^_^ Ciaossu~!!
I'm AngelicNirvana and here some facts about me XD
My favorite genres for anime are Mecha, Shonen, Comedy, and Slice of life
As for manga genres I prefer shojo/romance, slice of life and comedy with some action.
I love most male characters while it's very rare for me to like girl characters but when I do find some female chars that I like, they usually stay my favorites.
I'm a HUGE cosplay nerd XD I love everything about cosplay, and going to conventions, If I had the chance that's all I'd do is go around to cons and cosplay. The people you meet are so awesome and you really connect with people who share your interests ^_^ that's probably why I love it so much.
Also, I have a bad habit of starting animes and not finishing them, over the past year I've improved in that area but I can't help it if I lose interest >_<"
I'm not a hardcore gamer but I do have a strong addiction/love for Final Fantasy, DDR, and almost any Fighter game like Street Fighter, King of fighters, Tekken, etc....... and who says girls don't like violence XP lol
I love Yu Gi Oh! with a passion I play the TCG and read the manga as well as watch the anime ^_^ It's my guilty pleasure haha
But overall I'm just a Senior in high school whose never been kissed, never had her heart broken and probably has her head in the clouds too much for her own good, I draw like a madwoman at un-expected times, I fangirl more than ever, and often I wish I could find a guy like in one of my fave shojo series to come sweep me off my feet, lol

SO that's it about me!!!
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Today, 17 April, so we have a Holiday again ! - Rei birthday !!!
Next, all as usual : D here.
^ ^
Today, 6 March, and this means that Michiru birthday !!!
Next, you already all know : D here.
^ ^
Today, 27 January, and this means that Haruka birthday !!!
Next, you already know : D here.
^ ^
Today, 6 January, and this means that Hotaru birthday !!!
Next, you already know : D here.
^ ^
In general, today me somehow laziness that either write, because You already know that there will be written.
Orders Happy New Year Card ))
^ ^
Hello dear members, we're trying to revive this club again from the dead, and so we decided to create a member cards discussion, which consists of members who wish to make member cards post their templates there after a few people join in we'll create a voting, you'll have more information about the voting later on ^^, hope to see you all in the club XD
P.S: No link to the thread, don't get lazy and go visit the club yourself xP, we have a new layout as well XD
(just click on the pic you have above and it'll take you to the club)
Click on the banner to go to 3rd round of The Best Tomboy Tournament :D
This is Mass-Comment from Tomboy/ Feminist Anime Girls Club
And I'm glad to tell you that our club is (more or less) alive again ;D
So~~ the first round of The Best Tomboy Tournament is now closed and the results are:
4th place - de Beaumont Lia (16 votes)
3rd place - Balsa (18 votes)
2nd place - Chiemi Yusa (21 votes)
And the 1st place - MISORA NAOMI (30 votes)
Cheers for the winner :DD
The second round is open so please come and vote HERE
And as always please be active in the club and if you noticed that your fave Tomboy character isn't in club relations , tell us who and why should we add :)
Have a nice day filled with anime and CHEERS FOR ALL THE TOMBOYS AND FEMINISTS OUT THERE ! :D
Hello ! (and sorry for spamming your comments ^^''')
I have a great news ! Our club has become more active again ! So , you too , try to be more active ! Let's revive the club all together ! >:3
And for that - the club got it's first big Best Tomboy Character Tournament !!!
First round has started ! So please , vote for your favorite here , because every vote counts ;)
Also , if some of the characters are missing from club relations , please tell us which characters are they , and WHY do you think they should be added :)
And if you haven't noticed , our club has some affiliates now...*shamlessly promoting other clubs* >:3