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Days: 77.2
Mean Score: 7.66
  • Total Entries386
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Dec 8, 2015 2:54 PM
Completed 24/24 · Scored 8
Ghost Hunt
Ghost Hunt
Dec 4, 2015 1:18 PM
Completed 25/25 · Scored 8
Death Parade
Death Parade
Nov 25, 2015 8:45 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 8
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Days: 0.9
Mean Score: 8.20
  • Total Entries28
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  • Chapters97
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Manga History Last Manga Updates
Dec 20, 2014 4:49 PM
Reading -/59 · Scored -
Dec 20, 2014 3:41 PM
Reading 71/125 · Scored 9
Kimi ni Todoke
Kimi ni Todoke
Mar 23, 2014 3:26 PM
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KlapKlap Jun 23, 2016 9:33 AM
KlapKlap Jun 11, 2015 2:42 PM

VIP til fryseren fortsatt eller?
Dosick Jan 8, 2015 7:41 AM
What sup. HAPPY NEW YEARS! It has been sooooooooo long since I been on here. How have you been. I been really busy with work, family, and basically everything you can think of. I haven’t had time to watch much anime either  (but I have been playing dragon age it is soooooo good)….. I don’t even know what is good this season. Any suggestions????
littlemisshinta Jan 4, 2015 8:55 AM
Lol. same here. its not that i don't want to move to Norway, its just that my VISA didn't get approved. :( i'm from the beautiful but extremely hot country of the Philippines. ^^

thats great. i guess being such a huge One Piece fan, i just wanted to know if One Piece is Popular in Norway. :)
Dosick Sep 22, 2014 9:37 PM
Whats up! I haven't been on here in a looooong time. How is things going in Norway. Over here everything is about the same. Have you played Destiny yet? So far that game have devoured my life sloooooowly lol. I havent been feeling this season of anime to much..... Do you have any good suggestions. I currently watching Katanagatari and that is about it
littlemisshinta Jul 29, 2014 2:49 AM
hi! sorry for the very late reply. im doing great thanks. :) Sadly though, im not moving into Norway anymore. :(
anyway, just out of curiosity, whats the most popular anime in Norway?
KlapKlap Jul 24, 2014 8:22 AM
Regner med at jeg hvar ikke den eneste som tok Code geass r2 ending in the feels. Siden du ga den en 10. Samma med clannad og ano hana. Ser du ga kanon 2006 en 9. Ganske sensitive animer du har.

Jeg håper du kommer til og se ef: A Tale of Memories og Melodies. Sammen med above, kommer de alltids til og ha et plass i hjertet mitt. Har ikke set noen av de siden 2012, men de er med meg.

Can't be helped, please become my friend~
KlapKlap Jul 24, 2014 7:26 AM
Sorry, varmen gikk til huet mitt. Kom akkurat ned til en venn og det er 30+ grader her inne. Jeg må hjertelig takke deg, siden jeg spiser Norvegia ost hver dag på toast min. :) haha.

Sant det, Fate/stay remake kommer nå. Den skal jeg hvertfall se. Makishima var ganske awesome antagonist spør du meg.

Det pleide og gå 50+ episodes hver uke får meg før.

Jeg bor i risør, du?
KlapKlap Jul 24, 2014 6:34 AM
Hehe, har AC hjemme selv. Men akkurat nå er den nesten ubrukelig. Selv om den har vert på i timer så er det over 20 grader:/. Men jeg regner med at Melk må jo hvere ganske kjølig, så du blir det og :P Heldig der. Min AC er ganske gammel, thus mitt heat rampage.

Hm, har ikke set så mye i det siste. Så akkurat D-frag i går, veldig moro anime. Som du ser så er lista mi litt stor (ikke noe som kan sammenligne med de største watcherne der ut) men jeg pleide og få med meg meste parten av airings i 2011/2012 Anime hyped døde litt ut kan du si.

Følger med på psycho-pass second season da, siden jeg stor likte den første. Duda, favorite this season?

P.S ser du anime i TINE fryseren? hvis du har plass til en til så vil jeg gjerne være med in :P
KlapKlap Jul 23, 2014 8:59 PM
Valdez Jul 21, 2014 7:39 AM

Shiroku¤Highschool is Rebooting

Dear gracious member of Shiroku¤Highschool,

It has been a long time since the club was last active. I am officially rebooting the club and school is restarting now. New challenges will be brought up for you, this is a brand new beginning and all that’s waiting for you is to click here

We looked forward to your re-joining.

Best Regards,
The community of Shiroku¤Highschool

wumbmasta Jun 26, 2014 10:05 AM
thank you so much!
Dosick Jun 25, 2014 7:26 PM
Oh yeah I also rewatched Kyoukai no Kanata. And I must take back the thing I told you about the anime. You HAVE to watch it lol.
Dosick Jun 25, 2014 3:22 PM no game no life ED you cant tell you don't love it! lol
Dosick Jun 25, 2014 3:18 PM
Hey what is up long time no talk. I was going to write you back earlier but my computer ended up crashing in the progress . But yeah me I have been good lately. Yeah I really liked Boku Minna Kawaisou I was hoping it wouldn’t take the School Rumble road and just be an endless loop with no real progression, but hey it is still good either way (I LOVED school rumble by the way lol). I do still have 1 more episode to watch so I will see. Yeah I will have to say that my mind wasn’t blow this spring but there were some good ones. No game no life was really good plus that ED!!!! OMG I LOVE IT SOOOOOOO MUCH! Soul Eater NOT! Is eh so so. My friend ask me if Soul Eater NOT! Is yuri (he loves yuri anime) and I told he yes it is. He later found out it wasn’t and he got mad at me lol. Yes Gokukoku no Brynhildr was really interesting to me and that includes the OP. Probably my third fave this season. Yeah I have been told to watch Elfen Lied but I have a hard time watching older anime. Yeah I currently got my friend so hooked on Golden Time that he won’t even play some Borderlands 2 with me lol. I am planning a rewatch for Golden Time it was good.

OMG I loved Toaru Kagaku no Railgun and the sister arc. I loved the atmosphere the anime was giving off (definitely not the part with accelerator ripping of Misaka clones leg lol) the music was really good though I think they could have come up with something better than playing all the OP at the end of the final arc. Ruiko Saten was definitely the most enjoyable character in the anime. She also proves you don’t always need special powers or special feats to be a valuable asset. Oh man that fripSide song is really good, thanks! Idk why but I am addicted to the Soul Eater NOT! OP lol. Kanon, didn’t they make a parody of that anime in The Worlds Gods Only Knows? Well I am going to have to check it out too.

OMG Haiyore Nyaruko-San was a terrible anime but the OP of the second season OMG! Just thinking about it get it stuck in my head. But that OP is from an anime called Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? Pretty much it is just like No game No Life but it came out before no game no life Oh yeah idk if you have seen Hitsugi no Chiaka from this spring season but it’s pretty good u should check it out if you have time. But yeah I am going to have to go buy I got 2 last thing to say first what is GTG training and the second is VOCALOID IS MY NEW ADDICTION LOL.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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