh woooooow~ Y'all got season 3 invincible now??? damn I didn't know damn I didn't even watch season 2

Eah! don't worry about late reply jazz I'm not often online on this site either so we equal~ Yaah I see why y'all younglings are on Anilist , interface and UI there everything they look modern and sleek looks Twitter-esque for Animesite , we here on MAL are just Oldheads clinging to Dinosaur of glory from the past, it looks dead but we are just silent readers hoping y'all younger folks giving us new material of Keks Gigglez and LULzz

Anyway, they've canceled Inside Job show so yeah that show is left unfinished and hanging.
Reppocank Dec 9, 2024 10:11 AM
Ania-chan, NANI IITERU NO??? I'll beatcho ahh ma neegu , Anime is Cartoon , Cartoon is Anime!
The Boondocks, Rick&Morty, Invincible, Avatar, MickeyMouse, Tom&Jerry, Danny Phantom, Adventure Time, StaticShock, FairlyOddParents, SpongeBOB,Hello Kitty, ScoobyDoo and Ben10 are etc GOATED Animu WE'RE THROWING HANDS IF YOU DISAGREE YOU BIGOT!!!! XD

Nah Just Kidding Ania , I'm doing fine my MAL friend...welp can't complain much , praise the Lord no sickness no illness have all my limbs perfectly attached adequate foods drinks a peaceful country, a job , little bit of money and a home, yeah , nothing to complain...millions out there wishing life as me

damn you gorgeous in your pfp!

just checking out all these old convos on my profile came across you~ sorry for sudden visit

yeah I still haven't watch yet The Owl House, sorry bout that too but I will be in future...I watched Amphibia (not my cuppa tea) for awhile , smiling friends , Inside job few others

Reppocank Dec 8, 2024 12:53 PM


AMURRICA IS NOT ANIMUUU They not like us, they not like us, they not like us They not like us, they not like us, they not like us!!
fausifahrial Nov 6, 2024 2:07 PM
Happy birthday! :)
Tommy_Wiseau_03 Sep 20, 2024 5:45 PM
Hey! No worries!! happy belated birthday to your bro :). Sorry for not responding yesterday, I've been tired and sad since Monday :(.

Man...I have no idea what to say to you...I'm a big Lord of the Rings fan, I guess I gotta go to Norway and beat you up for being bored at Star Wars and Lord of the Rings . But to be honest though, never was a Game of Thrones fan XD.

Of Course!! I had fun even though we never recorded anything and there was a lot of content fighting over musical differences. Lol, yes, This time I'll be the frontman and the band leader, I hope so too...the people around aren't interested in making melodic nu metal like me ;(. Vocally I try to sound like Nick Coyle(Lifer) and Jab(Darwins Waiting Room). Awesome! I've always wanted to learn how to play the flute!! I'm a big fan of Indian music which there are a lot of flutes going on. My little sis plays the saxophone! She's in her school's band :). Have you ever been in a band or a music group at school :o? I'll also have to add Blue Giant to my list too! You know a lot of stuff Missy lol. Wow, an athlete I see. I've never played on a team, but I play basketball, football, soccer, wrestling, martial arts, or anything I can get my hands on LMAO. OOF!! I know what it's like to get a basketball to the face LMAO.

Same!! Under The Sun and So Long Ago are my two favorites on Dissconected! <3

Are you scared of the Cartels? Just don't go to the major cities like Tjuaña and Mexico City(the big ones mostly hang around there), also don't go out to late at night. I know!!! I need to visit the Middle East, I just don't know where first to visit LUCKY YOU!! My family has been there...before I was born >:(. Awwww, that's really sweet, what made you cry? I have family in Holland too lol, mostly through my family that's living lives in Peru lol. Yeah...Paris isn't much unfortunately XD. I would love to visit Poland, for Auschwitz as well but also to roam the Carpathian Forest, I want to be a werewolf >:) LMAO.

Well...maybe I am mwhahahaha!! You'll have to tell me how you like it! I hope you enjoy it :) Don't worry about the score, critics can suck my fuck Lmao.

Because I want to gain the powers of a skinwalker and become one . I would too, but it depends on what race the alien is, I know for damn sure I ain't raising a reptilian alien baby XD. Have you had an experience?

It's the most popular genre besides ebony, and yes I can confirm, they are freaky as hell LMAO.

Ok, That's true, but I also love me some titties too, gotta show them love . I'm trying my best!! thankfully though, I've been gaining a bit recently :)
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